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JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey, Ed.D.

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1 JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey, Ed.D.
7th Edition Take Hold of Your Future Session 14: Transitionss JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey, Ed.D.

2 Objectives At the end of this session, students will be able to:
Describe the concept of transition, its meaning, impact, and management. Apply the transition model to possible future situations. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-2

3 Definitions Transition – an event or non-event that results in change.
Event – something that happens. Non-event – something that you wanted to have happen, but it didn’t. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-3

4 Transitions Have a significant effect on: Life roles. Relationships.
Routines. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-4

5 Managing Transitions [A four-step model]
Analyze the Situation. Analyze your Self. Assess your Supports. Draft a Strategy (action plan). Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-5

6 Situation (S1) On a scale of 1-10, how significant are its effects?
Do you have options? Do you have time to adjust to the transition? Are the results of the transition permanent? Do you have any kind of control over the transition? Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-6

7 Self (S2) Have you had past successful experience in dealing with transitions? Do you have strong coping skills? Do you have ways to relax? Do you have good decision-making skills? Do you have a positive outlook on life? Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-7

8 Supports (S3) Do you have the support of your family and/or friends?
Are there other kinds of supports – such as material resources or agencies – that can help? Do you know how to ask for support when you need it? Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-8

9 Strategies (S4) Can you identify alternatives?
Can you draft a plan to reach a goal that would help you through the transition? Can you break the goal into small action steps? Can you make a time line for action steps? Can you be persistent in following the plan? Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-9

10 Discussion of a Transition
Its impact on life roles, relationships, routines, or self. Its severity, including whether it was planned or unplanned. Its timing and degree of permanence. The alternatives considered in handling the situation. The resources used in choosing among alternatives. The alternative chosen and why. The strategy(ies) adopted in coping. Outcomes – positive or negative. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 14-10

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