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Vocabulary 5 7.L.4, 7.L.6.

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1 Vocabulary 5 7.L.4, 7.L.6

2 Rate the words Hearse Caustic Balustrades Specter Cravat Fettered
Astonishment Deference Inexplicable indict 1-I know what it means and can explain it 2 –I know what it means, but can’t explain it 3 –I don’t know what it means

3 Hearse (noun) a vehicle for carrying the coffin at a funeral. We followed the hearse carrying Aunt Lenore's coffin to the cemetery.

4 balustrades (noun) a railing supported by balusters, especially an ornamental parapet on a balcony, bridge, or terrace The staircase spanned six feet from the wall to the balustrades.

5 Cravat (noun) a short, wide strip of fabric worn by men around the neck and tucked inside an open-necked shirt. Synonym: necktie He straitened his cravat before the portrait was painted.

6 Astonishment (noun) great surprise. Synonym: amazement, surprise Filled with astonishment, the boy was frozen in his seat.

7 Inexplicable (adj) unable to be explained or accounted for. Synonym: unfathomable, incomprehensible Some feel the cosmos is inexplicable while others believe it’s the work of a creator.

8 Caustic (adj) able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action (figuratively) sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way If she weren't so adorable, the baby’s look would have been caustic.

9 Specter (noun) “Have mercy specter!” pleaded Scrooge. a ghost
Synonym: phantom, apparition, threat menace, cloud, shadow “Have mercy specter!” pleaded Scrooge.

10 Fetter (verb-noun) Verb-To restrain with chains or manacles Noun-a chain used to restrain Synonyms: shackle, manacle, handcuff The ghost appeared fettered with chains before a terrified Scrooge.

11 Deference (noun) humble submission and respect It is customary in Asian countries to show deference to each other.

12 Indict (verb) formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime Indictment (noun) a formal charge With one look, she indicted her students for being off task.

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