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Published byLê Bửu Modified over 5 years ago
Petar Pavešić, University of Ljubljana In fibrewise homotopy theory one often needs fibrewise versions of various functorial constructions on pointed topological spaces (e.g. loop-spaces, Pontryagin-Thom construction, etc.). We will present a general approach to this problem that is based on the construction of free topological groups. Eilat 1
1. INTRODUCTION fibrewise space p: X B = family of fibres Xb=p-1(b) continuously parametrized by points of B fibrewise pointed space B X B s p ps=1B = continuous family of pointed spaces (Xb, s(b)) To develop fibrewise (pointed) topology and homotopy theory we need fibrewise versions of standard pointed and unpointed operations on topological spaces, e.g. products, wedges, smashes, suspensions, loops, joins, localizations, Postnikov decompositions, Ganea constructions,… 2 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
Whitney sum (fibrewise product) XBY=(x,y) XY |p(x)=q(y)
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS Whitney sum (fibrewise product) XBY=(x,y) XY |p(x)=q(y) Husemoller: prolongation of a continuous functor : (Vec)m (Vec*)n Vec to a functor on vector bundles. and other similar constructions like fibrewise joins etc. James: fibrewise extension of a continuous functor : Top Top Crabb-James: explicit construction of fibrewise pointed wedges, smashes and some other pointed operations. May-Sigurdsson: explicit constructions and extension of limits and colimits in Top• to fibrewise limits and colimits in fibrewise pointed spaces. Iwase-Sakai: extension of a continuous functor : Top• Top• to locally trivial fibrewise pointed spaces. P. : fibrewise extension of a continuous functor : Top• Top• for total spaces that embed in products of . 3 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
James: (fibrewise extension of a continuous functor : Top Top) endows with a suitable initial topology wrt a map to B (X). (Xb) bB Approach does not extend to functors on Top• because the inclusion map is not pointed. Iwase-Sakai: carefully patches sets U(F) over a locally trivial fibrewise pointed space. Unfortunately, many important fibrewise pointed spaces are not locally trivial: pr c Diagonal and constant fibrewise pointed spaces are equivalent as fibrewise spaces but are not equivalent as fibrewise pointed spaces. 4 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
Fibrewise wedge of fibrewise pointed spaces and is given by
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS B X B s p r q Fibrewise wedge of fibrewise pointed spaces and is given by X B Y := {(x,y)X×Y | p(x)=q(y), x=sp(x) or y=rq(y)} with obvious projection and section. Both factors are fibrewise trivial but the fibres of the fibrewise wedge are not all homeomorphic, so the resulting fibrewise (pointed) space is not even locally trivial as a fibrewise space. This difficulty arises in all non-homogeneous spaces. P. : extension of : Top• Top• for total spaces that embed in products of . Construction depends on the embedding (at least in principle) so it is hard to prove functoriality and naturality. Also, it is hard to extend to functors of more variables. 5 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
2. CONSTRUCTION i X FX f G X : topological space
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS 2. CONSTRUCTION X : topological space X FX G i f There exists a free topological group FX, such that Underlying set FX is the free group generated by X. Topology on FX is the maximal one for which i is an embedding. (if there is one, take union of all topologies with that property – A.A.Markov 1941, …) FACTS: i:XFX is an embedding X is a completely regular space i:XFX is a closed embedding X is a Tychonoff space FX is Hausdorff X is functionally Hausdorff FX is a k-space X is locally compact and separable or discrete 6 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
(( Xk)b,sk (b))k=1,...,n {b}× (FXk,ek )k=1,...,n
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS CReg• pointed completely regular spaces CRegB fibrewise pointed completely regular spaces B so that ib: (Xb,s(b)) (FX,e) B X B s p For in CRegB define ib: X FX as ib(x) = i(x)i(s(b))-1 B Given Bk Xk Bk sk pk in CRegB for k=1,...,n B : (CReg•)n Top• functor and Define (X1,..., Xn) to be the set (( Xk)b,sk (b))k=1,...,n , endowed with the initial topology, induced by the function bB (( Xk)b,sk (b))k=1,...,n {b}× (FXk,ek )k=1,...,n bB ((ik)b) k b B × (FXk,ek ) p :=prB ° : (X) B s : B (X) maps to fibre basepoints ((ik)b) k b 7 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
f *(X1,..., Xn) (f *(X1),..., f *(Xn))
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS Theorem (1) For every functor : (CReg•)n Top• the correspondence defines a fibrewise pointed extension functor = B : (CRegB)n TopB (2) A natural transformation of functors : induces a natural transformation of their fibrewise pointed extensions B : B B (3) Fibrewise pointed extension commutes with pull-backs: for f: A B f *(X1,..., Xn) (f *(X1),..., f *(Xn)) (Bk Xk Bk) k=1,...,n (B (X1,..., Xn) B) sk pk p s B B B B B 8 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
(Bk Xk Bk) k=1,...,n (B (X1,..., Xn) B)
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS (4) If are locally fibrewise pointed trivial or sectioned then so is (5) If the functors ,: CReg• CReg• form an adjoint pair, then so do their fibrewise pointed extensions B,B : CRegB CRegB (Bk Xk Bk) k=1,...,n sk pk p s (B (X1,..., Xn) B) B B B B For standard functors (product, fat wedge, smash, join, loop,...) B coincides with the constructions of James-Crabb, May-Sigurdsson,... B 9 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
( ((X1,x1),..., (Xn,xn)) ((E1,x1),..., (En,xn)).
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS preserves (closed) subspaces if for every (closed) subspaces ik :(Xk,xk) (Ek,xk) the topology on ((X1,x1),..., (Xn,xn)) coincides with the topology induced by ( ((X1,x1),..., (Xn,xn)) ((E1,x1),..., (En,xn)). products, (fat) wedges, based path spaces, based loop spaces... preserve subspaces one-point compactification does not preserve subspaces smash products, joins,... preserve closed subspaces Theorem If the functor : (CReg•)n Top• preserves subspaces then (X1,..., Xn) is a fibrewise pointed space whose fibres are ((X1)b,..., (Xn)b). If the functor : (CReg•)n Top• preserves closed subspaces and if X1,..., Xn are Tychonoff spaces then the fibres of (X1,..., Xn) over B are ((X1)b,..., (Xn)b). 10 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
f : A(X1,..., Xn) (Y1,..., Yn), f (a,u):=( f (a, –))(u)
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS is (topologically) continuous if for every collection of continuous maps fk: AXk Yk the induced map f : A(X1,..., Xn) (Y1,..., Yn), f (a,u):=( f (a, –))(u) is also continuous. products, wedges, path and loop spaces, smash products, joins,... are continuous Theorem If the functor : (CReg•)n Top• is topologically continuous, and if are Hurewicz fibrations then is also a Hurewicz fibration. (Bk Xk Bk) k=1,...,n sk pk p s (B (X1,..., Xn) B) 11 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
3. SOME APPLICATIONS (a) GANEA – WHITEHEAD FRAMEWORK FOR TOPOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY cat(X): Lusternik – Schnirelmann (LS) category of X is the size of the minimal cover of X by open subsets that can be deformed to a point within X. WnX fat wedge nX X n product nX G[n]X smash GnX pn Ganea space Ganea – Whitehead framework for LS-category cat(X) n n admits a lifting (Whitehead definition) p n admits a section (Ganea definition) Many standard estimates of cat(X) can be derived from the above diagram. 12 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
TCn•(X) is the fibrewise category of the fibrewise pointed space
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS Iwase – Sakai: TC•(X) is the fibrewise LS category of the fibrewise pointed space pr2 X X×X X Similarly: TCn•(X) is the fibrewise category of the fibrewise pointed space prn n X Xn X WnX fibrewise fat wedge nX X n fibrewise product nX G[n]X fibrewise smash product GnX pn fibrewise Ganea space Ganea – Whitehead framework for monoidal topological complexity Various explicit constructions: Iwase - Sakai, Fasso, Calcines, Doeraene, Vandembroucq, Franc - P. 13 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
FREE TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS AND FUNCTORIAL FIBREWISE CONSTRUCTIONS (b) FIBREWISE POINTED OBSTRUCTION THEORY Exploit functoriality of the Postnikov decomposition. Let Pn: CRegB TopB be the fibrewise pointed extension of the n-th Postnikov section functor Pn : CReg• Top• B For every X in CRegB the morphism X PnX is an n-equivalence on the fibres. B Theorem If B is a finite dimensional complex and if Y is a fibrewise pointed space over B with fibres of dimension l then [Y,X]B [Y, PnX]B is a bijection for dimB+l < n and a surjection for dimB+l = n. In other words X PnX is a fibrewise pointed (n-dimB)-equivalence. 14 INTRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS
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