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Development through the Life Stages

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Presentation on theme: "Development through the Life Stages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Development through the Life Stages

2 What are the areas of development?
Physical Intellectual Emotional Social

3 Name the life stages…… Pregnancy/Birth/Infancy(0-3) Childhood(4-9)
Adolescence(10-18) Adulthood(19-65) Final Stages of life(65+)

4 Write a short paragraph about each stage.
Pregnancy 3 trimesters Write a short paragraph about each stage.

5 Birth *From around 36 weeks baby will engage *Nine months/40 weeks
3 stages of labour: Dilation Baby begins to move down the birth canal Delivery of baby and the placenta

6 Infancy 0-3 Physical Fine motor skills Gross motor skills

7 Infancy 0-3 Intellectual Object permanence (Piaget)
Points to parts of the body Scribbles Recognises colours Draws a circle Attempts puzzles

8 Infancy 0-3 Emotional/Social Recognises carers face
Smiles/coos/laughs /Plays peek a boo Begins to use words to communicate Makes stronger attachments (Bowlby) Shows signs of emotions Parallel play Strong sense of identity/gender/age Toilet training (Erikson) Waits for needs to be met Shows concern for others

9 Childhood 4-9 Increased physical skills

10 Childhood 4-9 Intellectual Recognises 3 shapes Repeats a story
Knows primary colours Counts ten objects Knowledge of direction Counts 20 items Days of week Sight reads 10 or more words Predicts Conserves(Piaget)

11 Childhood 4-9 Emotional & Social Becomes more affectionate
Eager to help and please Co-operative play/teamwork Understands others point of view Skilled communicator May have gained confidence but may also loose confidence

12 What are the signs of puberty?
Adolescence 10-18 Puberty What are the signs of puberty? Complete handout 1

13 Adolescence 10-18 Intellectual
Thinking changes from abstract to concrete Approach problems systematically Use imagination to solve problems Fast, legible style of handwriting

14 Adolescence 10-18 Emotional /Social
Alternate between child/adult behaviour Wide emotional swings Often feel misunderstood Seek recognition from their friends Become more introspective

15 Adulthood 19-65 Early Physical maturity Forming relationships
Impact of life events Choose a lifestyle Late ‘Mid-life crisis’ Ageing Impact of life events Menopause

16 Final stages of life Activity/disengagement theories
Acceptance of death Changes: Psychological Biological Social

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