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Oregon and Santa Fe Trails

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1 Oregon and Santa Fe Trails
Both started in Independence Missouri Central location Mississippi and Missouri Rivers to get to the trail Santa Fe Trail basically the route of Kearney’s army march in Mexican War Importance of Trails Starting point Supplies Known route Safety/speed US need to populate the region Aim: Why did people move West?

2 Aim: Why did people move West?
What features stand out on the map? What is the purpose? Aim: Why did people move West?

3 Dangers/Problems on the Trails!
With a partner, come up with 5 problems or dangers that will exist along the trail system, and give a realistic (for the 1800’s!!!) way to solve the problem!!! Aim: Why did people move West?

4 Problems/Dangers along the Trails
Health/sickness/disease/death Hostile Native Americans Robbers/bandits Wild animals Directions?? Temperature/climate/topography/Rocky Mts. Lack of supplies Heavy loads/slow trip (5 months)-Conestoga wagons Women and children Mormons (1857)- “Utah War”/ Mountain Meadow Massacre “Circle the Wagons” Donner Party Yummy!!!!!! Aim: Why did people move West?

5 Aim: Why did people move West?

6 Squatter’s Rights (Adverse Possession)
Gov’t policy in 1830’s and 40’s settle on gov’t land until gov’t sold it Rewards productive use of the land Problems of this policy Fighting for land Legal claims? Aim: Why did people move West?

7 Aim: Why did people move West?
Homestead Act (1862) US gov’t gave 160 acres of land basically for free $10 registration fee must live on land 5 years to improve land Why US created this policy? Desperate need to populate the region Protection/defense ↑Tax base Spread out the population Civil War importance-1862!! Aim: Why did people move West?

8 Aim: Why did people move West?
Land Rush What land did the US give away? Midwest Usually not the best land Parts of Oklahoma (again screwing the Natives!) Land Rushes- late 1800’s “Stake your claim” “Oklahoma Sooners” Aim: Why did people move West?

9 Aim: Why did people move West?
California Gold Rush-1849 1845- non-Indian population of Cal. Was 700 people ,000 ,000 1849- Sutter’s Mill- near San Francisco Difference between California and other Western migration California -the rest Single males -families/ starting farms Boom or bust -long term settlements “GOLD DIGGERS” IMPORTANCE OF CALIFORNIA Agriculture/Gold Pacific Ocean Giant size- population and land mass Split US population- early statehood Potential problem of statehood? Aim: Why did people move West?

10 Aim: Why did people move West?

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