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Vocabulary Unit 10.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 10

2 Acquiesce You must acquiesce to your parents in order to get the car on Friday night.

3 Allure The alluring smells from the kitchen made me hungry.

4 Askew When my mom looked at me askew, I knew I had done something wrong.

5 Blithe Students show blithe happiness on the last day of school.

6 Contentious Contentious people are not content with anything.

7 Covet It is immoral to covet another person’s husband or wife.

8 Crestfallen Al Gore was utterly crestfallen when he found out that he had lost the presidency.

9 Disheveled Disheveled desks should be cleaned off with a shovel.

10 Exponent Paul McCartney is a strong exponent of vegetarianism.

11 Garrulous It is annoying to sit next to a garrulous person on a plane.

12 Insuperable For most, climbing Mt. Everest is an insuperable feat.

13 Lamentable Last semester was a lamentable one.

14 Misnomer The title of the story “Happy Ending” is a misnomer.

15 Profess They professed their undying love for each other.

16 Respite Spring break will be a nice respite in the middle of the semester.

17 Retribution You will wash the car every week this summer in retribution for throwing eggs at it.

18 Sinuous Lake Shore Drive is a sinuous road along the lakefront in Chicago.

19 Sonorous The sonorous music was intoxicating.

20 Vanguard Quentin Terantino was considered a vanguard with his movie Reservoir Dogs.

21 Wastrel Wastrels are very wasteful.

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