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Homework R-4 due tomorrow Current events article #6 due Tuesday.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework R-4 due tomorrow Current events article #6 due Tuesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework R-4 due tomorrow Current events article #6 due Tuesday.

2 Aim #6: Why did the Protestant Reformation occur?
Do Now: Describe some of the things that occurred towards the end of the Middle Ages that were making people more likely to question the power and wisdom of the Catholic Church.

3 I. What is the Protestant Reformation?
Protest: People are going to rise up and protest Church corruption and practices Reform: People are going to try to make changes to fix/improve Christianity in Europe Will eventually lead to the creation of an entirely new branch of Christianity → Protestants

4 II. Causes of the Protestant Reformation
Corruption of the Catholic Church in the 1400s / early 1500s 1. Indulgences: Letters issued by the Pope that would grant you forgiveness for all of your sins.

5 II. Causes of the Protestant Reformation
2. Corrupt clergy / Popes: More concerned with material wealth, sponsoring the arts and fighting wars than spiritual issues. 3. Simony: Buying and selling of Church offices.

6 II. Causes of the Protestant Reformation
B. Conditions of the Renaissance 1. Printing Press → Crucial in spreading the ideas of the Protestant Reformation across Europe very quickly.

7 II. Causes of the Protestant Reformation
2. Renaissance Humanism→ Human beings now believe they have the ability to challenge the Church and improve Christianity in Europe. A Dutch writer named Erasmus had already written In Praise of Folly, criticizing corruption in the Church and urging people to read the Bible for themselves and reform the Church.

8 Critical Thinking Question
Of the causes we discussed today, which one do you think will be most significant in starting the Protestant Reformation.

9 III. The “Spark” of the Reformation
Martin Luther ( ) 1. Monk who lives in the German state of Saxony. 2. Disgusted by the sale of indulgences B. 95 Theses (1517): Series of formal statements by Luther attacking the sale of indulgences by Johann Tetzel. Posted to the door of the Wittenberg Church in Saxony.

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