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English Reformation.

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1 English Reformation

2 English Royal House

3 Spanish Royal House

4 Wars of the Roses 1455-85 House of York vs. House of Lancaster Cousins
Fought for control of throne Yorks won and systematically murdered all Lancasters

5 Henry( Tudor) VII (1485-1509) Last surviving Lancaster
Won the Battle of Bosworth in 1485

6 Tudors Marriage of Elizabeth of York and Henry Tudor
Last York princess forced to marry last Lancaster heir Goal was to prevent another civil war

7 Tudors Oldest son was named Arthur (b. 1486)
Marriage treaty with Spain Agreed to marry Catherine of Aragon (daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella)

8 Marriage Marriage took place in November, 1501
Arthur died in April, 1502

9 Catherine of Aragon (b. 1485)
Catherine brought a huge dowry to bankrupt England Henry VII didn’t want to repay it

10 Henry VIII To save the dowry, Henry VII offered his son Henry (b. 1491) to Catherine

11 Marriage Claimed original marriage to Arthur had never been consummated Made request for Papal dispensation based on this Pope controlled by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Nephew of Catherine

12 Marriage Both sides agreed to the marriage, but it did not take place until 1509 – after Henry became king Several sons – all died in childbirth or within a few months (4 boys and 2 girls) One daughter, Mary, survived

13 Sons!!! Henry desperately wanted sons to succeed him
Wanted to prevent another civil war Viewed woman rulers as easily manipulated By 1527, Catherine unable to have more children

14 Henry VIII In 1527 Henry requested a divorce from the Pope

15 Anne Boleyn Met Anne Boleyn Daughter of a noble family
Began an affair in 1520s

16 Divorce Pope refused to grant divorce Catherine was Aunt of Charles V
Henry wanted to marry Anne to provide for male heirs Kept sending emissaries to the Pope

17 English Reformation 1534 – Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy - Made Henry VIII head of the Church of England “the King, our sovereign lord, his heirs and successors shall be…the only Supreme head of the Church of England…”

18 Divorce Henry’s first act was to divorce Catherine and marry Anne
Dissolved the monasteries Seized all land and money belonging to the Catholic Church Became the richest man in England

19 Children Henry and Anne had 1 child Elizabeth (b. 1536)
Henry divorced Anne on grounds of adultery Had her executed

20 Wives Jane Seymour (m. 1537) Produced Edward in 1537 Anne of Cleves
divorced Catherine Howard executed Catherine Paar

21 Edward VI 1547-1553 Came to throne at age 12
England ruled by regents – Calvinist Tried to “purify” church

22 Lady Jane Grey 1553 Tried to restore Protestant rule upon Edward’s death Ruled 9 days

23 Mary I Married her younger cousin, King Phillip II of Spain
No children Tried to restore the Catholic Church “Bloody Mary”

24 Mary I

25 Elizabeth I 1558-1603 Ruled 45 years Settled issue of religion
39 Articles in 1571 Transformed England into a world power

26 Tudor Despotism Policy used by Tudors monarchs
Monarchs made policy, Parliament confirmed policy Not absolute monarchy Ruler and Parliament worked together to rule the kingdom

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