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Muscle December, 2009. Muscle Reference to Workbook, Page 134 and 136.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscle December, 2009. Muscle Reference to Workbook, Page 134 and 136."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscle December, 2009

2 Muscle Reference to Workbook, Page 134 and 136

3 What do muscles do?

4 1.They CONTRACT (movement)

5 What do muscles do? 1.They CONTRACT (movement) 2.They Support and Stabilize Joints

6 What do muscles do? 1.They CONTRACT (movement) 2.They SUPPORT and STABILIZE JOINTS 3.They release HEAT

7 What do muscles do? 1.They CONTRACT (movement) 2.They SUPPORT and STABILIZE JOINTS 3.They release HEAT 4.They MAINTAIN POSTURE

8 What do muscles do? 1.They CONTRACT (movement) 2.They SUPPORT and STABILIZE JOINTS 3.They release HEAT 4.They MAINTAIN POSTURE 5.They MOVE SUBSTANCES along tubes

9 What do muscles do? 1.They CONTRACT (movement) 2.They SUPPORT and STABILIZE JOINTS 3.They release HEAT 4.They MAINTAIN POSTURE 5.They MOVE SUBSTANCES along tubes 6.They PUMP BLOOD around the body

10 What do muscles do? 1.They CONTRACT (movement) 2.They SUPPORT and STABILIZE JOINTS 3.They release HEAT 4.They MAINTAIN POSTURE 5.They MOVE SUBSTANCES along tubes 6.They PUMP BLOOD around the body 7.They CONTROL flow of blood around the body

11 What do muscles do? 1.They CONTRACT (movement) 2.They SUPPORT and STABILIZE JOINTS 3.They release HEAT 4.They MAINTAIN POSTURE 5.They MOVE SUBSTANCES along tubes 6.They PUMP BLOOD around the body 7.They CONTROL flow of blood around the body 8.They are involved in many other functions in hearing, vision, temperature control, communication, breathing, etc. etc.

12 What Kinds of muscles are there?

13 There are three (3) kinds of muscles:

14 What Kinds of muscles are there? There are three (3) kinds of muscles: 1.Skeletal Muscle

15 What Kinds of muscles are there? There are three (3) kinds of muscles: 1.Skeletal Muscle 2.Smooth Muscle

16 What Kinds of muscles are there? There are three (3) kinds of muscles: 1.Skeletal Muscle 2.Smooth Muscle 3.Cardiac Muscle

17 Skeletal Muscle

18 1.Skeletal muscle is under VOLUNTARY CONTROL

19 Skeletal Muscle 1.Skeletal muscle is under VOLUNTARY CONTROL 2.Skeletal muscle is STRIATED under a microscope

20 Skeletal Muscle 1.Skeletal muscle is under VOLUNTARY CONTROL 2.Skeletal muscle is STRIATED under a microscope 3.Skeletal muscle can work hard, but tires easily (poor endurance)

21 Skeletal Muscle 1.Skeletal muscle is under VOLUNTARY CONTROL 2.Skeletal muscle is STRIATED under a microscope 3.Skeletal muscle can work hard, but tires easily (poor endurance) 4.Skeletal muscle moves your bones and joints

22 Smooth Muscle

23 1.Smooth muscle is NOT under Voluntary control (INVOLUNTARY)

24 Smooth Muscle 1.Smooth muscle is NOT under Voluntary control (INVOLUNTARY) 2.Smooth muscle is weaker, but has more endurance than skeletal muscle

25 Smooth Muscle 1.Smooth muscle is NOT under Voluntary control (INVOLUNTARY) 2.Smooth muscle is weaker, but has more endurance than skeletal muscle 3.Smooth muscle is found in blood vessels, digestive system, bladder, etc.

26 Smooth Muscle 1.Smooth muscle is NOT under Voluntary control (INVOLUNTARY) 2.Smooth muscle is weaker, but has more endurance than skeletal muscle 3.Smooth muscle is found in blood vessels, digestive system, bladder, etc. 4.Smooth muscle is responsible for PERISTALSIS

27 Cardiac Muscle

28 1.Cardiac muscle is only found in the HEART

29 Cardiac Muscle 1.Cardiac muscle is only found in the HEART 2.Cardiac muscle is INVOLUNTARY

30 Cardiac Muscle 1.Cardiac muscle is only found in the HEART 2.Cardiac muscle is INVOLUNTARY 3.Cardiac muscle can contract (beat) ALL BY ITSELF

31 Cardiac Muscle 1.Cardiac muscle is only found in the HEART 2.Cardiac muscle is INVOLUNTARY 3.Cardiac muscle can contract (beat) ALL BY ITSELF 4.Cardiac muscle forms a WEB of fibres

32 Cardiac Muscle 1.Cardiac muscle is only found in the HEART 2.Cardiac muscle is INVOLUNTARY 3.Cardiac muscle can contract (beat) ALL BY ITSELF 4.Cardiac muscle forms a WEB of fibres 5.Cardiac Muscle has GREAT ENDURANCE (beats tirelessly all your life long)

33 Cardiac Muscle 1.Cardiac muscle is only found in the HEART 2.Cardiac muscle is INVOLUNTARY 3.Cardiac muscle can contract (beat) ALL BY ITSELF 4.Cardiac muscle forms a WEB of fibres 5.Cardiac Muscle has GREAT ENDURANCE (beats tirelessly all your life long) 6.Cardiac muscle is STRONG

34 Review of Muscle Types










44 Now to your Workbook

45 Complete all unfinished sections from pages 133 to 136 in your workbook.

46 Now to your Workbook Complete all unfinished sections from pages 133 to 136 in your workbook. Hopefully, you can complete most of it from memory, but…

47 Now to your Workbook Complete all unfinished sections from pages 133 to 136 in your workbook. Hopefully, you can complete most of it from memory, but… You can get, and use, your numbered textbook from the front of the class, but….

48 Now to your Workbook Complete all unfinished sections from pages 133 to 136 in your workbook. Hopefully, you can complete most of it from memory, but… You can get, and use, your numbered textbook from the front of the class, but…. You must work at your desk, with your assigned partner, and not change seats.

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