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North West London Population Health Needs
JSNA Mapping: North West London Population Health Needs October 2018 @ldn_ichp linkedin/imperialcollegehealthpartners
Our approach Objective: Use population health insights from joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs) to determine shared health and social care needs in North West London (NWL) Health and social care issues mentioned in NWL JSNAs were categorised as: Local priority – JSNA specifically identifies an issue as a “Priority”, or a “Key challenge” for that area Need identified – JSNA highlights a local gap or need relating to a particular issue, for example an inequality within the borough, or worse than national/regional outcomes Data reported – An issue is mentioned in the JSNA and/or data provided, but a local need is not identified Data not reported – No data provided in the JSNA, so no assessment can be made
Key findings: shared population health needs* in NWL JSNAs
Wellbeing and prevention Social Obesity (adult and child) Supported housing (incl. learning disability/autism) Physical activity Wider determinants Smoking Crime (incl. FGM, domestic violence, hate crimes) Substance misuse Clinical Migration/asylum seekers Type 2 diabetes Poverty (incl. fuel poverty, child poverty) Cancer (screening) Housing (incl. affordability, availability) Tuberculosis Children & young people Severe physical disability A&E visits Mental and sexual health Children with SEN (incl. transfers of care) Severe/enduring mental illness Looked after children Sexually transmitted infection (particularly HIV) Older people Dementia care *defined as a need identified in ≥4 NWL JSNAs and/or prioritised in ≥2 NWL JSNAs
Health check attendance
Wellbeing & prevention Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Hounslow K&C, WCC, H&F Obesity (adult) Eq Obesity (child) Physical activity Adult Smoking Substance misuse Opiate/crack Diet 5-a-day Low fruit & veg Immunisation HPV, PPV, flu Childhood Health check attendance Dementia, carers Need locally identified Eq, inequalities; H&F, Hammersmith & Fulham; K&C, Kensington & Chelsea; WCC, Westminster City Council Key: Local priority Data reported Data not reported
Common clinical conditions
Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Hounslow K&C, WCC, H&F Premature mortality Mental ill d Cardiovascular diseases CVD adm, d Stroke adm, d HTN, CHD # Type 2 diabetes # #, d Respiratory diseases Asthma adm COPD adm Asthma # Cancer Breast screen Screen, Eq d Screen Screen # WCC Prostate Tuberculosis Musculoskeletal conditions Eq access Severe physical disability Eq K&C #: prevalence; adm: admissions; d: deaths; Eq: inequalities; HTN, hypertension; CHD, coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Need locally identified Key: Local priority Data reported Data not reported
Mental and sexual health
Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Hounslow K&C, WCC, H&F Self-harm prevention Access Research Suicide prevention Severe/enduring mental illness Child Audit Termination of pregnancy Contraception LARCs Sexually transmitted infection BAME, HIV HIV, Chl HIV YP HIV, Hep C BAME, black, Asian and minority ethnic; Chl, chlamydia; LARC, long-acting reversible contraception; YP, young people. Need locally identified Key: Local priority Data reported Data not reported
Social care Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Hounslow K&C, WCC, H&F
Social isolation ASCU Carers YP, EoL Safeguarding Asylum seekers, SEND Sensory impaired Autism Learning disability Health checks Supported living LD ASCU, adult social care users; EoL, end of life; LD, learning disability; SEND, statement of educational need; YP, Young people Need locally identified Key: Local priority Data reported Data not reported
Wider determinants of health
Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Hounslow K&C, WCC, H&F Crime Dom, FM, FGM Repeat, youth Hate, FGM, dom Dom Migration/asylum seekers PTSD Research Employment Parental Poverty Fuel Fuel, child Child Housing Homelessness Air quality/noise Road traffic accidents Need locally identified Dom, domestic violence; FM, forced marriage; FGM, female genital mutilation; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder Key: Local priority Data reported Data not reported
Children & young people
Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Hounslow K&C, WCC, H&F Neonatal and infant health LBW Child oral health Tooth decay Childhood eating disorder Waiting times A&E visits Under 5s Teenage pregnancy Children with SEN Research ToC Looked after children Mental health Need locally identified Key: Local priority Data reported Data not reported * Hillingdon prioritises child health and wellbeing more generally; LBW, low birth weight; ToC, transfers of care.
Older people Brent Ealing Harrow Hillingdon Hounslow K&C, WCC, H&F
Falls End of life care Dementia Need locally identified Key: Local priority Data reported Data not reported
Alignment of priority population health needs with NWL STP delivery areas
Wellbeing and prevention Obesity (adult and child) – STP DA1 Social Physical activity – STP DA1 Supported housing (incl. learning disability/autism) Smoking – STP DA1 Wider determinants Substance misuse Crime (incl. FGM, domestic violence, hate crimes) Clinical Migration/asylum seekers Type 2 diabetes – STP DA2 Poverty (incl. fuel poverty, child poverty) Cancer (screening) – STP DA2 Housing (incl. affordability, availability) Tuberculosis Children & young people Severe physical disability – STP DA2 A&E visits – STP DA5 Mental and sexual health Children with SEN (incl. transfers of care) Severe/enduring mental illness – STP DA4 Looked after children Sexually transmitted infection (particularly HIV) Older people Dementia care – STP DA3 STP, sustainability and transformation plan
Sources The Hounslow Story: JSNA summary document (August 2017)
Hillingdon JSNA priority themes and factsheets online (undated) Harrow JSNA (v ) Ealing JSNA chapters reviewed: 2014 Executive summary Dementia (2015) Sensory impairment (2016) Learning disability (2016) Children and young people (2016) Housing, homelessness and rough sleepers (2016) Carers (2016) Children’s oral health (2017) Autism spectrum disorder (2017) Musculoskeletal health (2018) End of life care (2018) Mental health (2018) Brent JSNA Overview Report: 2015/16 K&C/WCC/H&F JSNA chapters reviewed: Children with special educational needs (Jul 2018) Young Adults JSNA (Jan 2017) Housing and Care (Sep 2016) Childhood obesity (Jan 2016) End of life care (Jan 2016) Dementia (Oct 2015) Physical activity (May 2014) Child poverty (Apr 2014) Substance misuse/offender health (Mar 2014) Tuberculosis (Mar 2014) Highlights report Learning disabilities (Jan 2014)
Deputy Director of Business Intelligence
For more information: Andi Orlowski Deputy Director of Business Intelligence @ldn_ichp linkedin/imperialcollegehealthpartners
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