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Project Cycle Management

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1 Project Cycle Management
Applied Stefano Fiorini Lesson 3 – 23/11/2018

2 Proposal writing Analysing the funding programme
Identifying the project idea with relevant stakeholders Creating the network of partners Elaborating the proposal’s description Elaborating the budget’s description Checking the formal completeness of the proposal “Managing” the proposal writing team Sending the proposal by the deadline!

3 Partnership: reason why
Working on a partnership basis implies high transaction costs: Translation Negotiation Misunderstanding Partnership is the basis for a cooperation project Is partnership an added value? Why?

4 Cooperation Cooperation Development Relationships and networks Pilot
Strategy to reduce common problems Improvement of competencies Exchange of practices Relationships and networks

5 Partnership: first analysis
Is your organisation eligible? Is your organisation a suitable lead partner? Is for your organisation more profitable to be lead partner or just partner? Is your organisation able to involve the appropriate partners?

6 Partnership: first actions
Drafting a first project idea Participating at the information day (if possible) Making the project idea circulate among potential partners If the available network of partners is not sufficient, verifying if the programme makes some matching tools available Communicating with the managing authority of the programme and with other institutions

7 Creating a network of partners: an example
The Adriatic Ionian Network of Universities, Regions, Chambers of Commerce and Cities(AI-NURECC Initiative) is an initiative involving the key stakeholders of the Adriatic Ionian Regions. They have joined their efforts to support the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Sea Region (EUSAIR) implementation, ensuring deep and broad territorial coverage, at regional and local level. The EUSAIR was officially launched by the European Commission on 18 June 2014 and approved by the EU Council on 24 October It comprises 8 macro-region countries, including 4 EU Member States: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania.

8 Participating to a international networks

9 Matching tool: an example – INTERREG EUROPE



12 Lead Partner Is the lead partner’s profile a strong point for the project? Is the lead partner’s geographic location a strong point for the project? Does the lead partner own significative experiences in terms of management of similar initiatives? Is the lead partner reliable in terms of financial solidity?

13 Lead Partner Is the lead partner strong in the project sector?
Does the lead partner guarantee a network facilitating the project dissemination and impact? Is the lead partner’s role clearly described in the project?

14 Lead Partner: check your mission
Keep in mind your organization’s mission! An organization’s mission: defines the objectives and the reason for the existence of an organization answers to questions such as: who are we? What do we do? What could we do? Whom do we do it for and why? What value do we bring? Normally, it is a public written statement

15 Partnership composition
Is the minimum number of partners and territories reached? Is a high number of partners a strong point for the project? Is a multi-player partnership necessary? Is a multi-level partnership necessary? Is geography a key to define the partnership? Is the European or international added value clear from the partnership composition? Are the partners sufficient for the project implementation or some key partners are still missing? Does each partner bring a clear contribution to the project?

16 Does the partner own significative experiences in terms of management of similar initiatives?
Is the partner reliable in terms of financial solidity? Is there partner provided with networks facilitating the project dissemination and impact in the different countries? Is the partner organised enough to manage adequately the activities it is responsible for?

17 Is the partner strong in the sector challenged by the project?
Does the partner have a deep knowledge of the problem challenged by the project? Can the partner bring innovative solutions or technical skills to the project? Does the partner provide detailed and updated information on a theme or an issue of the problem challenged by the project?

18 Does the partner have a strong influence on the area/sector/group it represents or stands for?
Does the partner have a role in the decision of relevant policies? Does the partner have a social/moral power of persuasion? ….

19 Institutional and organisational capacity assessment – why it is needed:
Identification and selection of institutional partners Defining the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders with respect to management, coordination and financing arrangements Modulating the scope of the project (including financing levels) to take account of capacity constraints Determining the project’s institutional/ organisational capacity building objectives and strategies, including realistic time-frames and resource requirements; and Designing an appropriate sustainability strategy for the project. 

20 Partners selection: evaluating the capacity
Stakeholder Tech. skills Financial reliability Policy and Planning Links with other inst. Accountability Total #1 1 2 3 10 #2 6 #3 #4 #5 #6 It can be used as a tool for the choice of the partners 0= none; 1= poor; 2: satisfactory 3=excellent

21 Partners: from selection to description
Is the role of each partner clearly described in the project? Is the level of involvement of each partner before the proposal submission well described? Is the working language clearly identified? Is the aim of each project meeting clearly described? Does the distribution of the financial resources reflect the partners’ roles in the project? Is the future of the cooperation between the partners after the EU funding phase highlighted?

22 Partnership success A sufficient period of time is necessary to create the partnership Appropriate information must be shared a.s.a.p. with potential partners Project idea disseminated Partners’ descriptions received Partners’ technical contributions obtained Partners’ financial information obtained

23 Stakeholders Analysis Matrix: case study
Influence on Impacted by Effort Needed Support Malaysian Fed HIGH MED POSITIVE CZ Chamber SK Chamber M. Investment Dev. LOW ITA ASSOC NEUTRAL Ita Res. Centre EU Delegation Italian Labour Unions NEGATIVE

24 Stakeholders Analysis Map case study
Support Neutral Mal. Fed. Resist EU DELEGATION SK CZ M. Investment dev. agency Low High Influence on the project ITA IND ITA res. Centre LABOUR UNIONS Low High Impacted by the project

25 Stakeholders Management Strategy 1/2
KEEP SATISFIED Opinion formers and show stoppers. Inform them with high value communication on key topics and important steps. MANAGE CAREFULLY They are the key actors of the change/project. Make max effort to keep them engaged. Calm their concerns and satisfy their requests of information. Your partners are normally here MONITOR Keep an eye on them but avoid overload of information not necessary communication. KEEP INFORMED Anticipate and meet their needs. In case they have concerns, they could be «hostage» to be reassured. Low High Influence on the project Low High Impacted by the project

26 Stakeholders Management Strategy 2/2
CONSULT & INFORM Technical and Financial reports Targeted communication Involvment in Events Project blog INFORM, CONSULT, ENGAGE Team Management Partnership Agreement Task Assignement Shared documents Co-design Workshops INFORM (with minimal effort) Web site Social media Press clipping TV & Radio PR Public meetings Low High Influence on the project Low High Impacted by the project

27 Stakeholders Management Strategy
Stakeholder and basic characteristics Interest and how affected by the problems Capacity and motivation to bring about change Possible actions to address stakeholders interests Chamber of Commerce and Industry Uzbekistan – Private – membership based - BIO They have interest in providing their members with more effective services. The more effective in sustaining SMEs, the more attractive for new members They can be the target of the action They are motivated in getting technical assistance They can propose new services and assistance to members and other companies Limited political influence Reliable organization but weak network abroad Their staff is not skilled in specific manufacturing sectors Enhance their staff skills Design with them new services (and new sources of income) Support their capacity to organize events, course, seminars Support their capacity of lobbying Facilitate their collaboration with certification bodies Support them into branding strategies Economic counsellors at embassies – economic diplomacy – gov. bodies They have the institutional aim of supporting the export of SMEs They can help in making the international network of UZ BIOs stronger They can collect and communicate information on foreign markets They can help in the attraction of foreign investors Inform them precisely on the project, its aims and activities Integrate their activity in order to create/enhance a network abroad

28 Stakeholders Management Strategy
Stakeholder and basic characteristics Interest and how affected by the problems Capacity and motivation to bring about change Possible actions to address stakeholders interests International certification bodies – not present in Uzbekistan – for profit They are interested in getting new clients in Central Asia If local authorities support local SMEs with certification procedures, it is positive for them Expertise on certification Helping SMEs to access new markets They “sell” their own certification Facilitate their collaboration with UZstandart and BIOs Support their capacity to provide certification services in country EU Chambers of Commerce – EU BIOs – public or private, depending on the State they belong They are interested in creating a network for the development of business between UE and Central Asia (import – export, investment) Expertise on services for the Internationalization of SMEs Technical assistance to UZ BIOs Capacity of improving the network in their country Lobbying capacity Connections with international certification companies Experience in branding of local productions Support their activities in UZ Inform them about UZ opportunities of collaboration Support them in creating a favorable economic and business environment for their companies in Uzbekistan Foreign Trade Companies – provide trade and marketing services. SMEs are not obliged to work with it anymore – Public company They are interested in representing SMEs abroad (their income depends on this) They could be interested in developing consultancy services for SMEs that are exporting directly They could be positively affected by national branding strategies and a better definition of value proposition of UZ products Interested in the improvement of quality level of the SMEs they represent They could have not a totally positive attitude towards the development of SME's capacity of direct export They can provide SMEs with assistance and marketing services They can sell directly and export on behalf of SMEs Support their capacity of getting into new markets Support their capacity of providing effective services Involve them in workshops and seminars with SMEs Strengthen their connections with foreign markets Support their lobbying capacity Involve them into the design of branding strategies

29 Map the 4 stakeholders: Low High Influence on the project Low High
Support Neutral Resist Low High Influence on the project Low High Impacted by the project

30 Logical Framework approach
Current situation is analysed in order to design the image of the future “desired situation”. It will facilitate the identification of the appropriate strategies in order to reach the desired situation. Objective: to guarantee that the project idea is relevant to the future situation desired. 1. ANALYSIS The project idea is specified in a plan. Objective: to guarantee the development of the project. 2. PLANNING

31 Logical Framework approach steps
ANALYSIS Stakeholder analysis Problem analysis SWOT analysis Objective analysis Strategy analysis PLANNING LF Matrix Activity scheduling Resource scheduling

32 Strategy implementation Controlling
Opportunities Mission Objectives Situation Analysis Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Controlling External Analysis S W O T P R F I L E Threats Strenghts Internal Analysis Weaknesses

33 Strenghts and weaknesses
Internal organisation analysis Organisations goals Most promising strategies Internal factors to evaluate: material resources (facilities, hardware, …), internal immaterial resources (planning systems, information systems, …), external immaterial resources (image, brand, customer/client satisfaction and loyalty), human resources, competencies

34 Strenghts and weaknesses
Core competencies: A core competency is the foundation of any strategy Core competencies: what your organisation is particularly good at

35 Strenghts and weaknesses
Financial condition: Cash flows: is it sufficient to support the project? Access to capital: if the cash flow finance the project? Has the company approved (or can it approve) capital spendings other than the financed grant?

36 Opportunities and threats
External analysis to define the possible areas of action Macro & Microparameters (macro: ecnomic, political, judicial, sociocultural, Technological, Ecological – micro: current and potential targets, potencial suppliers, other organisations/competitors or partners, other projects in the same field)

37 Strenghts Weaknesses Opportunities S-O Field Maxi–Maxi Aggressive strategy W-O Field Mini-Maxi Offensive/defensive strategy Threats S-T Field Maxi-Mini Diversification strategy W-T Field Mini-Mini Turn around strategy SWOT Matrix

38 S-O Aggressive Strategy: Strenghts meet opportunities. The
most advantegeous field. Take advantage of the opportunities and maximise the streghts. S-T Diversifcation Strategy: internal strenghts may help in overcoming the external threats. Maximise strenghts and minimize the threats.

39 W-O Offensive/defensive Strategy: there are great opportunities to develop the action, but also internal weaknesses to take care of. Minimize the weaknesses and maximize the opportunities. W-T Turn around Strategy: internal weaknesses and external threats. Minimize both or turn around.

40 Strenghts: - Expertise in SMEs services Strong network in EU Financially strong Enough Staff to assign to the project Expertise in agrofood and home appliances sector Weaknesses Limited knowledge of the country UZ No experience with UZ SMEs No lobby capacity in country Limited expertise in supporting branding strategies for SMEs Limited survey capacity Opportunities Local Trade Promotion system needs to further develop Local BIOs lack of specific knowledge Abroad network of BIOs should be more articulated S-O Strategies W-O Strategies Threats Trade regime is somewhat unfavourable to SMEs export National owned companies for export could be against the deveopment of SMEs Lack of surveys on key sectors S-T Strategies W-T Field Strategies SWOT Matrix Our example: technical assistance in Uzbekistan

41 Logical Framework approach steps
ANALYSIS Stakeholder analysis Problem analysis SWOT analysis Objective analysis Strategy analysis PLANNING LF Matrix Activity scheduling Resource scheduling

42 Analysis of objectives
This methodology allows: To describe the future scenarios deriving from the problems’ solution. To verify the objectives’ hierarchy. To clarify in a diagram the means-ends relations. The negative situations identified in the problem tree are transformed into positive and already reached situations.

43 Transformation of the problems into objectives
Infant and maternal mortality rates reduced High infant and maternal mortality rates High incidence of acute birth complications Reduced incidence of acute birth complications Birth complications diagnosed late or not at all Increased/earlier diagnosis of birth complications

44 Objective tree EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT Expected situation PURPOSE
Results Results Results Results

45 Objective tree Mothers willing to attend clinics
Increased and regular coverage by clinics Sufficient drugs available Improved staff skills Attendance at rural clinics by mothers increased Increased/earlier diagnosis of birth complications Reduced incidence of acute birth complications Infant and maternal mortality rates reduced Standards of hygiene and patient care improved Rates of post-partum and neonatal infection reduced Increased proportion of babies breast-fed Seasonal availability of high protein foods increased Nutritional status of babies and infants improved Increased N. of babies and infants vaccinated Rates of infection among babies and infants reduced MEANS ENDS

46 Analysis of possible strategies
The different groups of similar Objectives identified in the Problem tree become Strategies. The most appropriate and feasible strategy is selected on the basis of different criteria (priority, budget, timing). This phase requires therefore 2 steps: Definition of the different strategies allowing to reach the project’s purpose. Choice of the project’s strategy.

47 Analysis of possible strategies
Mothers willing to attend clinics Increased and regular coverage by clinics Sufficient drugs available Improved staff skills Attendance at rural clinics by mothers increased Increased/earlier diagnosis of birth complications Reduced incidence of acute birth complications Infant and maternal mortality rates reduced Standards of hygiene and patient care improved Rates of post-partum and neonatal infection reduced Increased proportion of babies breast-fed Seasonal availability of high protein foods increased Nutritional status of babies and infants improved Increased N. of babies and infants vaccinated Rates of infection among babies and infants reduced MEANS ENDS Nutrition strategy Primary healthcare strategy Secondary healthcare strategy

48 Limited export of SMEs assisted by BIOs
Lack of support of a branding strategy for locally produced goods Limited capacity as policy makers (trade regime, currency) Limited services of assistance to SMEs on provision of services useful to export to foreign markets Not effective lobbying activity organised by UZ BIO’s Lack of critical sector-specific staff expertise in Uzbekistan’s export promotion institutions The abroad network of Uzbekistan’s export promotion institutions is limited No assistance provided by BIOs to SMEs in order to help them obtaining the relevant certifications needed to export Lack of a branding strategy No specific teams of experts dedicated to key sectors Many important foreign markets are without representative offices A lack of knowledge of International certifications of BIOs staff The number of international certification companies providing their services in Uzbekistan is limited Lack of know how related to marketing of BIOs staff No survey on the most promising Uzbekistan’s manufacturing sectors Limited BIOs’ knowledge of foreign markets opportunity Too few staff dedicated offices abroad Uzbekistan is not properly promoted in order to attract Int. cert. companies

49 Let’s turn the problems into objectives

50 Increased export of SMEs assisted by BIOs
Increased support capacity of BIOs in defining a strategy for locally produced goods Increased role of BIOs in trade policy making Improved capacity of Uz BIOs in providing services of assistance to SMEs useful to export to foreign markets Well organised lobbying activity implemented by UZ BIO’s Increased critical sector-specific staff expertise in Uzbekistan’s export promotion institutions Strengthened abroad network of Uzbekistan’s BIOs Increased BIOs’ capacity to assist SMEs in order to help them obtaining the relevant certifications needed to export Definition of a branding strategy Qualification of specific teams of experts dedicated to key sectors New foreign markets covered by UZ BIOs Increased knowledge of International certifications of BIOs staff The number of international certification companies providing their services in Uzbekistan is increased Increased know how related to marketing of BIOs staff Individuation of the most promising Uzbekistan’s manufacturing sectors Staff dedicated offices abroad increased/enhanced Increased BIOs’ knowledge of foreign markets opportunity Uzbekistan is properly promoted in order to attract Int. cert. companies

Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 1 Strategic – Specific/ Objective 3 Purpose - Strategic /Specific Objective 1 Purpose – Strategic/ Specific Objective 2 Result 1.1 Result Result 2.1 Result Result 2.2 Result Result 2.3 Result Result 3.1 Result Result

IMPACT Purpose/ Strategic - Specific Objective 2 OUTCOME Result 2.1 RESULTS Result 2.2 Result 2.3 Strategy 2

53 «politicy maker» strategy
Increased export of SMEs assisted by BIOs «branding» strategy «politicy maker» strategy «development of assistance services» strategy Increased support capacity of BIOs in defining a strategy for locally produced goods Increased role of BIOs in trade policy making Improved capacity of Uz BIOs in providing services of assistance to SMEs useful to export to foreign markets Well organised lobbying activity implemented by UZ BIO’s Increased critical sector-specific staff expertise in Uzbekistan’s export promotion institutions Strengthened abroad network of Uzbekistan’s BIOs Increased BIOs’ capacity to assist SMEs in order to help them obtaining the relevant certifications needed to export Definition of a branding strategy Qualification of specific teams of experts dedicated to key sectors New foreign markets covered by UZ BIOs Increased knowledge of International certifications of BIOs staff The number of international certification companies providing their services in Uzbekistan is increased Increased know how related to marketing of BIOs staff Individuation of the most promising Uzbekistan’s manufacturing sectors Staff dedicated offices abroad increased/enhanced Increased BIOs’ knowledge of foreign markets opportunity Uzbekistan is properly promoted in order to attract Int. cert. companies

54 Overall Objective/ Goal
«development of assistance services» strategy Overall Objective/ Goal Increased export of SMEs assisted by BIOs Purpose – Strategic/ Specific Objective Improved capacity of Uz BIOs in providing services of assistance to SMEs useful to export to foreign markets Results Increased critical sector-specific training for on the specific themes related to Uzbekistan’s export Strengthened abroad network of Uzbekistan’s BIOs Increased BIOs’ capacity to assist SMEs in order to help them obtaining the relevant certifications needed to export

55 Increased export of SMEs assisted by BIOs …
INTERVENTION LOGIC OVI of ACHIEVEMENT SOURCES AND MEANS OF VERIFICATION ASSUMPTIONS OVERALL OBJECTIVES Increased export of SMEs assisted by BIOs PROJECT PURPOSE Improved capacity of Uz BIOs in providing services of assistance to SMEs useful to export to foreign markets EXPECTED RESULTS R1 Increased critical sector-specific training for on the specific themes related to Uzbekistan’s export R2 Strengthened abroad network of Uzbekistan’s BIOs R3 Increased BIOs’ capacity to assist SMEs in order to help them obtaining the relevant certifications needed to export ACTIVITIES


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