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Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Oral History Project London Chinatown.

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1 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Oral History Project London Chinatown

2 Mid Autumn Festival 中秋节
What do you know about Mid- Autumn Festival? Play Video

3 The legend of Chang’E This is the story of Hou Yi and his wife Chang’E
Play Video Let’s watch the video 

4 Mid-Autumn Festival Customs
Appreciating the bright full moon Celebrating with family Eating mooncakes Playing with lanterns

5 传统月饼 新潮月饼 冰皮 雪糕 咖啡 Chuán Tŏng Yuè Bĭng Xīn Cháo Yuè Bĭng
(traditional mooncakes) Bīng Pí 冰皮 (ice-skin / snowy) Xīn Cháo Yuè Bĭng 新潮月饼 (trendy mooncakes) Xuĕ Gāo 雪糕 (ice cream) Kā Fēi 咖啡 (coffee)

6 Mooncake and the Mongols
To overthrow the rule of Mongols, Han people put a message “uprising, at the night of fifteenth of August” written on paper inside mooncakes and given to every Han family. At the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, an uprising broke out, and finally toppled the regime of Mongols. People eat mooncakes to remember this event.

7 月饼 莲蓉蛋黄 豆沙 (red bean paste) Yuè bĭng Mooncakes with different fillings
Lián róng Dàn huáng 莲蓉蛋黄 (lotus seed paste and egg yolk) Dòu shā 豆沙 (red bean paste)

8 Wǔ rén 五仁 (five kernel) Zăo ní 枣泥 (jujube paste)

9 Wèi dào 味道 (taste/flavour) Xiāng (aromatic/fragrant) Tián (sweet)

10 苦 (bitter) 酸 (sour) 咸 (salty) 辣 (hot/peppery) Kǔ Suān Xián Là Wèi dào
味道 (taste/flavour) 苦 (bitter) Xián 咸 (salty) Suān 酸 (sour) 辣 (hot/peppery)

11 Yuè bĭng yòu Xiāng yòu Tián
月饼 又 香 又 甜, Zhēn hăo chī 真好吃。

12 Watching the flood tide at Qian-tang River estuary
Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival around the World Zhejiang Province Watching the flood tide at Qian-tang River estuary Video – News Report

13 Zhōng qīu kuài lè 中秋快乐

14 Let’s sing a song 中秋歌 Zhōng qīu gē

15 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival) 月亮 (the moon)
Zhōng qīu jié 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival) Yuè liàng 月亮 (the moon)

16 Huā dēng 花灯 (festive lanterns) Dēng lóng 灯笼 (lantern)

17 后羿 (Hou Yi, a person’s name) 嫦娥 (Chang’ E, a person’s name)
Hòu Yì 后羿 (Hou Yi, a person’s name) Cháng’ É 嫦娥 (Chang’ E, a person’s name)

18 Tuán yuán 团圆 (reunion)

19 wéi 囗 (enclosure) RADICALS huŏ 火 (fire)

20 * How to write the character ‘Qiū’

21 * How to write the character ‘Dēng’

22 * How to write the character ‘Tuán’

23 * How to write the character ‘Yuán’

24 Man and the Moon When did man reach the moon for the first time? 1969
Who was the first man to reach the moon? What is the name of the spaceflight which first landed on the moon? Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong Which was the first country to send a man to land on the moon? USA Who said ‘one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind’? Neil Armstrong Footprint on the moon

25 Let’s learn a poem Jìng Yè Sī -- Lĭ Bái 静夜思 -- 李白
Chuáng qián míng yuè guāng,yí shì dì shàng shuāng 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 Jŭ tóu wàng míng yuè,dī tóu sī gù xiāng 举头望明月,低头思故乡。

26 lanterns

27 Legend Customs Mooncake


29 London Chinatown Acknowledgement:
Produced as part of the London China Town Oral History Project with materials from CMHA and Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Lesson plan designed by Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Oral History Project London Chinatown

30 Picture references: of-one-world-hotel-petaling-jaya/

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