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Mobile Fluoroscopy Based on:

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1 Mobile Fluoroscopy Based on: Syllabus on Fluoroscopy Radiation Protection, 6th Rev. By: Radiologic Health Branch – Certification Unit PPT created by: Jed Miles, BSRS, RT(R), CRT-CA

2 Structural Provisions
Structural shielding requirements for fluoroscopic units is for scattered radiation shielding and is generally minimal if any, since the entire x-ray beam is intercepted by the image receptor Certain regulatory provisions should be noted If mobile equipment is to be used in one location, shielding must be provided as for a fixed installation If mobile equipment is routinely used in operating rooms, appropriate structural shielding must be provided for these rooms Structural shielding = radiation attenuation material built into the walls of the room

3 Equipment Provisions (C-arm)
Basic regulatory provisions regarding mobile fluoroscopic equipment Inherent provisions must be made so that the machine cannot be operated at a source-to-skin distance of less than 30cm (12 inches) Use spacer attached to tube/collimator assembly on c-arm Image intensification must be provided Conventional fluoroscopic screens not permitted It shall be impossible to energize the useful beam of a mobile fluoroscopic unit unless the entire beam is intercepted by the image receptor

4 Equipment Provisions (C-arm)
Maximum permissible dose rate of 5 rads/min may not be exceeded as measured at 30 cm (12 inches) from input surface of fluoroscopic image assembly Personnel monitoring is required for all persons operating mobile x-ray equipment Protective aprons of a least 0.25 mm lead equivalent must be worn if one is likely to receive 5 millirads/hr or more (notice this one is rads/hour) When observance of motion is not necessary, use of an image storage video disc recorder with “electronic radiography” or “last image hold” will significantly reduce patient and operator exposure

5 Boost Position or High Level Output Control
When a boost position or high level output control button is provided on a mobile fluoroscope to increase the maximum exposure level First: use “normal” fluoro mode to locate and center the area of interest Second: use boost mode only when it is necessary to achieve the quality of image required

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