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Physics Astronomy Introduction Am I in the Right Place? Eric Carlson

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Physics Astronomy Introduction Am I in the Right Place? Eric Carlson “Eric” “Professor Carlson” Olin 306 Flexible Hours (o) (c) Everyone Pick Up Syllabus 1/14

2 Website for This Class
Everything for this class is on the class website Link to form if you need to add the class or change lab section Links for all the programs/apps you will need TopHat online voting system (must pay for it) Stellarium program for lab Links to Mastering Astronomy for online homework (must pay for it) Schedule/Reading Assignments for the entire semester Lab Schedule for the upcoming week Information for upcoming tests Old Tests Lectures (after they are given) A few lectures in advance

Can I Add This Class? The class is full – there aren’t seats for more students I can’t add anyone until Friday-ish Between now and Friday, simply add yourself to one of the wait lists for the class There are currently 8 students on wait lists for all sections of this course I am making my own list for use after Friday To put yourself on this list, follow link from class website, or directly type in

4 Dr. Carlson’s Approximate Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00 10:00 research research research 11:00 12:00 PHY 109 office hour PHY 109 office hour PHY 109 1:00 PHY 742 office hour PHY 742 office hour PHY 742 2:00 research research Lab Meeting research 3:00 4:00 research Collins Hall Free food colloquium 5:00 I will try to be in my office Tues. Thurs. 12–2 When in doubt, call/ first

Materials The Essential Cosmic Perspective, 8th edition Pen or Pencil, Calculator Laptop Mastering Astronomy access code associated with text TopHat interactive class-participation software, 4-month subscription Stellarium planetarium software, free of charge Labs for each lab class, printed for free from the web

6 Reading Assignments Date Read Today Secs. 1.1-1.3
There will be reading assignments for every lecture Posted on the web page This corresponds roughly to what I will lecture on that day Once you have completed the reading assignment for the week, you can take the reading quizzes that are on your homework assignments Pretty easy multiple choice questions Date Read Today Secs Wednesday Sec Friday Sec. 2.4, Tuesday Homework A, Intro to Mastering Astronomy

7 Mastering Astronomy Everyone needs to sign up for Mastering Astronomy Log onto website using your access code Sign up for this class: carlson78119 Input your 8-digit student ID (Not the digit after the space) This website is where you will do reading quizzes, other homework, and check your test scores, lab scores, and other information Homework is due at 11:50 pm once per week, usually on Sunday This week it is due on Tuesday, because of the holiday

8 Homework Homework is due at 11:50 pm every Sunday (except this week on Tuesday) You can complete the homework late, but you cannot get credit for it If you think you have a good excuse, let me know and I can grant extensions To get full credit, get it right the first time On 4-way multiple choice, you lose 33% on each failure On most problems, you lose 5% on each failure Hints are also available Tiny bonus if you don’t use hints You may discuss homework with others, but do it yourself Getting homework done for you is honors code violation

9 Class Attendance and Participation
I do not directly grade on attendance (except for today and Wednesday) But I do grade on class participation To participate, you will need the TopHat class participation app, which can be found at Download to laptop or phone You can use this app free for one week, and then you can get reimbursed for about two more weeks Join code is There will typically be multiple choice questions given about three times per class Graded as: 4 points for right, 1 point for wrong, 0 points for no participation Your lowest eight tophat scores will be dropped This allows you to miss class due to illness, sports events, etc. You don’t need permission, etc. to miss regular classes

Astronomy Labs Olin 105 Once a week, 8-10 PM Day depends on your lab section Cannot go to a different section Labs start this Sunday Taylor Ordines Calculator Laptop Stellarium software (free) Lab Manual – from website Or bring cash Kevin Roebuck

11 Missing Labs What if I miss a lab? TA’s cannot excuse absences
me/call me/text me immediately ( ) If it is scheduled in advance, let me know If you are too sick to call or , doctor’s note To make up a lab: Get a make-up sticker from me Check online for when you can make it up Attend the lab, and put the sticker on your lab Inform your regular TA you have made it up One lab grade is dropped Two if you do the special Lunar Eclipse lab

12 Lunar Eclipse Lab/Party Sunday
There will be a total lunar eclipse this Sunday – Monday Jan There will be a party/lab from Jan :15 pm – Jan :15 am Held in Olin 101 (bad weather) or Olin roof (good weather) Signs will be posted to tell you where to go at the time Attendance is optional, but everyone is encouraged to attend You will be doing a special lab that evening Download and print it from the lab page in advance This lab will be substituted for your lowest lab Effectively, if you do this lab, your two lowest lab grades are dropped

13 Your final is Friday May 3
Exams 33 Multiple Choice questions 66 for final Emphasize Concepts All formulas provided Exam Date Length Test 1 February 6 33 Q Test 2 March 6 33 Q Test 3 April 5 33 Q Final May 3 66 Q Formulas in red boxes are on the test Your final is Friday May 3 Plan Accordingly Absences from Exams: Call me/ me immediately ( ) If you are too sick to call, doctor note Schedule make-up time with me The normal penalty for cheating is an irreplaceable F in the course and one term suspension from WFU.

14 If you fail Lab, you fail the course!
Grading Scheme Grading Breakdown Exams: 1 314% Final % Homework 15% Labs % Class Part % Grading Scale: A 94% C 73% A- 90% C- 70% B+ 87% D+ 67% B 83% D 63% B- 80% D- 60% C+ 77% F <60% If you fail Lab, you fail the course! Usually round grades, no other curving

15 Bad Weather / Pandemic Plans
If school is closed temporarily for any reason will be sent telling you what we are doing Lecture notes will still be provided on the website Possibly videos will be provided If there is an emergency shutdown of the school: Check the website for instructions: Check your Call me at home: Call my cell:

16 Units in Astronomy 1. Understanding Arc-Minutes and Arc-Seconds Time s
min = 60 s hr = 60 min day = 24 hr yr = day kyr = 103 yr Myr = 106 yr Gyr = 109 yr Distance m m = 10-6 m km = 103 m AU = 1.5108 km ly = 0.9461013 km kly = 103 ly Mly = 106 ly Gly = 109 ly (pc = 3.26 ly) Angles degrees 1o arc-minute 1' = o arc-second 1" = ' 1. Understanding Arc-Minutes and Arc-Seconds

17 The Calendar is Based on the Sky
The day The Sun rises and sets every day The year The Sun’s altitude in the sky changes over the year The month Moon cycles through its phases roughly every 29.5 days The week Days of the week are named after celestial objects Sunday Sun Monday Moon Tuesday Mars Mardi Wednesday Mercury Mercredi Thursday Jupiter Jeudi Friday Venus Vendredi Saturday Saturn

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