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Freshman 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Freshman 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshman 101

2 Today we will cover the following:
Student Attribute Survey (20 min) SchooLinks, Graduation Requirements, Tools for a successful high school career

3 Teacher: Please read proctor instruction and scrip
The student attribute survey will take you about 20 minutes to complete. Please take out your phone and go to the Ferris Website or use the web address below. 

4 Welcome to SchooLinks What is SchooLinks? SchooLinks is our new college and career software system that is replacing Naviance. Here is what you need to know about SchooLinks: Easy to access User friendly Personalized Start your high school and beyond plan graduation, a graduation requirement, by exploring SchooLinks!

5 How do I access my SchooLinks account?
1. Go to and click on Ferris HS 2. Scroll down and Click on the SchooLinks banner on the right side of the Ferris Homepage

You should be automatically logged in to your SchooLinks account from a school computer! If you are accessing SchooLinks from home then your login information is: Username: student ID Password: 6-digit birthday

7 When you are logged into SchooLinks…
You will be asked to complete two surveys – My Plan and My Focus My Plan Sort through the cards of items you are or are not interested in It will generate career clusters or categories you might be interested in (if your preferred choice doesn’t appear don’t worry you can change it later) Choose a Career Cluster/Category Choose a Career Choose a Major / Program to study after high school My Focus Sort through the cards of items that describe you or don’t describe you and the survey will tell you a college focus personality type for you.

8 Once you have finished both the My Plan and My Focus you will be directed to your student dashboard where you can explore colleges, careers and click through Learning Lessons.

9 Next we will look at your graduation requirements!

10 It is important to plan ahead!
Graduation Requirements You need 24 credits to graduate! Please see the breakdown of credits on the right side. You must pass the following state assessments: Science – WCAS, ELA and math SBAC. You must complete your High School and Beyond Plan. *Please see your counselor if you have questions about your graduation requirements.

11 High School and Beyond

12 NEXT… Here are some tools and resources that will help you be successful at high school.

13 PowerSchool You can login to PowerSchool using your access information. (see handout) PowerSchool is a great tool to keep track of your grades, attendance and assignments. We encourage students to check PowerSchool at least once or twice a week.

14 Utilize your Microsoft Office 365 account
Log-in to office 365 using your SPS and password. You can find the link to office 365 from the Ferris homepage.

15 Features You Get for FREE with Office 365
These features can be accessed from school and home. You get access to the OneDrive (25 gigs) cloud-based storage for your files. You get access to full web-based versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Also, a professional Spokane Schools address for professional correspondence through Outlook.

16 Get Involved Check out the Ferris website for all clubs and activities.

17 REASONS to get involved
1.       Time Management and Prioritizing Extracurricular activities teach students how to manage their time and prioritize various tasks and commitments. 2.       Exploring Diverse Interests The school band, drama club, or any sport may be an activity your are interested in joining. Once you find an activity that they enjoy, succeeding in the activity could ultimately build your confidence and self-esteem. 3.       Making a Contribution Extracurricular activities allow you to make a contribution to your school or community, which is an important step in preparing for life outside of academics.

18 4.       Building Self-Esteem Mastering new skills can help build confidence. By participating in after- school activities, students can build their self-esteem in a relaxed setting as their activities provide the opportunity to be successful in something that they are passionate about. 5.       College Applications Another benefit of after-school activities is that they look great on college applications. In addition to academic performance, many colleges look at what activities students are involved in outside of school as a way to fully understand each student.

19 LET’S TALK! Discuss with your seminar class any of the following questions: What activities are you involved in at Ferris? What class do you use Office 365 the most? How has it been helpful? How often do you check your PowerSchool?

20 The End! Teacher Student Take your handouts home.
Please return your T24 folder to your teacher. Please return your T24 Teacher folder to the staff workroom ASAP. Keep your student T24 folder box in your room.

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