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Mrs. Kline’s Daily Journal Question:

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1 Mrs. Kline’s Daily Journal Question:
Is there a difference between a Direct Democracy and a Republic?

2 Define Direct Democracy from looking at this picture

3 Define, in your own words, a Republic.

4 The Founding of Rome Romulus was Rome's first king and the city's founder The Sabines Romulus permitted men of all classes to come to Rome as citizens, including slaves and freemen without distinction. Patricians The Etruscans Romulus was Rome's first king and the city's founder It is said he kidnapped women from a neighboring tribe, the Sabines, to populate Rome. The king of the Sabines, Titus Tatius helped Romulus until his death. Romulus permitted men of all classes to come to Rome as citizens, including slaves and freemen without distinction. Romulus selected 100 of the most noble men to form the Roman senate as an advisory council to the king. These men he called patres, and their descendants became the Patricians. The Etruscans were a group that, in social standing, were just below the Patricians

5 The Senate Under the monarchy, the Senate possessed very little power and authority The chief function of the Senate The king was, by custom, to seek the advice of the Senate on major issues. Only the king possessed the power to convene the Senate Under the monarchy, the Senate possessed very little power and authority as the king held most of the political power of the state and could exercise those powers without the Senate's consent. The chief function of the Senate was to serve as the king’s council and be his legislative coordinator. The king was, by custom, to seek the advice of the Senate on major issues. However, it was left to him to decide what issues, if any, were brought before them and he was free to accept or reject their advice as he saw fit. Only the king possessed the power to convene the Senate, except during the interregnum (time without a king), during which the Senate possessed the authority to convene itself.

6 The Seven Kings Romulus Numa Pompilius Tullus Hostilius Ancus Marcius
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius Lucius Tarquinius Superbus

7 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus The Last King
Tarquinius used violence, murder, and terrorism to maintain control over Rome. By 510 BC he was taken out of office and the Republic formed Tarquinius removed and destroyed all the Sabine shrines and altars from the Tarpeian Rock, enraging the people of Rome. A sex scandal brought down the king. Allegedly, Tarquinius allowed his son, Sextus Tarquinius, to rape Lucretia, a patrician Roman. Sextus had threatened Lucretia that if she refused to copulate with him, he would kill a slave, then kill her, and have the bodies discovered together, thus creating a gigantic scandal. Lucretia then told her relatives about the threat, and subsequently committed suicide to avoid any such scandal. Lucretia’s kinsman, Lucius Junius Brutus (ancestor of Marcus Brutus), summoned the Senate and had Tarquinius and the monarchy expelled from Rome in 510 BC.

8 What social issues lead Rome to become a Republic?
You are now a Public Policy Analyst. Your charge is to examine why Rome became a Republic. Fill out Worksheet #1 Tarpeian Rock

9 QUIZ!!!!!!!! Rome is a Republic What it was like in the Roman Republic
As you view the Brain Pop, complete the Vocabulary Sheet. After viewing the Brain Pop, complete the Graphic Organizer. QUIZ!!!!!!!!

10 North Syracuse Junior High School
Re-visit the Journal Is there a difference between a Direct Democracy and a Republic? Mrs. Kline North Syracuse Junior High School

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