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Instructed by Chen, Liwen

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1 Instructed by Chen, Liwen
1031 College English I Instructed by Chen, Liwen

2 20141124 Week 10 Overview 8:15 Homework Check: P16, 17
8:25 P19 (Grammar) 12/1 Quiz of Unit 2 Conversation 句子聽寫 12/8 Review Test of Unit 1(all), 2(all), 3 (Lesson A)

3 20141201 Week 11 Overview Quiz of Unit 2 Conversation 句子聽寫
P19 Listening P20 Reading P24 Language patterns used in the past P24 Grammar Practices + your examples. Reminder: Homework: Workbook Unit 3 Page 19 (1%) Dec. 8: Review Test of Unit 1(all), 2 (all), 3 (Lesson A) Dec. 15: 帶讀本,Reading Report 分組(3 人)

4 Unit 2 Reading Guideline
What’s the title about? How many experiences can you find from the format/structure of language? What tenses are used in the experiences? Who were there? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why was it embarrassing?

5 Dec. 8 Week 12 Overview Review of Unit 1, 2 , 3 (Lesson A)
Check workbook: unit 3 - page 19 (1%) Organize groups of reading report 分組(3 人) Reminder Dec. 15: Review Test of Unit 1(all), 2 (all), 3 (Lesson A) Dec. 22/29: Reading Reports; Oral Test Guideline Jan. 5 (?) /12: Final Oral Test

6 Dec. 22/29’s Report (20%) : 8:20-9:40 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 P5-7 7. P 22-25
9. P 29-32(+ activities) P14-17 10. P 33-36(+ activities) P 18-20 11. Introduce 1 author P 21(activities)

7 Reading Report (20%) Guideline
Group No. 1-8, 11: 3 students/group Group No. 9, 10: 4 students/group 12mins for 3 students; 16 mins for 4 students Content of Report (All in English/PPT): Greeting+ Introduction Reading Aloud(about 5 mins) Summary Guideline: guide through the pages Discuss answers of Activities: offer evidence ! Ending Talk/ Conclusion * Plan ahead/ Leader’s role / Collaboration

8 Grading Report og Reading Report
Content: Fluency: intonation; pauses Accuracy: true/false; pronunciation; stress; grammar ;concise 2. Delivery: structure/collaboration/overall performance

9 Oral Summary Report Guideline
Read(Skim) to grab the main idea. Divide the story into several sections/parts. Connect the sections with appropriate transition words(轉折詞). Reread your summary and read it to other group members to get some feedbacks (e.g. understandable?).

10 Reading Report Guideline (continued)
How to Introduce an author: 12 mins (1 group only) Select an author after reading Go online to find the authors’ information Select among the information 3-4 points that you would like to introduce and give supporting points/explanation/ example. Follow the structure of greeting – introduction- points overview – main body- conclusion

11 Schedule Final Oral Test
Jan. 12 Jan. 19 10:12宥/蕎 8:20羿/修 8:20玉/重 10:25蕙/鈞 8:32聿/馥 8:32慧/筠 * 煒/智/子 未排 8:45嚴/巧 8:45秉/耀 8:57翊/庭 8: 57湘/郁 9:15薇/亞 9:15柔/千 9:27怡/孟 9:27萱/錦 9:40妤 9:40家/展 9:55雨/振 10:10哲/彥

12 Final Oral Test Guideline
Scope of the test: Part 2 on page 10, 21 in Tales of Terror + Q: what makes it a good/bad story? Why? Page 125/126 in Four Corners 3A Grading Criteria: 20% Fluency: intonation; pauses Accuracy: true/false; pronunciation; stress; grammar; clear supporting points

13 Colour scheme Text & Lines Title Text Background Shadows Accent &
Hyperlink Followed Hyperlink Fills Accent

14 Sample Graph (3 colours)

15 Example Bullet Point Slide
Sub Bullet

16 Picture slide Bullet 1 Bullet 2

17 Process Flow Design Plan Build Test Evaluate Bullet 1 Bullet 2

18 Example of a table Title Data
Note: PowerPoint does not allow you to have nice default tables - but you can cut and paste this one

19 Examples of default styles
Text and lines are like this Hyperlinks like this Visited hyperlinks like this Table Text box Text box With shadow

20 Use of templates You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations. We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them. Do Use these templates for your presentations Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template. If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks. Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc Pass off any of our created content as your own work You can find many more free templates on the Presentation Magazine website

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