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Political Socialization

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1 Political Socialization
Describe your political socialization. What is your first political memory? Evaluate the different agents of socialization and explain what effect they have had on you personally.

2 Political Tolerance What is your political tolerance?  In other words, how tolerant are you of others’ political views? Do you think that even those with radically different beliefs (or even dangerous beliefs) should still have the freedom of speech? And explain whether you think you are more or less tolerant than Americans in general, using the data in the poll.

3 The national survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on October 11-12, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. 56%) of American Adults believe their fellow citizens are less tolerant of other people’s political opinions than they were in the past,

4 But that’s down 15 points from October 2013  and the lowest finding in surveying since 2010.
Just 17% believe Americans have grown more tolerant of others’ political views, a finding that has changed little over the years. Twenty-three percent (23%) believe the level of tolerance is about the same.

Read the post on Edmodo and take the quiz online and read the gallup poll before you answer this one. Give your party identification and its strength. Which political party do you feel you belong to?  And how strongly do you fit with that party? Compare your party identification and strength to the party identification data about our nation.

6 Political IDEOLOGY Read the post on Edmodo and take the quizzes online before you answer this one. Explain what your ideology is. You should give and specific information to support your conclusion. Also, indicate whether you are ‘strong’ in this ideology or just ‘leaning’. If you are in the middle, you are a moderate. Do you consistently adhere to this ideology, or do you have some beliefs that don’t fit with this ideology?

Read the post on Edmodo to link to read the gallup poll. What is your level of political trust in our institutions (such as Congress), political leaders, and our nation’s laws? Do you believe our checks and balances system functions as it should? Give an example to explain. What are the implications of having a high or a low level of political trust? And explain how you think your level of political trust compares to most Americans using the poll data.

8 Read the post on Edmodo to link to read sparknotes link.
Political EFFICACY Read the post on Edmodo to link to read sparknotes link. Explain what your level of political efficacy is and why.  Do you understand and care about your government? Do you pay attention to it regularly by reading the news? Are you active in influencing the government?   Do you think you have a low or high level of political efficacy, compared to most Americans? Don’t feel bad if your efficacy level is still low. Who ever you are, include at least one or two goals to improve your political efficacy.

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