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Social Media Workshop GAEOP - April 10, 2017 This presentation available at

2 Relevant places you might find me:
Granite Media [ ] #GSDEdTech Dept. Site [ ] [ ] Twitter ] Goodreads [ ] Joshua Whiting Educational Technology Dept. Granite School District Media Specialist [ID Badge] Inst Technology Library Media Middle Manager [HR Official Record] Digital Librarian [Something I Made Up Once] About Me

3 Today’s Agenda Digital Citizenship Twitter Yammer Facebook
Questions, Idea-Sharing, Other Social Networks, Etc. Playground / Try Stuff


5 “Digital citizenship is the ability to participate safely, intelligently, productively and responsibly in the digital world. “Digital citizenship should also include positive, creative, deliberate use of technological tools and skills to create, connect, communicate, and collaborate in ways that make a positive contribution to family, school, and community life.” — Digital Citizenship Utah (

6 Digital Citizenship Resources
Granite Social Networking Policy

7 I Don’t Have Anything to Share

8 Discussion: As members of a school or district community, what positive things can we do or share with social media? (Answer online with Padlet if you wish)

9 Twitter

10 Twitter Sign-Up See also: A Visual Guide to Twitter for Beginners
Enter name, , and password here A few good Granite follows: @EdTechGSD @LibraryMediaGSD Granite Educators (Twitter List) Your school or department accounts Anyone who uses #gsdedtech Make suggestions! In the sign-up process Twitter will entice you to follow all sorts of celebrity and commercial accounts, but you can choose to skip these by finding the tiny “Skip This Step” link at the bottom of the screen. Pro Tip: Set up your profile BEFORE following a lot of accounts, esp. of educators you don’t know already.

11 Twitter Sign-Up See also: A Visual Guide to Twitter for Beginners
Enter name, , and password here A few good Granite follows: @EdTechGSD @LibraryMediaGSD @PFlanagan2 @DaniKSloan @armstrongacad Your schools’ accounts Everyone on today’s #granitetechchat Anyone who uses #graniteedtech Make suggestions! Curated lists coming soon. In the sign-up process Twitter will entice you to follow all sorts of celebrity and commercial accounts, but you can choose to skip these by finding the tiny “Skip This Step” link at the bottom of the screen. Pro Tip: Set up your profile BEFORE following a lot of accounts, esp. of educators you don’t know already.

12 Start exploring twitter, no account necessary! Example Search Term: #gsdedtech

13 Exploring Educational Hashtags on Twitter
More to Explore #edchat | #utedchat #engchat | #scichat | #sschat | #mathchat #kinderchat | #1stchat | #2ndchat | #3rdchat | #4thchat | #5thchat | #6thchat #edtech | #edtechchat [site] #STEM | #STEAM | #PBL | #MakerEd #tlchat [site] | #nerdybookclub [site] #wndb | #WeNeedDiverseBooks [site] Guide to Educational Hashtags Schedule of Educational Twitter Chats I want us all to get a glimpse of how librarians and educators are using twitter right now. So rather than spending time on how to sign up for twitter, the anatomy and mechanics of a tweet, I want us all to jump right into the middle of things. We are going to do that by using hashtags to search and filter twitter in realtime. You don’t need an account to do this, and I’m going to suggest to you today that it is perfectly okay for you to begin by being a lurker on twitter. You don’t need to start by setting up your bio and picture (although these things are important if you are going to use twitter to its full potential), or by tweeting things. Compiled by:

14 Twitter Vocabulary Tweet: Each of your twitter posts is known as a tweet. Retweet (RT): When you share a tweet with your followers. Reply: When you respond to a tweet from a particular user. Hashtags: Hashtags are words or acronyms that begin with the number sign (#). They are used when many people are tweeting about the same topic or from the same event. This makes your tweet searchable. Follow: To follow someone on Twitter means to subscribe to their Tweets or updates on the site. Follower: While Facebook requires that all relationships be reciprocal, Twitter allows for one-way relationships. If you find Twitter users who are interesting, you can follow them to subscribe to their tweets. Mention: Mentioning another user in your Tweet by including sign followed directly by their username is called a mention. .

15 H Created by All Twitter: The Unofficial Twitter Resource

16 Twitter Profile Essentials
HEADER PHOTO Shows competence Shows personality PROFILE PICTURE/AVATAR Get Rid of Newbie Egg ASAP Cartoons? Use w/ caution NAME, BIO, LOCATION, &c. Real name, profession Give a sense of what you will tweet about Twitter Profile Essentials

17 Yammer

18 What is Yammer? “Social Workspace”

19 Accessing Granite’s Yammer (2 Ways)
Visit Login by entering your and district password Visit the district portal ( Login with your district username and password Click on the Office 365 icon Click on the Yammer icon

20 Yammer Discussion Example

21 Discussion: What are some ways you could see using yammer to collaborate with fellow secretaries and office professionals? (Answer in the Yammer post if you wish)

22 Facebook

23 Facebook: Personal vs. Professional Use
The good and the bad: You must first create and use a personal facebook account to create and manage a page for an organization

24 Facebook: Tips for Personal Use
Privacy Settings > “Privacy Checkup” Activity Log Unfollowing people/apps/post types Teaching Facebook’s algorithms what you would like to see Always remember you are the product, not the customer

25 Facebook: Professional Use
Create or Manage a Page Create or Manage a Group

26 Questions? Ideas? Complaints? Other Networks?

27 Play Around / Try Stuff

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