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Comparing Countries Geography of Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Countries Geography of Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Countries Geography of Canada

2 Comparing Countries World Map Population Pyramids Country Snapshots
Improving Quality of Life

3 World Map Label the countries in their respective locations, add all of the usual map essentials, and colour each continent a different colour.

4 World Map North America

5 World Map South America

6 World Map Africa

7 World Map Europe

8 World Map Asia

9 World Map Australia

10 World Map Antarctica

11 Population Pyramids With a world population of more than 6.4 million dispersed across more than 190 countries of various shapes and sizes around the global, it is necessary to determine a method to compare countries equally. What are Population Pyramids? Is a graphical representation of population data Displays population data by age and gender Is a paired horizontal bar graph Uses percentages of males and females for each age group Can be used for predicting future population trends

12 Population Pyramids There are 3 main shapes for a population pyramid:
Increasing/Expanding: Has larger numbers or percentages of the population in the younger age groups, usually with each age group smaller in size or proportion than the one born before it Stable/Stationary: Has relatively equal numbers or percentages for almost all age groups, with the oldest age groups having smaller numbers Declining: Has smaller numbers or percentages at the younger age groups, usually with each age group slightly larger than the one below it

13 Three Shapes of Population Pyramids

14 Population Pyramids Canada
There are bulges and narrower parts in the middle part of the pyramid. The people in their 20s in 1961 were born during the Depression, a time of economic hardship in Canada when people were having fewer children. The pyramid narrows toward the top. This is because the death rate is higher among older people than among younger people. In 1961 the pyramid had a wide base. These are the baby boomers, a large group of people born between 1947 and 1966 when the economy was growing.


16 John Humphrey Author, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

17 Maurice Strong Chair, 1992 UN Earth Summit

18 Matthew Coon Come Former National Chief, Assembly of First Nations
Aboriginal Rights Activist

19 Louise Fréchette Former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

20 MGen Lewis Mackenzie Retired two-star General of the Canadian Forces
Former Commander, United Nations Mission in Yugoslavia

21 The Hon. Lloyd Axworthy Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Coordinator, United Nations Ottawa Convention Banning Landmines

22 6. The Rt. Hon Lester B. Pearson
Former Prime Minister of Canada Invented the concept of Peacekeeping Won the Nobel Peace Prize

23 5. Dr. David Suzuki Geneticist, Scientist, and Environmentalist
Founder, David Suzuki Foundation

24 52. Craig Kielburger Children’s Rights Activist
Founder, Free the Children Author, Me to We: Turning Self-Help on Its Head

25 17. H.E. Stephen Lewis Leader, Ontario New Democratic Party
Ambassador of Canada to the United Nations Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) U.N. Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa

26 16. LGen The Hon. Roméo Dallaire
Retired 3-star General of the Canadian Forces Former Commander, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda Senator of Canada

27 Youth Can Change the World!
How can YOU improve someone’s quality of life AT HOME?

28 Youth Can Change the World!
How can YOU improve someone’s quality of life IN THE COMMUNITY?

29 Youth Can Change the World!
How can YOU improve someone’s quality of life ACROSS CANADA?

30 Youth Can Change the World!
How can YOU improve someone’s quality of life AROUND THE WORLD?

31 Technology for a Better Future
How will new technologies improve the quality of life for Canadians in the future? Write a “journal entry” that you might make 25 years from now that explains how new inventions have improved our lives. Be creative!

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