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YEAR 6 Information Session

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Presentation on theme: "YEAR 6 Information Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 YEAR 6 Information Session
9.00am and 3.30pm Thursday 20th September Bham

2 Thanks for coming! 1. High School Admissions 2. NCTs/ SATS Bham


4 High School Admissions
All online (e-Admissions) and you will need an address (googl ) Michelle

5 Key Dates Michelle

6 OPEN EVENTS Michelle

7 A GUIDE! Michelle

8 Using eAdmissions Michelle

9 Michelle

10 CONTACT THEM! Michelle


12 Aims Discussion of how NCTs/SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) are organised Share with you what the tests look like Questions! Bham

13 What are National Curriculum Tests?
End of key stage 2 assessments Informs High Schools but does not affect the admissions process English – reading, spelling/punctuation/grammar (SPAG/GPS) Writing - assessed across the year on independent pieces of writing Maths Bham

14 KS2 Reading Test Reading
The changes already made for the 2014 series will be maintained, i.e. the test will last for one hour, to include reading time, and will consist of a selection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry tests, with an accompanying answer booklet. Questions will be roughly in order of difficulty. The paper will be scored out of 50, as currently, with final raw scores being converted into a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standard. There will be no extension paper. Emma

15 Reading Examples Emma

16 Reading Examples Emma

17 Reading Examples Emma

18 KS2 GPS The structure of the papers will be broadly similar to those currently used: One paper of 45-minute duration will assess punctuation and grammar (50 marks) through short answer questions, while a second test will assess Spelling (20 marks). The spelling test will be read to students, with each spelling contained in a separate sentence as has been the case since 2013. As with Reading, overall marks out of 70 will be converted to a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standard. Most questions on the punctuation & grammar paper will be short answers, with some sentence answers towards the end of the paper. There will be no extension paper. Emma

19 GPS Examples Emma

20 GPS Examples Emma

21 GPS Examples Emma

22 GPS Examples I’ll ful Emma

23 KS2 Mathematics Test There will be a 30-minute arithmetic test. This will consist largely of one-mark questions using context-free calculations. There will be some 2-mark questions for long multiplication and long division calculations. In two-mark questions, it will only be possible to obtain single mark for a wrong answer derived from a correct method when using the intended standard method. There will be a further two test papers, each lasting 40 minutes and containing 40 marks. These will test fluency, reasoning and problem solving, in a manner similar to the current tests. Up to half of the questions will be provided within a context. There will be no calculator paper, and no extension paper. As with other tests, raw scores will be converted to a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standard. Emma

24 Maths Examples Emma - This question illustrates the increased demand of dividing a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. It is presented vertically, to encourage pupils to use a formal written method. Only the use of a formal written method will gain the method mark should the pupil calculate incorrectly.

25 Maths Examples Emma - Pupils now need to know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions by the end of year 6.

26 Maths Examples Emma Pupils now need to be able to calculate the area of triangles & parallelograms.

27 Maths Examples Emma - The understanding of Roman Numerals is new to the curriculum (start in Year 3).

28 Inclusion What if my child is not at “national standard”?
Where is the challenge now? What are the access arrangements? Bham

29 Expectations You have now seen the high expectations for the end of Year 6…So what can we do NOW? Support through: Ensure your child attends any extra sessions if they are invited Support their learning as the topics come up in class (do not just work through revision books!) Be positive about any achievements and build confidence Bham

30 KS2 SATS take place Monday 13th May – Thursday 16th May 2019
When are the SATs? KS2 SATS take place Monday 13th May – Thursday 16th May 2019 Michelle

31 RESULTS End of July with the report Expected or not (higher level)
Scaled score (100+) National comparison Michelle

32 What is important? By May, your child feels: Confident Prepared
Excited Know what they know, and know how to work out the bits they are not sure about! Are excited about the transition to high school Michelle

33 ANY QUESTIONS? Thank you for coming to support your child’s learning – together we can make a difference. Michelle

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