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Clinical exam. of Hip joint

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1 Clinical exam. of Hip joint
최재활의학과의원 최 재 익

2 Pain referred to hip dull vague pain most pain from lumbar lesion
groin : L1 and L2 anterior thigh : L2 and L3 buttock : S2 and (L5, S1, and L4)

3 Pain referred from hip hip joint : L3 dermatome(anterior thigh)
SI joint : S1 and S2 dermatome gluteal bursitis : L4 and L5 dermatome psoas bursa : L2 and L3 dermatome muscles * iliopsoas and adductor m. : L2 and L3 * rectus femoris : L3 * quadratus femoris : L5 and S1 * hamstrings : S1 and s2

4 History : symptom pain locking twinge feeling of giving way

5 History : symptom, onset
when did it start? acute, subacute, chronic how did it start? apparent reason, injury injury(+) how did it happen? what were the immediate symptoms? injury(-) did the symptoms come on suddenly or gradually? localization, swelling, locking, loss of function

6 History : symptom evolution
did the pain change from one side of the joint to other or did the pain spread? what was the evolution of the swelling? for how long were you disabled? what treatment did you have and with what effect? have there been any recurrences?

7 History : symptom current symptom
what is the problem now? pain, paresthesia, instability, and functional disability pain nature, rest pain, aggrevating factor, do you have twinges? and when? click, coughing, feeling of instability functional disability associated diseases

8 Inspection gait, facial expression, and movement posture
hip joint position flexed hip posture with increased lordosis, adduction and external rotation : acute arthritis and gross osteoarthrosis toe out position : retroversion of femur neck, SFE, pelvis torsion toe in position : anteversion of femur neck, internal femoral torsion excessive internal rotation and adduction : non-organic posture muscle contours skin fold

9 Standing color change, trunk deviation, PVM ilium level, PSIS level
trunk motion Gillet test : SI joint motion Trendelenburg test

10 Standing color change, trunk deviation, PVM ilium level, PSIS level
trunk motion Gillet test : SI joint motion Trendelenburg test

11 Standing color change, trunk deviation, PVM ilium level, PSIS level
trunk motion Gillet test : SI joint motion Trendelenburg test

12 Supine inspection : leg position, knee swelling knee extension, SLR
hip flexion, IR, ER : capsular pattern, knee flexion Thomas test hip flexion, adduction, IR resistive IR, ER, and int. derotation test Patrick sign SI joint distration , thigh thrust tenderness : hip joint UMN sign : spasticity, ankle clonus motor(EHL, FHL, IR), DTR

13 Supine inspection : leg position, knee swelling knee extension, SLR
hip flexion, IR, ER : capsular pattern, knee flexion Thomas test hip flexion, adduction, IR resistive IR, ER, and int. derotation test Patrick sign SI joint distration , thigh thrust tenderness : hip joint UMN sign : spasticity, ankle clonus motor(EHL, FHL, IR), DTR

14 Supine inspection : leg position, knee swelling knee extension, SLR
Thomas test hip flexion, IR, ER : capsular pattern, knee flexion hip flexion, adduction, IR impingement, piriformis resistive IR, ER, and int. derotation test guteal tendon tear Patrick sign SI joint distration , thigh thrust tenderness : hip joint UMN sign : spasticity, ankle clonus motor(EHL, FHL, IR), DTR

15 Supine inspection : leg position, knee swelling knee extension, SLR
Thomas test hip flexion, IR, ER : capsular pattern, knee flexion hip flexion, adduction, IR impingement, piriformis resistive IR, ER, and int. derotation test guteal tendon tear Patrick sign SI joint distration , thigh thrust tenderness : hip joint UMN sign : spasticity, ankle clonus motor(EHL, FHL, IR), DTR

16 Supine inspection : leg position, knee swelling knee extension, SLR
Thomas test hip flexion, IR, ER : capsular pattern, knee flexion hip flexion, adduction, IR impingement, piriformis resistive IR, ER, and int. derotation test guteal tendon tear Patrick sign SI joint distration , thigh thrust tenderness : hip joint UMN sign : spasticity, ankle clonus motor(EHL, FHL, IR), DTR

17 piriformis block

18 Supine inspection : leg position, knee swelling knee extension, SLR
Thomas test hip flexion, IP, ER : capsular pattern, knee flexion hip flexion, adduction, IR resistive IR, ER, and int. derotation test Patrick sign SI joint distration , thigh thrust tenderness : hip joint UMN sign : spasticity, ankle clonus motor(EHL, FHL, IR), DTR

19 Supine inspection : leg position, knee swelling knee extension, SLR
Thomas test hip flexion, IP, ER : capsular pattern, knee flexion hip flexion, adduction, IR resistive IR, ER, and int. derotation test Patrick sign SI joint distration , thigh thrust tenderness : hip joint UMN sign : spasticity, ankle clonus motor(EHL, FHL, IR), DTR

20 Side lying inspection : great trochanter prominence hip abduction
Ober test resistive abduction compression test tenderness : g. trochanter, TFL, iliac crest

21 Side lying inspection : great trochanter prominence hip abduction
Ober test resistive abduction compression test tenderness : g. trochanter, TFL, iliac crest

22 Prone inspection : PVM bulk, deviation, lordosis, gluteal bulk
hip extension and Yeomann’s test active hip extension with motor control resistive hip extension hip IR, ER range sacral compression tenderness : SP, PVM. SI joint, ILA, piriformis, hip joint

23 Prone inspection : PVM bulk, deviation, lordosis, gluteal bulk
hip extension and Yeomann’s test active hip extension with motor control resistive hip extension hip IR, ER range sacral compression tenderness : SP, PVM. SI joint, ILA, piriformis, hip joint

24 Prone inspection : PVM bulk, deviation, lordosis, gluteal bulk
hip extension and Yeomann’s test active hip extension with motor control resistive hip extension hip IR, ER range sacral compression tenderness : SP, PVM. SI joint, ILA, piriformis, hip joint

25 Prone inspection : PVM bulk, deviation, lordosis, gluteal bulk
hip extension and Yeomann’s test active hip extension with motor control resistive hip extension hip IR, ER range sacral compression tenderness : SP, PVM. SI joint, ILA, piriformis, hip joint

26 Thank you ! conclusion GOOD HISTORY TAKING

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