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Atomic Theory and Structure Project

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Presentation on theme: "Atomic Theory and Structure Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atomic Theory and Structure Project

2 Objective: Science concepts
Objective: Science concepts. The student knows and understands the historical development of atomic theory.

3 The student is expected to:

4 Understand the experimental design and conclusions used in the development of modern atomic theory, including Dalton's Postulates, Thomson's discovery of electron properties, Rutherford's Gold foil experiment, and Bohr's nuclear atom


6 Activity: History of the Atomic Theory

7 Purpose: Create a 8-10 slide power point describing how the atomic theory has changed

8 throughout history. Project due Monday Nov1,2010

9 Materials: Computer, Internet, MS PowerPoint, Useful links on my website

10 Procedure

11 Divide students into 6 groups to research one of the scientists
John Dalton

12 JJ. Thomson

13 Earl Rutherford

14 Neils Bohr

15 Irene Curie Robert Milkan

16 Research: Collect information about their scientist and their contributions to the atomic theory should include scientists name

17 scientists background

18 dates of importance related to their scientists contribution to the atomic theory

19 description of experimental design to understand the nuclear atom

20 procedures involved in the experiment

21 data collected

22 analysis and conclusions drawn


24 Grading

25 60 % of grade will be based on Power point

26 Content ………………………1-5pts

27 Slide Creation ………………………1-5pts

28 Creativity ………………………1-5 pts

29 Mechanics ………………………1-5 pts


31 40% of grade is based on the average participation score you receive from your group members


33 Contribution to group ………………..1-5

34 Coppertaion ………………………… 1-5

35 Task Completion …………………… 1-5






41 Scientist__________________________________ Period ______

42 Group Member _____________________________________________

43 _____________________________________________

44 _____________________________________________

45 _____________________________________________

46 _____________________________________________

47 Grading Rubric for Atomic Theory Power point Project


49 Content Content is

50 Accurate and

51 information is

52 presented in a

53 logical order Content is

54 accurate but some

55 information is not

56 presented in a

57 logical order, but

58 is still generally

59 easy to follow Content is

60 accurate but

61 information is notpresented in a

62 logical order,

63 making it difficult

64 to follow. Content is

65 questionable and

66 information is not

67 presented in a

68 logical order,

69 making it difficult

70 to follow. Content is

71 inaccurate and

72 information is not

73 presented in a

74 logical order,

75 making it difficult

76 to follow

77 Slide creation Presentation flows

78 well and logically.

79 Presentation

80 reflects extensive

81 use of tools in a

82 creative way.

83 Correct number

84 of slides.

85 Presentation flows

86 well. Tools used

87 correctly.

88 Correct number

89 of slides. Overall

90 presentation is

91 interesting

92 Presentation flows

93 well. Some tools

94 used to show

95 acceptable

96 understanding.

97 Correct number

98 of slides.

99 Presentation is

100 unorganized.

101 Tools are not used

102 in a relevant

103 manner. Lacking

104 in number of

105 slides.

106 Presentation has

107 no flow. No tools

108 used.

109 Insufficient

110 number of slide

111 Mechanics. No spelling or grammar errors
Mechanics No spelling or grammar errors. Apparent that students wrote information in their own words A few spelling and/or grammar errors. Apparent that students wrote information in their own words Some spelling and/or grammar errors. Apparent that students wrote information in their own words Some spelling and/or grammar errors. Students wrote most of the information in their own words Many spelling

112 errors and/or

113 text is copied.

114 Creativity Images are

115 appropriate.

116 Layout of images

117 is pleasing to the

118 eye. Images are

119 appropriate.

120 Layout is

121 cluttered. Most images are

122 appropriate. Images are

123 inappropriate. No images.


125 Total ______________










135 Scientist __________________________________ Period ______

136 Name ____________________________________


138 Participation and contribution Rubric

139 Contributes to group 1

140 Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3

141 Sometimes participates during the activity
Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5

142 Always participates during the activity
Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions

143 Works cooperatively 1

144 Does not cooperate with other group members. 3

145 Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5

146 Always cooperates with group members.

147 Task completion 1

148 Does not complete the assignment . 3

149 Completes some of the assignment 5

150 Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.


152 Contributes to group 1

153 Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3

154 Sometimes participates during the activity
Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5

155 Always participates during the activity
Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions

156 Works cooperatively 1

157 Does not cooperate with other group members. 3

158 Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5

159 Always cooperates with group members.

160 Task completion 1

161 Does not complete the assignment . 3

162 Completes some of the assignment 5

163 Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.


165 Contributes to group 1

166 Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3

167 Sometimes participates during the activity
Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5

168 Always participates during the activity
Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions

169 Works cooperatively 1

170 Does not cooperate with other group members. 3

171 Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5

172 Always cooperates with group members.

173 Task completion 1

174 Does not complete the assignment . 3

175 Completes some of the assignment 5

176 Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.


178 Contributes to group 1

179 Does not contribute to discussion. Shows little interest 3

180 Sometimes participates during the activity
Sometimes participates during the activity. Needs to be reminded to stay on task. 5

181 Always participates during the activity
Always participates during the activity. Shows interest and is eager to answer questions

182 Works cooperatively 1

183 Does not cooperate with other group members. 3

184 Sometimes cooperates with other group members. 5

185 Always cooperates with group members.

186 Task completion 1

187 Does not complete the assignment . 3

188 Completes some of the assignment 5

189 Completes all of the assignment in a satisfactory manner.


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