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John Adam’s Presidency

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1 John Adam’s Presidency
CH 10 Sections 5. John Adam’s Presidency

2 The Federalist Party Led by Hamilton Found most support in New England

3 The Democratic-Republican Party
Led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Supported on the Frontier and in the South

4 Thomas Jefferson thought that the masses (common men) should run the country.

5 John Adams served one term as the second president of the US.
-Socially Awkward -Incredible Work Ethic -Cold and Distant -Intelligent -Insecure -Trustworthy -Good Husband -Experienced

6 The XYZ Affair French Foreign Minister Charles Talleyrand tried to make American Diplomats pay to meet him.

7 The Alien and Sedition Acts
Matthew Lyon- A Republican Representative who was prosecuted under the acts.

8 Not Having It… (VA and KY Resolutions)
Jefferson and Madison supported the rights of the states over the national government.

9 Skullduggery! Alexander Hamilton tried to sabotage John Adams in the presidential election.
Aaron Burr, Jefferson’s VP candidate, tied with Jefferson 35 times in the House of Reps.

10 Burr would later shoot Hamilton to death in a duel.

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