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Aspen Reactors Amanda Hamilton, Jonathan Kalman, Harrison Kraus, Jenny Lam, Sophie Levy, Jacob Salem.

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Presentation on theme: "Aspen Reactors Amanda Hamilton, Jonathan Kalman, Harrison Kraus, Jenny Lam, Sophie Levy, Jacob Salem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aspen Reactors Amanda Hamilton, Jonathan Kalman, Harrison Kraus, Jenny Lam, Sophie Levy, Jacob Salem

2 @Amanda and Jacob, I thought this photo might be useful for intro or summary
This is mine - Jacob B. Salem, 2/7/19, 3:11 pm WAY TO IGNORE THIS This should be an intro slide we can put a nice red box around the kinetic based ones or show it every time we switch between boxes!! Reason for RPLUG over CSTR “The reactor was simulated using the RPLUG model with a ‘constant medium temperature’ as the dynamic heat transfer selection. This kind of reactor is the best choice to simulate plug flow configuration with composition changing along the reactor length (or catalyst mass), since it allows the full definition of kinetics and, hence, the prediction of reactor output under widely different conditions. The kinetic equation involves the integration of appropriate composition and rate terms along the reactor profile.” Say that we’re focusing on RPlug because its what we believe will be used for the project

3 Stoichiometry of Methane Steam Reformation
CxHy + x H2O + heat → x CO + (x + y/2) H2 Using natural gas/methane (CH4) for ease of explanation CH4 + H2O + heat → CO + 3 H2

4 Adding a Reaction in Aspen
Simulation -> Reactions -> hit new -> choose Powerlaw -> input components

5 Adding a Reaction in Aspen


7 Source:
RYield Only one input feed Basis Yield = amount of component in the output / amount input Ideal when lacking exact specifications about stoichiometry and kinetics Specifications (need 2) Need either: Temperature / pressure Temperature change And one of: Temperature Pressure Heat duty Vapor fraction Source:

8 Source:
RStoic Uses similar streams as RYield Ideal for known reaction stoichiometry Kinetics may be unknown or unimportant Specifications (need 2) Need either: Temperature Pressure And one of: Duty Vapor fraction Source:

9 RStoic - Additional Optional Specifications
Combustion Selectivity Heat of Reaction


11 Source:
REquil Ideal for: Reactions with an equilibrium phase Vapor and liquid product streams Inputs Material streams Reaction Extent of reaction (optional) Calculates equilibrium conditions based on thermodynamic data Outputs Vapor AND liquid product streams Keq Source: ** No kinetics or stoichiometry needed, but does not do a rigorous analysis

12 Source:
RGibbs Subset of equilibrium reactors Ideal for: Equilibrium systems with a solid phase Finding phase and/or chemical equilibrium Inputs Material streams Reactions (If phases are constrained) Predicts equilibrium conditions by minimizing the Gibbs Free Energy Outputs Product streams Source: ** No kinetics or stoichiometry needed, but does not do a rigorous analysis


14 Reaction Kinetics Source:




18 RBatch and RCSTR RBatch RCSTR
Used to model batch or semi-batch reactor 1, 2 or 3 phases Continuous vapor vent, delayed or continuous feeds (optional) RCSTR Used to model continuous stirred tank reactor Contents of reactor has the same properties as the outlet stream

19 RBatch - Specifications
Pressure specifications Reactor operating specification and associated parameters Constant temperature Temperature profile Constant heat duty Heat duty profile Constant coolant temperature Heat transfer user subroutine Phases present in the reactor No solid phases

20 RBatch - Kinetics and Stop Criteria
Reaction kinetics Stop criteria variables Time elapsed Mole or mass fraction of a component Conversion of a component Total moles or mass of material Total volume, temperature, pressure, or vapor fraction in the reactor Mole or mass flow rate in vent System property (i.e viscosity)

21 RBatch - Operation Times & Outputs
Specify operation times Batch cycle times Calculation times for profile results Some outputs Time which stop criteria satisfied Heat load per cycle Min and max reactor temperatures

22 RCSTR - Specifications
2 design variables Pressure Temperature or heat duty Valid phases Reactor specifications (phase dependent) Reactor volume Residence time Phase volume, fractions, or residence time Reaction kinetics Some outputs Heat duty Phases

23 RPlug Rigorous simulation of ideal plug flow reactor
7 types of RPlug specifications No input required Adiabatic Input required Specified temperature Constant thermal fluid temperature Co-current thermal fluid Counter-current thermal fluid Specified thermal fluid temperature profile Specified external heat flux profile

24 RPlug - Specifications
Specified temperature Temperature input Location in reactor (fraction of reactor length) Specified external heat flux profile Location in reactor (fraction of reactor length) Heat flux at location

25 RPlug - Specifications
Co-current thermal fluid Counter-current thermal fluid Constant thermal fluid temperature Specified thermal fluid temperature profile Overall heat transfer coefficient Thermal fluid temperature Location in reactor (fraction of reactor length) Temperature at location

26 RPlug - Configuration Required Optional Reactor length
Reactor diameter Optional Number of tubes Varying diameter

27 RPlug - Catalyst Must indicate catalyst present Three specifications
Catalyst loading Particle density Bed voidage

28 Pros/Cons of Kinetics-Based Reactors
More accurate representation of reactions Allows reversible reactions to be properly represented Cons Can only be used if kinetics are known More intense calculations can slow down simulation RBatch and RPlug can only have one feed 1st point - These models are rigorous and are thus accepted as more accurate to a real reaction. if you have kinetic information, this is additional information that gives a more realistic and accurate result. 2nd point - for a reversible reaction, fwd and backward may have different kinetics. This is not assumed in non-kinetic based reactors

29 Conclusions Reactor requirements differ based on their inputs
Number of Feeds Stoichiometry Kinetics Various reactor and feed properties Rigorous models stay true to real-life standards Other models still valid for estimation Select the appropriate reactor based on information you have Type of reaction Kinetics, Stoichiometry, etc. Reactor properties - length, diameter, catalyst Feed properties - heat transfer coefficient, temperatures, Type of reaction - batch, adiabatic, etc.

30 Sources Aspen Plus

31 Thank you for listening!

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