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Writing Conventions Grammar and Composition

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Conventions Grammar and Composition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Conventions Grammar and Composition
Essays Paragraphs Sentences Words

2 The eight parts of speech are…
Words Words are labeled according to their parts of speech – the way that they function in a given sentence. The eight parts of speech are… Noun Verb Pronoun Adjective Preposition Adverb Conjunction Interjection

3 Noun used to name a person, place, thing, idea, state, or quality.
Person, Mary, cousin Place, library, Samoa, Thing, computer, mutiny, Idea, evil, Hinduism, State, hunger, joy, Quality, bravery, integrity

4 Verb a word that expresses an action, an occurrence, or a state of being.
Present tense, go, Past tense, went, Future tense, will go

5 Pronoun a word that takes the place of a noun
Singular, I, he, she, it Plural, them, we, you, Nominative Case, (also subjective case, used when pronouns functions as subject) I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They Objective Case, (when personal pronoun is a direct object, indirect object, or object of a preposition) Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them

6 Adjective a word that describes a noun or pronoun
Samoan food, gold earrings, loud noise.

7 Preposition a word used to connect and relate a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence
Place, position, on, in, by, behind, near, by… Direction, into, out of, toward, by way of… Time, at, before, after, by… Manner, by car, by ship, on foot, by train, with pleasure, like an old man…

8 Adverb a word that describes a verb
I quickly changed the subject. The girl fully recovered from her illness. The rain came down.

9 Conjunction a word commonly used to connect words, phrases, or clauses
Interjection a word used to express strong emotion, set off by commas, or exclamation point Wow! The SataniII won the fautasi race. Oh, I didn’t expect you home so early Hey! Do you know what you are doing? Conjunction a word commonly used to connect words, phrases, or clauses Coordinating conjunctions, have fewer than 4 letters, and can be remembered as F.A.N.B.O.Y.S.-For, And, Nor, But, Yet, So

10 **Definite articles and indefinite articles are kinds of adjectives.
Sentence English grammar depends on word order. A simple sentence follows the pattern… subject (noun or pronoun) + predicate (verb). Subject Predicate Adjective/Definite Article Noun Adverb Verb Adjective/Definite Article Adjective Noun Adjective The smart student quickly finished the difficult test. **Definite articles and indefinite articles are kinds of adjectives.

11 Complex sentence Independent clause + 1 or more dependant clauses
Simple sentence Independent clause Subject + predicate Compound sentence 2 or more independent clauses connected by Comma, Coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) Complex sentence Independent clause + 1 or more dependant clauses

12 Paragraph Big Mac Paragraph Format
Topic Sentence Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 Concluding Sentence

13 The topic or summary sentence:
is often the first sentence in a paragraph but not always contains the main idea and general subject that will be explained in the paragraph focuses or narrows the subject

14 The detail or supporting sentences:
contain details that support or develop the main idea or topic sentence can take different forms: they may be facts or proof to support a claim they can provide a further description of the topic / main idea they can relate personal experiences of the writer or other people

15 The concluding sentence:
(Some paragraphs have a summarizing or concluding statement but not all) is the final sentence in a paragraph restates the main idea or summarizes it in a new way

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