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Identification of External Animal Parts

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1 Identification of External Animal Parts
Introduction to Ag Science Animal Science Unit

2 Run! They want our wool!

3 Parts of a Dairy Cow


5 Parts of a Dairy Cow Heart Girth Poll Barrel Neck Rump Loin Tail Head
Back Hip Muzzle Chine Pin Bones Throat Rear udder attachement Flank Point of Shoulder Dewlap Rear Udder Brisket Hock Chest Floor Teats Mammary Veins Knee Milk Wells Dewclaw Foreudder Foreudder Attachement Pastern


7 Parts of a Steer

8 “I Love my STEER!” This is what you have to do for your test!”

9 Parts of a Steer Tailhead Neck Hook Ribs Heart Eye Rump Loin Head
Round Muzzle Throat Shoulder Brisket Forearm Switch Flank Chest Hock Foreleg Hindleg


11 Parts of a Hog


13 Parts of a Hog Loin Back Rump Side Shoulder Ear Eye Rear Flank Ham
Nostril Jowl Fore Flank ForeLeg Hindleg


15 Parts of a Sheep


17 Parts of a Sheep Shoulder Neck Loin Face Back Hip Rump Muzzle Dock Leg
Brisket Twist Heart Girth Hocks Fore Flank Forearm Ribs Pastern Hind Flank

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