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qOnly two slots per family

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Presentation on theme: "qOnly two slots per family"— Presentation transcript:

1 qOnly two slots per family
Welcome Parents! 2 Please complete the Special Love Note and PG Permission Form on your child’s desk. 2 Please sign up for MYSTERY READER on the back table. qOnly two slots per family Hello. My name is

2 A Absences: Please try to have your child at school every day!
If your child is sick, please see the Take Home folder for guidance on when to send them back to school. If your child misses a day of school, ALWAYS make sure to sent in a note! See Mount Bethel website for easy absent note. Accelerated Reader is a supplemental reading program used in First Grade. STAR Test AR Quizzes Quarterly letter with reading level and information More info to come. Letter will come home about how you can see your child’s quiz results.

3 B Book Orders- Scholastic Book Orders will be sent home monthly. This is a great way to encourage and excite your child about reading! Reading as a reward is an incredible way to communicate the importance of and instill the joy of reading in young children. Online ordering will be set up.  Parent Volunteer to separate and staple letters once a month? Book Buddies: Our book buddies will be Mrs. Boutwell’s 3rd grade class.

4 B Behavior Folder Birthdays Attached in Behavior Folders
Please review your child’s folder each week and return it to school the next day signed. Starts this week Example in folder Birthdays Send in treats in the morning Treats will be shared at lunch- 11:08

5 C ClassDojo/ Clip Chart- See letter in folder for information
Check online every night. Ask your child about their day. It’s very important to support behaviors at home! Clip Chart- shown on ClassDojo every night Blue: Outstanding/ Above and Beyond Green: Great Day/ Followed Rules Yellow: Many Reminders/ Poor Choice Red: Continuing to make poor choices CoGAT- September 5-7

6 Weekly posts with important information- Fridays/Mondays
C Contact Information Blog Weekly posts with important information- Fridays/Mondays Did you subscribe yet?

7 C Class Values Who we are and who we will strive to be each day!
Create together as a class Always starts with “This is a class that…” My hope is that we build a positive, character building community together!

8 F Field Trips Field trip permission forms will come home for any upcoming field trips. Students will wear class t-shirts.

9 Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive
Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive! Your donation impacts every student every day!

10 volunteers-and-ferpa
Cobb County Schools is requiring every parent volunteer to watch a brief video on FERPA and to sign off that they understand and will uphold the responsibilities outlined in FERPA. volunteers-and-ferpa

11 G Grading The first grade report card is similar to that of Kindergarten’s report card. Your child’s grades are not a mathematical calculation, but rather a reflection of learned and applied knowledge from a first grade summative assessment. Grades will measure progress toward the given standard. Students will receive the following : 3+ In addition to the 3, makes applications and inferences beyond expectations 3 = Consistently and independently meeting the standard 2 = Progressing toward meeting the standard 1 = Limited or minimum progress toward meeting the standard Please keep in mind first grade is a developmental year and students learn at different rates. Therefore, some students may “progress” toward a standard for a quarter or so before “meeting” it, which is OK!

12 H Homework- Reading is an expectation every evening after school!
It is a great idea to practice math facts a few times a week for fluency. Additional work might be sent home if I feel your child needs extra practice. Unfinished work will be sent home at the end of the week.

13 L Lunch – Our lunch time is from 11:08-11:38.
Learning Commons Check Out- Books for at home and book box use. Student choice (below, on level, or above) -Encourage a love for reading all types of books! Lunch Visitors You and your child only No outside lunches! Greet and Depart location 

14 M Mystery Reader: Do you need to sign up?!
Fridays from 8:00-8:30 Please bring books with you to read! **medication policy**- All medications need to be checked in by a parent through the clinic.

15 O Orton-Gillingham-A Methodology for Teaching Reading & Spelling to ALL Students! Assessment through dictation and application of phonics rule/pattern. (ex. –ck rule) These words do not need to be memorized. Trick words: words that do not follow a rule or pattern. MUST BE MEMORIZED for reading and spelling. 5 Trick words will be introduced at a time and will be memorized for spelling and reading. (ex: said) Whole class & small group lessons Differentiation in reading and spelling based on student ability No “spelling tests.” As we teach a phonics rule or pattern, students will read & spell words with that rule or pattern. Your donations at work.

16 Parent/Teacher Conferences
OCTOBER 15th-19th! Parent Volunteers- Thank you!!!! Training sessions required Friday, August 10th 9:30-10:00am Monday, August 20th 9:00-9:30 & 1:00-1:30pm Wednesday, September 12th 8:00-8:30am

17 Q Quick Word Books: These will come home soon with a letter of explanation. Please help your child add words they might need to know how to spell throughout the year. Examples: family member names, vacation spots, hobbies Please send back by due date.

18 R Important reminders Text: 81010 or (404) 620-3210
Link for computer: QR Code:

19 R Room Reps: Candice Wells and Kathryn Johnson Thank you!!!! 
They will be contacting you soon.

20 S Scarecrow Day- Wednesday, October 31th Snack
Start planning those costumes now!!  Snack Healthy, easy to eat snacks! Ex. Fruit, granola bar Water only! No candy or juice!

21 T Trick Words- (see handout in folder)
Read, write, and spell Check blog post each week for the weekly words Transportation Changes- Begins Sept. 4th (see handout in folder) Note in child’s folder OFFICIAL MT. BETHEL BUS PASS No s! Buccaneer T.E.A.M. Procedures are our rules that we follow in common areas. These procedures are followed school-wide. (See Handout, also in your child’s take home folder)

22 V Volunteer Opportunities
2 Pull apart and divide- any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!  Studies Weekly Math Weekly

23 W Work Habits Please stress this to your child! 
TOOLS FOR INDEPENDENCE! A huge part of first grade is developing positive work habits. Listening: One of the most important work habits in first grade! Students HAVE to be able to listen in order to be as successful as possible in first grade. Please stress this to your child! 

24 W Wish List: Thank you to those of you who have already sent in an item or two. If you wish, please stop by and take an item or two from the wish list! I appreciate your contributions to our classroom! Y’all are wonderful! What else is in the folder? Handwriting: Example of how to form letters How to help your child succeed packet: GREAT RESOURSE FOR THIS YEAR!!! County Math information about 1st and 2nd Quarter

25 Contact me ANY TIME about ANY concern or question!!!

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