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And Then there were none Agatha Christie

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1 And Then there were none Agatha Christie
Document Vocabulary All pictures are from Google Images.

2 sadistic—285 cruel; barbarous; ruthless

3 abhorrent—286 disgusting; despicable

4 prevail—286 win; triumph; succeed

5 ingenious—286 clever; brilliant

6 palpably—286 clearly; evidently

7 exigencies—287 difficulties; demands; requirements

8 waxed—287 grew

9 incongruous—288 bizarre

10 innate—288 deep-seated; ingrained

11 inexorable—288 unstoppable

12 inevitability—288 certainty

13 teetotaler—289 one who does not drink alcohol

14 memsahib—289 a married white or upper-class woman (often used as a respectful form of address by nonwhites)

15 callousness—289 insensitive and cruel disregard for others

16 brethren—290 brothers

17 vigor—290 energy

18 perforce—290 by force of circumstances

19 assuage—290 relieve

20 maudlin—290 romantic; mushy

21 gambit—290 plan

22 peddler—291 vendor; hawker

23 inducing—291 encouraging

24 coping stone—291 finishing touch; crown

25 hypochondriac—292 a person who is often or always worried about his or her own health

26 compromising—292 putting in danger; jeopardizing

27 amoral—293 without morals (ethics)

28 pagan—293 one without a religion

29 ally—294 partner; accomplice

30 gullible—294 naïve; easily fooled

31 inconceivable—294 unbelievable

32 concur—294 agree

33 incriminating—294 damaging; convicting

34 abstracted—294 removed; stole

35 intimated—295 suggested

36 keen—295 enthusiastic

37 plaster—295 adhesive; glue

38 rendezvous—296 get-together

39 corpses—297 dead bodies; cadavers

40 masquerading—297 disguised; impersonating

41 soldered—297 fused

42 chintz—297 a usually glazed printed cotton fabric

43 poised—297 balanced; waiting; steady

44 consequent—298 resulting

45 sufficient—298 enough

46 wardrobe—298 dresser; closet

47 gainsaid—298 contradicted; denied

48 humility—299 humbleness; modesty

49 paradox—299 contradiction; puzzle

50 hocus-pocus—299 magic; fraud

51 brand of cain—299 The curse of Cain and the mark of Cain are phrases that originated from Genesis 4, where God declared that Cain (the firstborn son of Adam and Eve) be cursed for murdering his brother Abel. A mark was put upon him to warn others that killing Cain would provoke the vengeance of God, that if someone did something to harm Cain, the damage would come back sevenfold.

52 accordance—299 agreement

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