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Student Information System (SIS) Report

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Presentation on theme: "Student Information System (SIS) Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Information System (SIS) Report
Presentation to the UTFAB November 4, 2015 Bob Engmark, Director, Information Systems Rusty Scott, Executive Associate Director ACNS Chris Seng, Director, Registrar’s Office Good afternoon everyone, Thank you for the invitation and opportunity to give an update. I represent many staff in this report and these are talented folks that keep student systems operations running term after term.

2 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
Agenda SIS review Progress and Challenge Future path Funding review Questions While the agenda is simple, there is much to cover. I will hit things at a very high level. Please understand many of these items are major initiatives and require months of planning, coordination and implementation time. Giving you detail in slides but won’t cover much of it. 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

3 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
SIS Background: Collaboration with UTFAB began in 2004 ACNS, Information Systems, Enrollment & Access Goal to update student system infrastructure Project includes hardware, software and staff Unique partnership involving many systems ARIES – The Student Information System, Document Imaging, Workflow, Degree Audit Reporting, Course Roadmaps, Others… Web Portal Layers ARIESweb – Faculty and Staff self-service RAMweb and RamRecords – Student and former student self-service FAMweb – Parents or trusted individuals Mobile We, utfab and csu, colab began in Some of us were here then. Your funding supports hardware, software and staffing, systems and databases Very large infrastructure, not like a building you see everyday but a foundational part of any higher education institution. Let’s look back to part of the presentation from 2003/4 at what drove this partnership: Aged student system, ISIS, requires replacement 15 years old - not a modern, “real-time” system Very intensive of staff time; limits progress in other areas Runs on a mainframe together with FRS and several other applications The SIS needs dedicated hardware RAMweb (quasi-portal) Complex interactions with eID and ISIS System “constraints” exceeded Aug. 03, Jan. 04, … See handout “RamWeb Overview, Spring 2004” Additional enhancements very difficult due to ISIS and staffing limitations SSN not used as Student PID Closer to 24 x 7 access to RAMweb services New web registration system Degree Audit (GUIDE) on the web Improved/integrated advising support for faculty and students Fewer places to maintain personal data Example - addresses integrated into one system More web service options 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

4 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
SIS Users Departments across campus Academic Departments Accounts Receivable Admissions Advising (CASA) Graduate School Online Plus (Continuing Education) Registrar’s Office Student Financial Services People Students Faculty, advisors, staff Recruits Alumni Parents You should know that the SIS supports all on campus in one way or another. Many use SIS without knowledge…example is emergency alert text message. Info stored in SIS 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

5 Fall 2015 University Enrollment
Undergraduate 21,010 23,009 Graduate 4,008 PVM 549 Employee 514 Guest 96 CSU Online 3,264 Study Abroad 168 Others 628 Total 32, (Fall 2014 – 31,725) Also 1,172 banner users and 3,024 ariesweb and then ODS. Important to highlight this affects all students Grouped this way for reporting purposes Also affects the work of 3090 who have some type of system access. 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

6 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
SIS Usage Examples RAMweb Degree Audits AY 14/ ,841 Transcripts sent AY14/15: 28,278 Transcripts processed AY 14/ ,110 Financial Aid Processed AY 14/15 ~$275,000,000.00 Course sections scheduled AY 14/15 16,894 ARIESweb Student page hits AY 14/ ,364,771 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

7 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
RAMweb logins by year Logins Year 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

8 Summary of Recent Activities
Hardware/software upgrades, numerous! Banner XE modules (including faculty grade entry) New online University Catalog Curriculum management systems for courses and majors (impacts Registration) RAMweb Code update and new user interface planning University Withdrawal Worksheet for GI Bill recipients 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

9 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
More completed… System enhancements and changes Certificates, UG and GR , transcript, printed certificate New law, resident tuition rates for all veterans Transition to external provider for diploma printing Improve system codes for tracking veterans Integrate cross discipline academic unit organizations (majors not tied to a specific department or college) Online form/workflow for University withdrawal Banner/Slate integration Alaska/CSU DVM program 135 other team tasks related to SIS by Registrar staff 327 team tasks completed by Information Systems 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

10 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
The August 24, 2015 Story 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

11 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
How Ramweb Works 2/15/2019 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

12 When Services Stopped…
Analyzed network traffic (firewall, load balancer) Studied web servers (CPU and Memory) Monitored the database for CPU and Memory issues Evaluated the storage system for I/O issues 2/15/2019 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

13 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
2/15/2019 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

14 The Problem, our Response
The Database server for Banner was overloaded. One particular piece of Banner code was called 65 million times causing a bottleneck on the CPU. Corrective Measures Increase CPU from 4 cores to 6 cores Remove offending Ellucian code from RamWeb Consult with Ellucian Move from AIX to Linux to increase processing power (over semester break) 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

15 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
Results 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

16 Initiatives underway…
2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

17 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
Projects Banner 8 and XE upgrades Next Major version of Student System 2-3 year implementation Upgrades every quarter, staff intensive RAMweb redesign Four year course planner IPAS-2 Advisor portal enhancements Gradesfirst integration Additional data for advising support 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

18 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
Semester at Sea CSU is academic partner beginning Fall 2016 and forward SaS students are CSU students Integration with CSU SIS: Registration, courses, faculty, transcript all support by CSU Key Project Milestones Feb 1, 2016 Load SaS students to SIS March SaS class schedule available May Registration in RAMweb Sept 11, 2016 voyage begins Dec 22, 2016 voyage ends and final grades submitted Dec 30, 2016 Transcripts mailed to home institution 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

19 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
RAMweb New backend architecture New User Interface… Time for an upgrade Both the code base and UI User Interface Layer (UI) is the layer that the Students/Faculty accesses directly, i.e. the web pages. Business Logic Layer (BL) is the layer that contains the business rules and data validation, i.e. Planned Leave is not available to Graduate Students. Data Access Layer (DAL) is where the connections and access to the data sources are stored. Our environment will require two DAL’s, one for SQL Server and one for Oracle. This will centralize common data access functionality making the application secure, easier to configure and maintain. 3-tier Architecture Changes User Interface (UI) - the web pages Business Logic (BL) - business rules and data validation Data Access (DAL) - accessing data from multiple sources Completion target, calendar 2015 Improves security and eases ongoing maintenance 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

20 RAMready New Student Checklist
2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

21 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
RAMweb UI 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

22 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
RAMmobile… ~4,000 active users ~24,213 unique Top Usage CSU Maps Schedule (Daily View)  Academic Alerts Down the road… Registration Student finances 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

23 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
FY 16 Funding FY16 Total Budget $1,713,546 (UTFAB + Univ match + I.S. support) FY16 UTFAB Support $689,789 Any additional costs absorbed centrally University matches UTFAB support 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

24 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
Projected SIS Budget * - Projected Budget 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

25 UTFAB Funding Criteria
1. Benefit as many students as possible All students at CSU are benefiting. 2. Ability to effectively utilize the fee Your decision. 3. Not funded by CFT Check. 4. Adherence to budget and accountability 5. Potential for direct student use Absolutely. 6. Effort, thought & clarity in the plan 7. Quantitative usage data Several examples 8. Financial co-sponsorship 60% of total funded by the University. 9. Central/distributed balance 10. Cost/benefit ratio 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

26 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
Summary We appreciate your continued support of the project The UTF and student support provided the original impetus for the project The SIS is critical core infrastructure The systems are performing exceptionally well and meeting all demands for service Thank you for your support! 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

27 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation
Questions… are most welcome. Interested in volunteering to help test the new registration module in RAMweb? Contact 2/15/2019 UTFAB SIS Fall 2015 Presentation

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