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Forward-looking product-flow approach to waste

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1 Forward-looking product-flow approach to waste
TF MFA Meeting Forward-looking product-flow approach to waste Aldo Femia Istat Luxembourg, May 2012

2 STEP 1 MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 Estimate products available for domestic uses (Apparent consumption: production-exports+imports) by product. Split the Domestic Production of each of the 266 product groups of the Supply table by using the composition by product (eg. at the 8-PRODCOM-digit level for industrial goods) Calculate Apparent Consumption at the most disaggregate level possible, by exploiting the links established with trade statistics

3 Further steps MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 Information has been kindly provided by Statistics Norway on: how much of each product will appear in the waste stream in the years following its production (in % of the total weight) [For the Σ to be 1 for all products, it is necessary to consider products that are embodied in other products , some of which do not emerge in the waste stream in the time window we can consider]; WITH LONG ENOUGH TIME SERIES OF PAST APPARENT CONSUMPTION AT HAND, THIS INFORMATION CAN BE USED TO ESTIMATE POTENTIAL WASTE GENERATION The composition by material of each product (paper; glass; metals…; in % of the total weight, Σ = 1) THIS INFORMATION CAN BE USED TO ESTIMATE POTENTIAL WASTE GENERATION BY MATERIAL (POTENTIAL FOR RECYCLYING )

4 Critical raw materials – steps
MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 Given the estimate of the quantity (tons) of product i available in year j (for j = 2000 to 2010): Determination of average content of critical material k per ton of product i (Cki); Determination of year j’s final domestic uses (Uij) of the products for which Cki > 0 (apparent consumption); Determination of the part of Uij contained in the waste streams of the years j+t (Wi (j+t), t=0,1,2...; ΣtWi (j+t) = Uij) Critical material k contained in Wi (j+t): K(Wi (j+t)) = Cki*Wi (j+t) Critical material k in the waste stream of year h (h=2008 onwards; K(W)h ≈ Σi K(Wi (j+t)) where j+t=h)

5 Example of a similar existing application

6 Example of a similar existing application
MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 In order to predict the waste flows, an input-output approach is used Hybryid IOT

7 Example of a similar existing application

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