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A B C D E F.

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Presentation on theme: "A B C D E F."— Presentation transcript:

1 A B C D E F

2 G H I J K L

3 M N O P Q R

4 S T U V W X

5 Y Z a b c d

6 e f g h i j

7 k l m n o p

8 q r s t u v

9 Thank you to Linda Aston!
w x y z Write the words Wiggle Worms on a gift bag.  Inside, put index card cut in half with a letter printed on each one. Draw a worm on several cards, and add them to the bag.  Let your child close his eyes, reach into the bag, and draw out a card.  If it is a letter, he names it.  If it is a worm, he screams wiggle worm, and you both wiggle.  Apple (beginning of year- with worm…wiggle, wiggle) Turkey (Thanksgiving-gobble, gobble) Santa (winter season- ho,ho,ho) Heart (February- thump chest a couple of times) Leprechaun (March- leap, leap) Rabbit (spring- hop, hop) Thank you to Linda Aston!







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