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The structure of the SEEA-MFA manual

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1 The structure of the SEEA-MFA manual
Paper presented at the 12th meeting of the London Group Rome, 17 – 19 December 2007 Karl Schoer, Ole Gravgård and Aldo Femia

2 Overview I. Introduction II. Overview over the general structure of the SEEA-MFA III. Classifications and standard tables IV. Structure of the manaual

3 Introduction Background, purpose of the manual

4 II. Overview over the general structure of the

5 Linking the material flows of the SEEA to the economic flows of the SNA
SEEA-MFAcc Conceptual frame Sub-accounts Applications EW-MFAcc Economy-wide material flow accounts (excl. water) Input of materials to and output of materials from the domestic economy by type of material (products, natural resources, eco-system inputs and residuals) Macro-level Aggregated physical and hybrid indicators, modeling Meso-level Sectoral physical and hybrid indi-cators, decomposition analysis, IOT analysis (in-direct effects), raw material equivalents, modeling MSUT/MIOT Monetary supply and use tables by products and economic activities (production, final uses) PSUT/PIOT Physical supply and use tables by type of material (products, natural resources, eco-system inputs, residuals) and by economic (production, final uses) and environmental activities Specific PSUT Physical supply and use tables for specific groups or categories of material, like energy, metals, other mine-rals, water, biotic materials, air emissions, waste Monetary input-output tables Physical input-output tables by material categories


7 II. Classifications and standard tables 1 . Classifications
Proposals: - An environment related standard breakdown for products (CPC) and industries (ISIC) should be developed based by using preferably the 1- , 2 and 3 digit level - For environmental flows the classifications for the Eurostat EW-MFAcc questionnaire should be used - A harmonization of the Eurostat EW-MFAcc product classification should be considered

8 2. Standard tables Proposals:
Starting point is a general frame of supply and use activities (especially standard breakdown of industries) that will be Applied to all specific supply and use tables. The specific PSUT to be defined for the individual sub-accounts will use the format of the general supply and use tables. They will deviate from the general format in two aspects: 1. Only selected materials or groups of material will be included 2. The standard breakdown by material or industries might be specifically disaggregated for each sub-account.




12 IV. Structure of the manual
Chapter 1 Introduction to the SEEA-MFA Chapter 2 The SEEA-MFA framework Basic concepts, principles and characteristics, the SNA, Material flows and the Economy, general framework of physical supply-use and input-ouput tables (PSUT/PIOT) Chapter 3 SEEA-MFA sub-accounts 3.1 EW-MFAcc 3.2 PSUT for specific materials or group of materials (Agricultural and related products, wood and wood products, energy carriers, metals and related products, other minerals and related products, water and waste water, air Emissions, waste, waste water emissions Chapter 4 Analytical approaches based on the specific sub-accounts Indicators, hybrid flow accounts, raw material equivalents Chapter 5 Applying the PSUT tool of SEEA-MFAcc for other types of physical flow accounts 5.1 PSUT for physical service flows (PSFAcc) 5.2 PSUT for material flows related to non-SEEA entities

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