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American Gov’t The Congress – Part II

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1 American Gov’t The Congress – Part II

2 Chamber of the House

3 The “Average” Congressman…
13 were born outside the US’ BORDERS White Male 50’s in the House & 60 in the Senate Married 2 kids Lots are lawyers (why lawyers?) Most were born in the state that they represent Average tenure: 4.9 terms in the House: 1.9 terms in the Senate

4 Characteristics of Congress
Occupation Other than lawyers, there are a couple of doctors and vets, a handful of “career politicians,” ministers, some businessmen, several educators, and a few with military backgrounds, pro athletes, stay-at-home moms, radio talk show hosts, etc. Education 95% hold university degrees 27 members have only a high school diploma 21 have a PhD Average Age Senate: 62 House: 56

5 Other Characteristics of Congress
Religion Catholic (29%) or Protestant Variations (44%) Gender 84% Male (447) & 16% Female (88) Race African American: Senate - 0% & House - 10% Hispanic: Senate: - 2% & House - 6% Islanders: Senate – 2% & House – 2% American Indian – Senate – 0%, House – 1 guy Birth 13 were born outside the US

6 Congressional Party Numbers
Reminder: Party with the most is the “controlling party” Congressional Party Numbers HOUSE Republicans – 242 Democrats – 192 Independents – 0 SENATE Democrats – 51 Republicans – 47 Independents – 2 434!? What about 435!? 2?

7 112th Congress by Representative’s District
Republican Democrat

8 Senate Make-up of 112th Congress
1 Republican 1 Democrat 2 Republicans 1 Independent 1 Democrat 2 Democrats

9 Congressional Compensation
Senate Leaders: $193,400 Senators: $174,000 House Speaker: $223,500 Leaders: $193,400 Reps: $174,000 27th Amendment – Congressional Salaries… Other Stuff They Get: Tax Breaks, Travel, Staff, and Housing Allowances, money to help them pay for staff members, full medical coverage, free mail (franking), pension plan ($150K for life), gym membership, nice restaurants, parking, among other things.

10 Growth of the Congress’ Salary
House and Senate Salaries House Senate Salary 1789 – 1795 $6 per diem January 1855 $8 per diem January 1910 $7,500 January 2010 $174,000

11 Leadership in the House
Established by the Constitution Leadership in the House Speaker of the House John Boehner, OH Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, CA Majority Leader Eric Cantor, VA Minority Whip Majority Whip Speaker of the House – Most powerful member, leads the majority party, decides what the House works on and when Floor Leaders – Party Official NOT House Official, keep their party “on-task” Floor Whips – Helpers of the Leaders, “Assistants” – Party Position, not House position 1st woman to be the Speaker of the House

12 Leadership in the Senate
Established by the Constitution Joe Biden Vice President President Pro Tempore Daniel Inouye, HI Majority Leader Harry Reid, NV Majority Whip Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, KY Minority Whip Usually the senior member of the majority party President Pro-Temp of the Senate presides over the Senate when the VP is not there Majority and Minority Leaders are the most important – keep their party working together

13 FYI… Test on Tuesday 50 Questions
If you straighten out the average metal coat hanger it would be 44 inches long.

14 The job of the leaders Organize and unify party members
Schedule work for members (this is huge) Get their party there for important votes Distribute / Collect information Keep the House / Senate in-touch with the president Influence lawmakers to support their party’s platform

15 Job Description Legislators Represent their Constituents
Make & debate potential laws Represent their Constituents Constituents: those in their state or district Major items: Troops in Afghanistan / Health Care Minor Items too – National Wildflower Week How do they make decisions? Conscience Guided Political Party Guided Constituent Guided KNOW THESE

16 Job Description Committee Members Public Servants Politician
All Members are members of congressional committees Screen Bills and Pass them on after research and debate Public Servants If you have an issue they will listen (medal for grandpa, immigration, and everything in between) Politician Work with their party to maintain or gain control

17 The Filibuster: Underdog’s Best Friend
The right to unlimited debate in order to prevent a vote If the minority doesn’t want the bill to pass they will take control of the floor and use a filibuster – (stall tactics) Not used in the House – only the Senate Can be stopped by 3/5s votes for “cloture” Cloture – Each member can only speak for 1 hour Longest ever – Strom Thurmond: 24 hrs and 18 mins A group of Senators could go on for weeks or months Started back in Roman Times In recent history they have limited debate to 30 hours

18 Strom after his 24+ hour tirade
Historic Filibusters Last real filibuster was in 1992 – Alfonse D’Amato – 15 hours, 14 minutes (By the way…He went for more than 23 hours back in 1986) Huey Long spoke for more than 15 hours too. Read recipes, and other non-sense Strom after his 24+ hour tirade

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