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Is Facebook safe? Your privacy on Facebook can be threatened in different ways. Many people are already aware of the fact that not all on Facebook are.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Facebook safe? Your privacy on Facebook can be threatened in different ways. Many people are already aware of the fact that not all on Facebook are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Facebook safe? Your privacy on Facebook can be threatened in different ways. Many people are already aware of the fact that not all on Facebook are their friends. You should make sure that your privacy settings are accurate if you post information that isn’t intended for the public.

2 Should you be afraid of accepting everyone on Facebook?
Users V/S Advertisers Passwords & Trust A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. Here is a placeholder for more text. You may delete this text Privacy settings Should you be afraid of accepting everyone on Facebook?

3 Users V/S Advertisers 2 Remember that you aren’t paying a cent for the service, the advertisers are. You want privacy and the advertisers want information about potential customers. So which group’s interests are more important to Facebook in the long run? The old saying is so true; if you are not paying for the product, then you are the product. A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. Here is a placeholder for more text. You may delete this text 3 4 As we don’t know where all of our information goes to, you should try these points to keep your private data out: 1. Don’t put your background in Facebook. Leave your profile empty, or enter just enough to distinguish you from other with the same name, so that old friends can find the right person 2. Don’t expose your private life on Facebook. Think of it in a different way. You can use it as a public blog and still create enough content to keep up your friends’ interest 3. Think before you like. Liking things builds up a picture about what kind of person you are, especially if you like commercial products Back to main

4 At the moment of creating your password
1 Passwords & Trust When you log in to Facebook, you provide a password. This password is something you have complete control over and can make it difficult for others to gain access to your account. You also should never give out your password to anyone, not even someone you know. That password is for you and you only. Keep it close and help keep your account safe. A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. Here is a placeholder for more text. You may delete this text 3 4 At the moment of creating your password Using combinations of capital letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, you can create a password that would be difficult to figure out. Your goal is to make your password something that only you could figure out. Back to main

5 1 2 4 Privacy settings TRY TO
Your privacy on Facebook can be threatened different ways. Many people are already aware of the fact that not all on Facebook are their friends. You should make sure that your privacy settings are accurate if you post information that isn’t intended for the public.  A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. Here is a placeholder for more text. You may delete this text Privacy settings 4 TRY TO If you're a Facebook member make sure to go into your account privacy setting and adjust your settings. I recommend that your settings be set so that only your friends (not friends of friends) can view your profile, pictures, and information. Back to main

6 Should you be afraid of accepting everyone on Facebook?
1 2  The answer is "possibly”. The reason is that sometimes people around; mainly in Facebook tent to create facebook fake profiles, and they are called stalkers or identity thiefs. These people try to enter your circle of friends on Facebook, they want to track your activity without you know. Possibilities include a jealous partner you've fallen out with, a rival in love or business, or simply someone who has an unhealthy crush on you. So, imposters posing as your friends on Facebook can use the tactic to keep tabs on you, to steal personal information from you, or even hurt you and your real friends. A content placeholder. Use for text, graphics, tables and graphs. You can change this text or delete it. Here is a placeholder for more text. You may delete this text 3 Should you be afraid of accepting everyone on Facebook? Be aware! on what information you share on your Facebook page (privacy settings) because fake friends can take it and try to get into your life. SO! Everything on Facebook can be faked, and so the only way you can tell if a friend request was genuine or not is to speak (yes, in real life!) with the person who is trying to add you as a friend. Back to main

7 After reading this, you can go to a Scenario that makes you think about what you should do in a specific situation on Facebook.

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