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What is it? What can you do about it?

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Presentation on theme: "What is it? What can you do about it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it? What can you do about it?
Peer Pressure What is it? What can you do about it?

2 Say “No” or “No thanks” firmly
Stand tall Look at them Say ‘no’ with a firm voice Repeat it if necessary Walk away if they don’t stop No thanks

3 Scenario Student 1: Hey, give me your dollar so I can get a snack from the vending machine! Student 2: ??? Student 1: Come on I really want a snack!

4 Call it what it is Examples That’s cheating That’s stealing
That’s not following the rules That’s dangerous

5 Scenario Student 1: Look, the teacher left the answers to the test on
the table! Let’s look at them. Student 2: ??? Student 1: We’ll get 100% if we see the answers

6 Change the subject OR suggest something else
Talk about something else Did you hear Taylor Swift’s new song? Want to hear about my strange dream last night? OR Find something else you can do instead Let’s go see what Gary is doing

7 Scenario Student 1: We should go take that 1st
Grader’s basketball so we have one to play with Student 2: ??? Student 1: I said let’s go take their basketball

8 Give a reason Tell them why you don’t want to do it
I don’t want to get in trouble That’s not a nice thing to do I would feel bad if I did that

9 Scenario Student 1: Did you see what Carrie was wearing today? Let’s go tell her she looks like a weirdo Student 2: ???

10 Use humor Use jokes or humor to steer them away from making a bad choice Humor No I don’t like eating pickled frog legs Yes I do have 300 hamsters How did you know George Washington is my favorite President

11 Scenario Student 1: I dare you to climb the fence at recess
Student 1: I double dare you do climb the fence

12 Ask questions Make them think about what they just asked you
“Why would you want to do that” “What are you asking me to do” “Why would I want to do that”

13 Scenario Student 1: Don’t let Nate play football with us at recess Student 2: ??? Student 1: I don’t want him to play because they always throw the ball to him

14 Positive Peer Pressure
Pressure can sometimes be positive Friend wants you study with them for next week’s spelling test Instead of playing video games your friend wants you to go to the park Friends can always be given a 2nd chance to make a good decision

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