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6. Belief in Al-Qadr- (Predestination)

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Presentation on theme: "6. Belief in Al-Qadr- (Predestination)"— Presentation transcript:

1 6. Belief in Al-Qadr- (Predestination)
LO To understand the Muslim belief in Qada and al’Qadr (predestination)

2 What is Measurement? Qada (Determination) Qadr (Measurement)
“Nor can a soul die except by Allah’s leave, the term being fixed as by writing. If any do desire a reward in this life, We shall give it to him; and if any do desire a reward in the Hereafter, We shall give it to him. And swiftly shall We reward those that (serve us with) gratitude.[s3:v145]

3 What do we control and what we don’t control?

4 What do we control and what we don’t control?
Our; - attitudes, - intentions, - feelings, - goals, - desires, - Motivations and - can choose right/ wrong Life span Day and night Weather Disasters Health

5 Evidence in the Qur’an Everything in the Universe is following a divine master plan. …And the command of Allah is a decree determined. (S33 v38) In all things the master planning is Allah’s. (s13 v42)

6 Why do things happen the way they do?
God has master plan, God is all-powerful, does not mean that God is responsible for evil. Free will… Muslims will be judged on the bases of actions, they must have free will. Mu’taziliates: Humans are responsible for what happens in the world, denied the very idea of al Qadr. Al Ashari developed idea: God knows what people will do before they do but it is up to their fee will to decide to do. Many Muslims in Middle Ages take al Qadr and concept of Insha’Allah (If Allah wills), humans have no free will God controls directly everything that happens. Allah created the universe according to His Will- allowing function in a certain way- Humans have limited free will.

7 How do we look at life? God has a plan for the universe He has created
He has power to make that plan (Omnipotent) He knows what will happen (Omniscient) We can’t understand all God’s ways

8 H S Nasr What do you think Nasr means by this?
‘God’s will reigns supreme in a universe in which His power dominates over all things and all human actions… yet in such a world man is mysteriously endowed with the gift of freedom of action, which holds him responsible before God for whatever action he commits.’ What do you think Nasr means by this?

9 Allah has fixed a set course of everything in the universe; this is called Al-Qadr.
The destiny of every creature is already known by Allah. Human being has Freedom of will, but bound to obey Allah. Predestination Allah knows best why we suffer in this world. Only Allah decides what is right or wrong and will judge on His own criteria. Firm faith in the wisdom of All- Knowing Creator.

10 In your notes What is Predestination?
What is the Qur’anic teaching about it? What are the key Muslim teachings about it? What are the differences within different forms of Islam regarding this belief? What is Nasr’s idea about Predestination?

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