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Hear the Subtext Listen, annotate, and analyze the text.

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1 Hear the Subtext Listen, annotate, and analyze the text.
Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Open iTunes U on the iPad. Click on USF Lit2Go and then listen to the Gettysburg Address. Listen to the speech a second time and pay special attention, listening for the refrain (repeated phrase). Return to the home screen on the iPad and open Subtext. In the library, open the Gettysburg Address. Read the speech. Highlight the refrain (hint: its in paragraph 3). Answer the questions about Lincoln’s purpose and who his audience was. Take note of the refrain. You will need to know what it is for the next steps. Return to the home screen and open Popplet. Using the settings tool, “make new popple.” Make a least 4 new popples. In the first popple, type your name, the date, and class period. In the next popple, type the refrain Lincoln used. In another popple, type your understanding of the refrain an the impact it has on the speech. In your fourth popple, provide some visual of what is means that “It is for us to be dedicated…” Add more popples if you desire. Review your work and make any edits necessary. Click “export” and then “save as jpeg.” This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): RI.8.5 Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ Amy Endris School: Molo Middle Grade Level/Subject: ELA Grade 8 Task Card Level: 2 Special Directions/Considerations: I had to download the speech into Subtext. Activity Evaluation: Evaluate student annotation and answers in Subtext. Prerequisites for students: Read story Text being used (from Holt): Gettysburg Address

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