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Ayurveda Herbs and Spice

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1 Ayurveda Herbs and Spice
Mary Sullivan AYS May 17, 2015 5/17/2015

2 Goals today We will use Ayurveda to shine a new light on herbs and spices. Examine how Ayurveda uses herbs and spices to bring balance and promote health. “This coordinated or integrated usage of herbs was based on the ancient Ayurvedic science of herbal energetics. In this is a system for determining the qualities and powers of herbs according to the laws of nature, so that herbs can be used objectively and specifically according to individual conditions” Dr. Vassant Lad & Dr. David Frawley 5/17/2015

3 What is Ayurveda The sister science to yoga and is the science of wellness. Ayuveda seeks balance between opposites. Like creates imbalance Ayurveda looks at the world through the eyes of the elements, dosha and gunas Look at herbs and spice through the elements dosha guanas &6 tastes and their actions in the body. Allopathic Ayurveda use herbs and spice to treat symptoms 5/17/2015

4 Balance Opposite balances like Like unbalances (increases) like…..
This is true for the elements and the tastes and the doshas It is a principle in Ayurveda. 5/17/2015

5 5 ELEMENTS Earth Water Fire Air Ether/Space 2/15/2019 5 5/17/2015

6 Dosha Dosha – 3 dosha are the forces which bind earth, water, fire, air and ether into living flesh. The dosha maintain all normal healthy processes of the body. Imbalance in the dosha is the root of dysfunction and disease. Kapha, Pitta, and Vata are the 3 dosha 5/17/2015

7 Dosha & Elements Kapha earth and water Pitta water and fire
Vata air and ether 5/17/2015

8 Prakruti Prakruiti – ones nature from birth as expressed through the doshas and the elements. Vikruti is ones nature at the moment expressing imbalance or balance with Prakruti 5/17/2015

9 The Gunas 10 pairs of opposites that describe the elements and the dosha, herbs and spice Heavy     ⇔     Light Dull         ⇔     Sharp Cold         ⇔     Hot Oily         ⇔     Dry Smooth ⇔     Rough Dense     ⇔    Porous Soft         ⇔     Hard Static     ⇔     Mobile Cloudy     ⇔     Clear Solid         ⇔     Liquid 5/17/2015

10 Spices & Herbs Qualities of Herbs & Spice in Ayurveda unfold in the body and impact the dosha Taste Rasa Energy Virya Post Digestive Effect Vipaka Actions of the herbs effect symptoms and treat disease. Energe 5/17/2015

11 6 Tastes & 5 elements 3 dosha
Sweet combines earth & water K P Sour … earth & fire KP Salty …… water & fire P Pungent … air & fire VP Astringent …… air & earth VK Bitter …… air & ether V 5/17/2015

12 Energetic Qualities & Dosha
Taste Sweet earth & water Sour earth & fire Salty water & fire Astringent air & earth Pungent air & fire Bitter air & ether Energy Cooling Heating Post Digestive effect sweet sour pungent Dosha Kapha Pitta Vata This is a general guidelines, but there are exceptions….. 5/17/2015

13 Main Actions of Herbs in Ayurveda
Carminative digestive aid celery seed, cardamom, thyme, cloves ,dill, fennel, ginger... almost allspices Expectorant moves phlegm mullen, elderberry, Alterative blood purifier, anti infectious, aloe vera, burdock, red clover Astringent drying turmeric, triphala chicweed, comfrey, honey Hemostatic slow or stop bleeding agrimony, golden seal, mullein, nettle, plantain Vulnerary wound healing aloe vera, self heal, yarrow Demulcents help form a protective barrier licorice root, slippery elm Diaphoretics heating promote perspiration bay leaf, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander Diuretics promote water loss parsley, cilantro, fennel, cinnamon Emmenongogues promote menstruation cinnamon, ginger, parsley, turmeric, asafetida, black pepper Nervines relax or stimulate the nervous system asafetida, basil, garlic, nutmeg, hops, wood betony Stimulants creates activity in a process digestion or tissue ginger, peppers, garlic, clove, cinnamon Adaptogenic helps the body in a nonspecific way to resist stress and come back into balance or homeostasis. Tulsi, Ashwaghanda, Siberian Genseng Courtesy of 5/17/2015

14 Western Examples Herbs
Mint pungent/ cooling/pungent Actions stimulant, diaphoretic, carminative, nervine PK-V+ Licorice sweet, bitter/cooling/sweet Actions demulcent, laxative, sedative VP-K+ Nutmeg pungent/ heating/ slightly pungent Actions astringent, carminative, sedative, nervine VK- P+ Slippery Elm sweet/cooling/sweet Actions nutritive, emollient, expectorant PV-K+ 5/17/2015

15 Food Herbs & Spice in Ayurveda
Spices & culinary herbs are used to balance the properties of the food and support digestion. They are consciously integrated into the daily routine of life. This is the first line of defense for health. Herbs and Herbal preparations are given as necessary to balance the dosha, treat disease and support health. 5/17/2015

16 Herbal Preparation Delivery Systems in Ayurveda
Water Alcohol Oil Milk Ghee Honey Food 5/17/2015

17 Ayurveda Examples Holy Basil Tulsi Triphala Chyawanprash Spiced Oil
CCF tea 5/17/2015

18 Holy Basil Tulsi Taste pungent Energy heating
Ocimum tenuiflorum, also known as Ocimum sanctum, Taste pungent Energy heating Post-digestive effect pungent DoshaBalancing for vata and kapha, may increase pitta. Adaptogenic Photo from 5/17/2015

19 Triphala Three Fruits Containing five of the six tastes (all but salty), Taste sweet, sour, pungent, bitter, astringent Energy neutral Post-digestive effect sweet Dosha Balancing for vata, pitta, and kapha Carminative, immune support, elimination support, antioxidant Dried Fruits in Triphala photo courtesy of 5/17/2015

20 Chyawanprash Carrier Spices & Herbs 36 + or so Cooked for hours
Honey Sugar Ghee Spices & Herbs 36 + or so Amalaki Cinnamon Cooked for hours Recipes Vary Restorative, antioxidant 5/17/2015

21 Spiced Oil Oil and herbs are heated Oil is filtered Examples
Triphala Oil Mahanarayan Oil 5/17/2015

22 CCF Tea Seed Tea to support digestion Cumin Coriander Fennel 5/17/2015

23 Ayurveda & Herbs Integrated into daily diet and health practices
Specific for your individual prakruti aligned with nature Empowers to manage you own wellness 5/17/2015

24 Wheel of Ayurveda Pitta Tendencies
Intelligent, Passionate, deliberate, intense, hot, slightly wet, light, subtle, slowing, mobile, sharp, smooth &clear Salty increases pitta Astringent and Bitter decrease Pitta Doshas in Life Microcosm to Macrocosm Over the Hours of a Day Over the Seasons of the Year Over the Course of a Life Pitta Time fire & water each day Summer (July – October) Midlife (twenties to menopause) Kapha Tendencies Steady, thorough, loving, slow to anger, wet, heavy unctuous, dull, cold, smooth, soft, gross, dense, static & cloudy Sweet increases Kapha Pungent and Bitter decrease Kapha Kapha Time earth & water 6-10 each day Spring (March –June) Childhood (birth – twenties) Vata Time air & ether 2 to 6 each day Season Winter (November - February) Old Age (Post Menopause) Vata Tendencies Visionary Open Minded, light, dry, fearful, hard, irregular, mobile, cold, subtle, sharp, & rough Bitter increases Vata Sweet decreases Vata 5/17/2015

25 Resources Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing by Usha and Dr. Lad
Eat Taste Heal by Chef Johnny Brannigan .com 5/17/2015

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