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The non-trivial Java example ‘Mouse in a Maze’
A simple software development process from specification, to design, implementation, and test
Source Based on an idea from S.N. Kamin, M.D. Mickunas, E.M. Reingold: „An introduction to computer science – Using Java“, McGraw-Hill, 1998
Points of this Java sample program
For the lecturer only Introduce a non- trivial Java program Demonstrate the importance of software engineering principles for ordinary Java program development Illustrate a methodology how to present larger Java programs in lectures Interactive style of the lecture improves learning effects Using Java API
Course materials Lecture slides: Java sources Assignments:
For the lecturer only Lecture slides: about 90 slides takes 3 x 2 lecture hours at HU (interactive style) Java sources Sum: 378 Assignments: modify, extend the program implement as an applet (grafical interface) Classes LOC Mouse 61 Maze 55 MouseMaze 64 Easel 23 SoftFrame 135 MazeTest 40
Didactical mistake in presenting complex Java programs in lectures
For the lecturer only The lecturer tries to explain each technical detail of program code non-understandable in a lecture boring The lecturer starts with a Java program too early details of requirements specification still open design / class structure not well discussed Finding a proper class structure may be more challenging then implementing the Java program code.
Didactical principles in presenting complex Java programs in lectures
For the lecturer only Follow the software engineering process: requirements analysis, design, implementation & test Involve students into this process (interactivity) Only outline the main ideas of the implementation Assignments support detailed understanding the code
Requirements analysis: ‚Mouse in a Maze‘
Task: Develop a program, that simulates the movement of a mouse in a maze (labyrinth) from an entry to an exit. What to do? Next steps?
Facts concerning software development phases
Most errors of software systems result from misunderstanding the problem to be solved. Software development consists only of a small part of programming: Requirements analysis: 20 % Design: 15 % Implementation: 20 % Test: 45 %
Learning goals This example should illustrate the importance of a complete and correct requirements specification for the project success. Before implementing, the next step is the design of the application: Which components belong to the program architecture? Starting with the implementation too early may lead to project’s failure.
Development process of ‚Mouse in a Maze‘
Requirements analysis Design Implementation and test
Requirements analysis: ‚Mouse in a Maze‘
Task: Develop a program, that simulates the movement of a mouse in a maze (labyrinth) from an entry to an exit. Open questions ?
Open questions How does a maze look like?
What is a mouse able to do (e.g. which kinds of movements)? What is the initial state of the mouse? What, if there is no way from entry to exit? In which way should the solution be presented?
How does a maze look like?
Examples of our kind of mazes
Requirements specification (1)
Develop a program, that simulates the movement of a mouse in a maze (labyrinth) from an entry to an exit. 1. The Maze A maze is a collection of quadratic rooms arranged in a rectangle. Two adjacent rooms are separated by a wall or opening (gap). The maze is surrounded by a wall which is open at two locations (entry and exit). The size of the maze (length and height) is variable. Examples:
How does a mouse look like?
Our mouse
Mouse confronted with different mazes
No problem This will become hard entry exit entry exit
Which kinds of movements is our mouse able to do?
step forward turn left turn right
Possible movements of the mouse
May move one step forward into the adjacent room in the line of vision entry exit May turn left or right by 90 degrees
Two implemented solutions
entry exit What may be suspicious with these solutions? Proper solution for the wrong problem. In each case: the shortest path has been found. Requirements specification is incomplete entry exit
Requirements specification is incomplete
entry exit entry exit In each case: the shortest path has been found Only possible if the mouse knows the whole maze (view from above) This is not the characteristic of maze problems.
Perceptions of the mouse
Line of vision only straight forward May see only inside of one room (not into the adjacent room) entry exit May decide: Do I face a wall or an opening (gap)? May decide: Am I inside or outside the maze?
Field of view of a mouse
The problem may be huge
Requirements Specification (2)
2. The Mouse: The mouse has no general overview of the maze. a) The mouse may move in the following way: turn left, turn right (by 90 degrees), move forward into the adjacent room. b) The mouse is located either in a fixed room inside the maze or just next to the entry or exit. In addition, it has a fixed line of vision. c) The mouse can see only in the line of vision. It can decide wether it faces a wall or not.
Requirements specification: open problems?
Description of the initial state of the mouse Description of the final state of the mouse Description of the task Special cases User interface
Requirements Specification (3)
3. Desription of the initial state of the mouse: The mouse is initially placed in front of the entrance to the maze (the next step forward takes her to the maze). Example: entry exit
Requirements Specification (4)
4. Desription of the final state of the mouse and of the task: We a looking for a sequence of movements (turn left, turn right, step forward) leading the mouse from the entry to the exit. Example: entry exit
Requirements Specification (5)
5. Special case: If there is no exit or if there is no way from the entry to the exit, then the mouse should leave the maze through the entry. Example: entry
Requirements Specification (6)
6. User interface a) Textual output of the solution: Example: step forward, turn right, … b) Graphical user interface: The sequence of movements will be displayed with the help of a graphical applet, i.e. the steps of the mouse are visualized. The user can interactively trigger the next step.
Solvability of the problem
Is there an algorithm at all that solves the problem for arbitrary mazes taking into account the characteristic properties of the mouse?
Algorithm: basic principle
Have the mouse walk with its right side on the wall of the maze. Still not an algorithm An algorithm has to determine the sequence of mouse movements.
Algorithm: as a pseudo code program
only one step: if mouse is still inside the maze: turn right; if (facing a wall?): then turn left and test if (facing a wall?); if (facing a wall?) then turn left and test ... else step forward
Strong pseudo code: one step
IF (NOT outside the maze?) BEGIN /*do next step*/ turn right; WHILE (facing a wall?) DO turn left; ENDWHILE step forward; END Impossible:
Strong pseudo code: whole algorithm
step forward; /* enter the maze */ WHILE(NOT outside the maze?) BEGIN /*do next step*/ turn right; WHILE (facing a wall?) DO turn left; ENDWHILE step forward; END Think about: The algorithm fulfills the principle.
Mouse movements according to the algorithm: first example
entry exit
Mouse movements according to the algorithm in detail: first example
entry exit
Mouse movements according to the algorithm: second example
exit entry
Mouse movements according to the algorithm in detail: second example
exit entry
Mouse movements: graphical and textual output
step forward turn right turn left entry exit
Textual output of the solution
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx step forward turn to the right turn to the left …
Mouse in a maze – only a nice game?
Sample of finding algorithms for robots dealing with different tasks: Playing soccer Robot moving on the moon Rescue robots
Development process of ‚Mouse in a Maze‘
Requirements analysis Design Implementation and test
Requirements specification
Task Requirements specification Next step ? Start with programming? If so, with which part/component? ???
Design: develop the software architecture
SW architecture description languages: UML Our task: define an object-oriented architecture Main problem: How to find classes?
Software development: Phases and results
Analysis & Definition Requirements specification Design Software architecture Implementation Program Test Test cases
As a matter of fact … Finding a proper class structure may be more challenging then implementing the Java program code.
Software architecture
Structure of the software: Which components exist? Which relations are between them? Stack: Push(e) Pop() Top()
Architecture specification languages
Graphical languages for the specification of software architectures Industry standard: UML Unified Modelling Language Now: examples of one graphical element of UML: class diagram What programming languages mean to the implementation phase, are architecture specification languages to the design phase.
UML classes: the structure
Name Attributes: state Time hour : int minute : int Time (hour: int, minute : int) addMinutes (Min : int) printTime ( ) hidden Operations: behaviour
UML classes as interfaces
Time hour : int minute : int Time (hour: int, minute : int) addMinutes (Min : int) printTime ( ) UML classes provide an interface: Which information is visible from outside ? Why are hidden data – which are not visible from outside – part of UML class?
The usable interface of a class: only visible features
Time - hour : int minute : int Time (hour: int, minute : int) addMinutes (Min : int) printTime ( ) Hidden data support the understanding of the interface. They are part of the class model. The only way to interact with objects of this class is to call its methods
Relations between classes: Associations, inheritance, …
Directed association: objects of class one know objects of class two – and not vice versa
How to find classes? Principles ?
By separation of the problem to sub-problems Sub-problems may become classes From the objects of the problem area Investigate the requirements specification to find objects of the problem area
Case study: ‘Mouse in a Maze’
Which objects of the problem area should be implemented as component / class of the system? Mouse Maze Algorithm for mouse movement User interface /output
Which relations exist between the components?
Who needs whom ? Mouse Maze Algorithm for mouse movement User interface /output
Which relation: Who needs whom?
no Mouse Maze e.g. test if in front of a wall ? Alg. has not to know the maze User interface /output Algorithm for mouse movement ? ?
Class diagram for a mouse
Which data and which operations characterize the mouse? Mouse ?
Interface of the mouse: Which data, which operations? (first approach)
State: place / direction in a maze Mouse Location : Point Direction : int stepForward ( ) turnLeft ( ) turnRight ( ) facingWall ( ) : boolean outsideMaze ( ) : boolean Behaviour: abilities of the mouse (movements & perceptions)
Detailed interface of the mouse
- Location : Point Direction : int + started : boolean - theMaze : Maze Mouse (Maze m) getLocation ( ) : Point stepForward ( ) turnLeft ( ) turnRight ( ) facingWall ( ) : boolean outsideMaze ( ) : boolean Create a mouse in relation to a particular maze Visible attribute Current position of the mouse
Interface of the maze ? Maze Class diagram of the maze:
data and operations? Maze ? Interface of the maze: Which information is necessary for a user of this class (user = objects of class “Mouse”)?
Interface of the maze (first approach)
Is the current position outside of the maze? Maze outside (pos : Point) : boolean checkWall (direction : int, pos : Point) : boolean getStartLocation ( ) : Point Is there a wall at position pos in this direction? Where to place the mouse initially? (position & direction)
Interface of the maze: attributes ?
outside (pos : Point) : boolean checkWall (direction : int, pos : Point) : boolean getStartLocation ( ) : ? The representation of the maze is too complex to be included as attributes (array)
Detailed interface of the maze
Detailed maze data are too complex to be included in a class diagram. Maze height : int width : int getStartLocation ( ) : Point getStartDirection ( ) : int getSize ( ) : Point checkWall (direction : int, pos : Point) : boolean checkWall (direction : int, col : int, row : int) : boolean outside (pos : Point) : boolean The height and width of the maze are useful to draw the maze Height and width as a point. To find class diagrams is an iterative process: start with a simple solution and extend and modify if necessary.
Software Architecture: the whole view (textual output)
Mouse - Location : Point - Direction : int + started : boolean - theMaze : Maze Mouse (Maze m) getLocation ( ) : Point stepForward ( ) turnLeft ( ) turnRight ( ) facingWall ( ) : boolean outsideMaze ( ) : boolean Maze height : int width : int getStartLocation ( ) : Point getStartDirection ( ) : int getSize ( ) : Point checkWall (direction : int, pos : Point) : boolean checkWall (direction : int, col : int, row : int) : boolean outside (pos : Point) : boolean Algorithm for mouse movement main ( ) Textual output of the maze printMaze ( )
Problems of the development of a software architecture
Not unique (many good and many bad solutions) Design of a software architecture does not succeed for the first time Long process: Software architecture develops stepwise Principle: Start with one preliminary architecture The usability of the methods finally turns out only during the implementation.
Development process of ‚Mouse in a Maze‘
Requirements analysis Design Implementation and test
Java sources Classes LOC Mouse 61 Maze 55 MouseMaze 64 Easel 23
SoftFrame 135 MazeTest 40 Sum: 378
Information to the audience
This presentation gives only an outline of the principle points of the implementation. Several crucial technical details will be explained. However, not each implementation detail will be presented. This would be boring in a lecture. During the self-study and with assignments, everybody should explain oneself open questions.
Planning of implementation steps
In which order should the classes be implemented? 2 1 Mouse Maze User interface: Textual output of the maze 3a Algorithm for mouse movement 3b UML class diagram: Dependencies order of implementation
Software Architecture: the whole view
2 1 Mouse - Location : Point - Direction : int + started : boolean - theMaze : Maze Mouse (Maze m) getLocation ( ) : Point stepForward ( ) turnLeft ( ) turnRight ( ) facingWall ( ) : boolean outsideMaze ( ) : boolean Maze height : int width : int getStartLocation ( ) : Point getStartDirection ( ) : int getSize ( ) : Point checkWall (direction : int, pos : Point) : boolean checkWall (direction : int, col : int, row : int) : boolean outside (pos : Point) : boolean 3b 3a Algorithm for mouse movement main ( ) Textual output of the maze printMaze ( ) In the lecture: 1, 2, 3b (main ideas) Self-study: 3a; 1, 2, 3b (details)
Implementation of the maze
Starting from the class diagram Maze height : int width : int getStartLocation ( ) : Point getStartDirection ( ) : int getSize ( ) : Point checkWall (direction : int, pos : Point) : boolean checkWall (direction : int, col : int, row : int) : boolean outside (pos : Point) : boolean
Representation of the maze as a data structure
How to represent the maze by Java data structures?
Position in a maze Position = coordinate (x,y)
= (number of column, number of line) (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4)
Movement path of the mouse
(0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4)
Movement path of the mouse: Long form
Detailed description: (0,2), step forward to (1,2), turn to right, step forward to (1,3), turn to right, turn to left, turn to left, turn to left, step forward … (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4)
Representation of the maze: store the walls
For each relevant position: Is there a wall to the south boolean [][] sWall Is there a wall to the east boolean [][] eWall
Representation of the maze: store the walls
boolean [][] sWall (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4) boolean [][] eWall
South walls of the maze: example
boolean [][] sWall = {{true, true, true, false}, {false, false, false, true}, {false, false, false, false}, {true, true, true, true}} (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4)
South walls of the maze: the array
boolean [][] sWall = {{true, true, true, false}, {false, false, false, true}, {false, false, false, false}, {true, true, true, true}} 1 2 3 true false
Method ‘outside’ API: Point pos : (x , y)
public boolean outside (Point pos){ return ((pos.x < 1) //left ... || (pos.x > width) //right ... || (pos.y < 1) //over ... || (pos.y > height) //under ... ); // the maze } API: Point pos : (x , y)
Method ‘checkWall’: technical detail
Boolean checkWall (int dir, int col, int row) { switch (dir){ case NORTH: return sWall[row-1][col-1]; case SOUTH: return sWall[row][col-1]; ... (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1) (0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3) (0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4)
Components: separate implementation & separate test
Component test: Test of the component independent of the rest of the system. Integration test: Later on, the collaboration with other components will be tested.
Component test of the maze
Component to be tested Testframe for class Maze class Maze {… } class MazeTest {… }
Test frame: basic principles for test output
% java MazeTest Start location is (0,2): [x=0,y=2] Start direction is EAST = 1: 1 Outside true : true Not outside -> false : false Wall -> true : true No wall -> true : true Actual value Expected value Semantic interpretation
Implementation of the mouse
Starting from the class diagram Mouse - Location : Point Direction : int + started : boolean - theMaze : Maze Mouse (Maze m) getLocation ( ) : Point stepForward ( ) turnLeft ( ) turnRight ( ) facingWall ( ) : boolean outsideMaze ( ) : boolean
Communication between the objects: send a message
Operation of the mouse public boolean facingWall() { return theMaze.checkWall (direction, location); } The mouse sends a message to the maze: ‘If I have a certain location and direction in the maze, is then a wall in front of me?’ Operation of the maze
Methods: ‘turnLeft’ and ‘turnRight’
public void turnLeft() { printoutMove(“turn to the left”); direction = (direction + 3) % 4; } public void turnRight() { printoutMove(“turn to the right”); direction = (direction + 1) % 4; } Think about these formulas.
Method: ‘stepForward’
public void stepForward() { switch (direction) { case NORTH: location.y--; break; case EAST: location.x++; break; case SOUTH: location.y++; break; case WEST: location.x--; break; } printoutMove(“step forward”);
Search algorithm: class ‘MouseMaze’ (1)
public static void main ( ... ) { Maze theMaze = new Maze(); Mouse littleMouse = new Mouse(theMaze); printMaze(theMaze); //move the mouse step by step do{ makeStep(littleMouse); } while (!littleMouse.outsideMaze()); Moves the mouse one step forward, if necessary with turns
Search algorithm: class ‘MouseMaze’ (2)
private static void makestep(Mouse m){ if (m.started){ if (!m.outsideMaze()){ m.turnRight(); while (m.facingWall()){ m.turnLeft(); } m.stepForward(); } else { m.started = true; Visible attribute Moves the mouse one step forward, if necessary with turns
Critics of the implementation
Constant NORTH = 0, … repeatedly defined in three classes source of error better solution: define them in an interface only once Variable ‘started’ visible outside instead of this: - private + additional access operation - modify the algorithm Data representation of the maze is error-prone true/false sequencies correct ? Variables height, width, size may be in contradiction to eWall, sWall better let them compute Strategy of the mouse may be a part of the mouse: Other mice may have other strategies: move at the left-hand wall (mice = plural of mouse)
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