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Leonardo’s Horse Vocabulary

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1 Leonardo’s Horse Vocabulary
Fifth Grade Unit 3 Week 2

2 Words to Know achieved fashioned midst architect bronze philosopher
cannon rival depressed

3 A dark yellow-brown alloy of copper and tin
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival bronze A dark yellow-brown alloy of copper and tin

4 achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival philosopher a person who attempts to discover and understand the basic nature of knowledge and reality

5 person who designs and makes plans for buildings
architect achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival person who designs and makes plans for buildings

6 made, shaped, or formed fashioned achieved architect bronze cannon
depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival fashioned made, shaped, or formed

7 a big gun, especially one mounted on a base or wheels
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival cannon a big gun, especially one mounted on a base or wheels

8 in the middle of midst achieved architect bronze cannon depressed
fashioned midst philosopher rival midst in the middle of

9 rival achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned
midst philosopher rival rival A person who wants and tries to get the same thing as another or one who tries to equal or do better than another; competitor

10 gloomy; sad depressed achieved architect bronze cannon depressed
fashioned midst philosopher rival depressed gloomy; sad

11 carried out to a successful end
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival achieved carried out to a successful end

12 safety inspector building designer
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My uncle hired an architect to work on plans for their new house. safety inspector building designer

13 Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
Michelle fashioned a necklace out of the shells she collected. made wove

14 Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
Pennies were once made from bronze. Metal made of copper and silver Metal made of copper and tin

15 corner center Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
In the midst of the cake, there was a prize. corner center

16 one who practices frequently one who competes against another
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Having a sister for a rival was good for both Venus and Sarena Williams one who practices frequently one who competes against another

17 sad compassionate Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
I was depressed after seeing my poor spelling grade. sad compassionate

18 performed accomplished
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? After we achieved our goal, we decided to try something even more difficult. performed accomplished

19 Spelling – Compound Words
1. waterproof 2. teaspoon 3. grasshopper 4. homesick 5. barefoot 6. courthouse 7. earthquake 8. rowboat 9. scrapbook 10. countryside 11. lightweight 12. fishhook 13. spotlight 14. blindfold 15. whirlpool 16. tablespoon 17. greenhouse 18. postcard 19. hummingbird 20. thumbtack Challenge Words 21. sledgehammer 22. brokenhearted 23. chalkboard 24. straightforward 25. granddaughter

20 You’ve got it!

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