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AS Sociology.

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1 AS Sociology

2 Just 3 minutes Note down all the sociological terms you can think of you have until the song finishes; Using the terms to help you on your table you need to talk non-stop on the topic of sociology for 3 minutes The person talking holds a pen, when they have finished saying what they want they pass the pen on to the next person.... You can go around your group as many times as you wish- you must all talk.

3 AS Sociology – Today lesson
KEY QUESTIONS How does culture differ from society? How does our culture influence our identity? What is the functionalist view of society? To recap on understanding of key sociological terminology To explain how culture differs from society To understand the role of culture in the construction of our identity Begin research to understand the functionalist theory I will be collecting the homework at the end of the lesson

4 How does culture differ from society?
Write this question in your notes Then: Pens down Just listen 1 slide

5 How does culture differ from society?
Society is the general population you live around while culture a way of life including customs, beliefs, and practices. Culture forms the connection between the individual and society It tells the individual how to operate (behave) within social institutions such as the family, education. It is through the socialisation of our cultures norms and values that social order is maintained ‘Culture’ and ‘society’ often used interchangeably but important to understand they are different.

6 How does culture differ from society?
Now answer the question in your notes- Use these terms to help you if you need to; General population, beliefs, Connection, customs, learnt, socialisation, Culture is Where as society is

7 How does our culture influence our identity?
Identity is made up of 2 components; How we see ourselves How others see us It involves some level of choice from within our culture e.g. football team, fashion trend etc But, our identity is partly imposed upon us by our culture We are born into particular cultural positions (status’) that shape our identity, social class, gender, ethnic group, age, religion, nationality..

8 How does our culture influence our identity?
Identity; Using the words in bold on your handout note down some key words in the how I see myself column, that describe your identity. MUST - 5 SHOULD - 10 COULD - 15

9 How does our culture influence our identity?
How I see myself How others see me...

10 How does our culture influence our identity?
Now pass the paper to the person on your left Write at least 3 words to describe how you see that person Remember the rule discussed last lesson...

11 How does our culture influence our identity?
How much of our culture is shared? How much of our culture is learnt?

12 How does our culture influence our identity?
Social forces like; social class, gender, ethnic group, religion, shape our identity. They influence both how we see ourselves and how others see us.

13 Gender role socialisation
Disney clip As you watch the clip, make a note of any of the stereotypical roles or characteristics that are presented as the ‘ideal’ for the male and female characters in the Disney films… Answer the 2 questions on your worksheet.

14 How does our culture influence our identity?
5 minutes to answer this question in as much detail as possible. Hand in

15 What is the functionalist view of society?
Begin your own research background reading on this topic Text books- study centre, LRC. Google – Wiki answers

16 How does culture differ from society?
KEY QUESTIONS How does culture differ from society? How does our culture influence our identity? What is the functionalist view of society?

17 Sociology key terms –Splat!

18 Homework DUE: Please make sure your name is on your work

19 Functionalism

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