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Agenda Item No. 25 KSC Work Plan

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1 Agenda Item No. 25 KSC Work Plan 2017-19
8th KSC Steering Committee Meeting Mexico City (7-9 September 2016) SAI-India Comptroller and Auditor General of India

2 Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Mandate of KSC Encourage SAI cooperation, collaboration, and continuous improvement through knowledge development, knowledge sharing and knowledge services, including producing/revising INTOSAI products, providing benchmarks, operating community portal, conducting best practice studies, and performing research on issues of mutual interest and concern.  Comptroller and Auditor General of India

3 Strategic Objectives for Goal 3
Maintain expertise in the various fields of public-sector auditing and help to provide content to INTOSAI’s framework of professional standards for consideration by the Common Forum. Enable wide exchange of knowledge and experience among INTOSAI members. Working with CBC, facilitate continuous improvement of SAIs through knowledge sharing on the crosscutting lessons learned from the results of peer reviews and SAI PMF.

4 Key Strategies to achieve Goal and Objectives
Knowledge Development Preparation of new INTOSAI products Revision of INTOSAI products Knowledge Sharing IDI-KSC Knowledge Sharing Platform Research Projects Stakeholder engagement Continuous improvement Lessons learned from SAI PMF and Peer Review

5 Performance Indicators for assessment of Strategic Objectives for KSC (Goal 3)
The INTOSAI Strategic Plan for is under finalization and one of the important feature of the Strategic Plan is to enhance accountability for the implementation of the strategic plan. The Plan requires the Goal Chairs to identify performance indicators for the strategic objectives relating to their Goals and the related annual targets to be achieved. Discussions on the draft Performance Indicators for KSC with the Working Groups and Task Forces of KSC and consultations with PSC, CBC, IDI, regions and other stakeholders is underway.

6 KPI-Challenges Several strategies identified in the Strategic Plan to achieve the strategic objectives are new initiatives. As a result, baseline data is not available. Many of the indicators identified are in the nature of output indicators (like Number of products developed, number of research papers published etc.) Survey result, though a soft indicator, seems to be the only viable option to measure SAIs satisfaction with KSC work and the usage of products and services offered by KSC. Given the survey fatigue in the INTOSAI community, it was proposed to conduct a triennial survey (first survey in 2019) to ascertain the satisfaction of SAIs.

7 Discussion questions Is the proposed monitoring framework of KPIs and targets Too detailed Should be more comprehensive Reporting would be resource intensive Framework focusses largely on outputs with little emphasis on outcomes and impacts Is this acceptable How can we report on impacts and outcomes

8 Discussion questions Should the monitoring framework be used only for monitoring by KSC and should a more condensed report included for GB? If so, what details would be needed for such a report Does the monitoring framework require collection of additional details? How can we ensure that existing sources are maximized for monitoring?

9 Comptroller and Auditor General of India
THANK YOU Comptroller and Auditor General of India

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