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I will review the basic concepts of genetics.

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Presentation on theme: "I will review the basic concepts of genetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 I will review the basic concepts of genetics.
Monday December 10, 2018 Learning Target: I will review the basic concepts of genetics. Science Starter: 1. Pick up the Genetics Unit 4 Review (You may use your Genetics Workbook) 2. Superhero Genetics Handout Attendance Printer Computer Paper Rater Substitute Time Keeper 2nd Kinsley Mason Alyssa Isabella Liz 3rd Braedon Kayla Skylar 4th Maricela Joaquin Harley Eva Awab 6th Tommy Sophia Zachary Maggie Jerry 7th Isaiah Andy Chance Milania Augustine Success Criteria: I know how to explain the basic concepts of genetics. Agenda: 12/12—Unit 4 Vocabulary Quizizz 12/13—Unit 4 Genetics DCA

2 Amoeba Sisters: Alleles and Genes
Good Things Rater Check in Amoeba Sisters: Alleles and Genes Genetics Unit 4 Review (Due Wednesday) Superhero Genetics (Extra Credit—Due Thursday) 6. Launch

3 Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!
Launch Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!

4 I will review the basic concepts of genetics.
Tuesday December 11, 2018 Learning Target: I will review the basic concepts of genetics. Science Starter: 1. You will work in groups of Laptop and Login to Google Classroom Success Criteria: I know how to escape the 4 lock genetics breakout. Agenda: 12/12—Unit 4 Vocabulary Quizizz 12/13—Unit 4 Genetics DCA

5 Genetics Breakout in Google Classroom
Good Things Rater Check in Genetics Breakout in Google Classroom Genetics Unit 4 Review (Due Wednesday) Superhero Genetics (Extra Credit—Due Thursday) 6. Launch

6 Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!
Launch Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!

7 I will review the basic vocabulary concepts of genetics.
Wednesday December 12, 2018 Learning Target: I will review the basic vocabulary concepts of genetics. Science Starter: Laptop and Login to Quiziz REMINDER: Workbook due tomorrow Success Criteria: I know how to define all of the vocabulary for the genetics unit. Agenda: 12/13—Unit 4 Genetics DCA

8 Genetic Quizizz (Code-- Genetics Unit 4 Review (Due Wednesday)
Good Things Rater Check in Genetic Quizizz (Code-- Genetics Unit 4 Review (Due Wednesday) Superhero Genetics (Extra Credit—Due Thursday) 6. Launch

9 Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!
Launch Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!

10 Science Starter: 1. Turn in your Genetics Workbook 2. Extra Credit DUE
Thursday December 13, 2018 Learning Target: I will master the basic concepts of genetics. Science Starter: Turn in your Genetics Workbook 2. Extra Credit DUE Success Criteria: I know how to explain the concepts for the genetics unit.

11 (Extra Credit—Due Today)
Good Things Rater Check in Genetics Video Workbook Due TODAY Superhero Genetics (Extra Credit—Due Today) 6. Launch

12 Agenda: 1. Unit 4 DCA (ON Paper) 2. Unit 4 DCA (Computer) 3
Agenda: 1. Unit 4 DCA (ON Paper) 2. Unit 4 DCA (Computer) 3. Turn in your DCA 4. Read quietly or work on Superhero Genetics

13 Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!
Launch Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!

14 Science Starter: 1. Return all papers 2. Graph paper
Friday December 13, 2018 Learning Target: I will master the basic concepts of genetics. Science Starter: 1. Return all papers 2. Graph paper Success Criteria: I know how to explain the concepts for the genetics unit.

15 You will need to make 3 graphs on the graph paper. (1 per TEK)
Good Things Rater Check in Workbook pg. 15 You will need to make 3 graphs on the graph paper. (1 per TEK) Launch


17 Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!
Launch Do the Right Thing Even When No One is LOOKING!

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