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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

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1 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Welcome to Our MBSR Orientation MAKE SURE RECORD IS ON FOR ZOOM! ----- Meeting Notes (1/10/19) ----- Stay after with any questions Angela Parrish & Rosy Sharma Sedhain Florida Community of Mindfulness

2 Intentions for Our Orientation
Share a brief history of the MBSR program Introduce Mindfulness Meet each other Review class logistics Understand the risks and benefits of the program Turn in registration forms

3 History of MBSR Founded in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D, at UMass Medical Center for patients suffering from anxiety and chronic pain Over 24,000 graduates in hundreds of centers throughout world almost 40 years!

4 History of MBSR Professional teacher training program
Many studies demonstrating benefits of mindfulness practice for people with many psychological and physical ailments Anxiety & panic attacks; work/family/financial stress; asthma, cancer, chronic illness, eating disturbances, fatigue, headaches, heart disease, GI distress, sleep problems and more Most everyone you meet today seems to suffer from stress at some level. At work, home, in relationships. Most take it for granted and assume it's normal. It may be common, but it is not healthy!

5 Benefits of Regular Mindfulness Practice
Stress Reduction Lower levels of cortisol Reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression Decreased reaction in the amygdala Lower blood pressure Increased Focus Greater attentional stamina Better awareness of metacognitive processes Improved awareness of the present moment Enhanced Executive Function Cortical thickening leads to more integrated brain and faster info processing Fluid Intelligence / Working Memory more readily accessible Improved Well-Being Strengthened auto-immune response Better emotional regulation / impulse control Increased pro- social emotions and behaviors Studies have shown ... (Metacognition refers to higher order thinking which involves active control over the cognitive processes engaged in learning. Activities such as planning how to approach a given task, monitoring comprehension, and evaluating progress toward the completion of a task are metacognitive in nature.

6 What is Mindfulness? Our natural capacity to be present to our moment to moment experience Paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally – Jon Kabat-Zinn whether that experience is enjoying nature or noticing that stress is arising. We are often somewhere else in our minds and miss what’s right in front of us. We often react to life on autopilot without stopping and seeing what is present and responding in a way that supports our wellbeing.

7 Grounding in the Present Moment
Awareness of internal sensations Body, emotions, thoughts, memories, attitudes, moods Awareness of external perceptions Form, sights, sounds, smells, tastes Impermanence All things change, moment to moment Within and without Being aware of constant change in what we observe

8 Non Judgment Mindfulness involves paying attention on purpose without judgment or resistance Acknowledging and allowing your experience to be the way it is, even when not pleasant Pain/Discomfort + Resistance = Suffering Leads to compassion, new possibilities and wise action We are often “at war with reality.” Something has happened that we don’t like, or just the thought of that something happening, and we resist, become stressed, angry, fearful. We’ll explore this.

9 Practice 5 minute sit Posture, relax face & shoulders, let your attention rest on the breath at nostrils IQ: What did you notice?

10 Introductions Share name and something that makes you smile.

11 Logistics Our schedule: Every Sunday, Jan 13 to Mar 3, 2:00 to 4:30 pm
One “Daylong”, Feb 23, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Please arrive a few minutes early Call or Angie ( , if you will be late or are unable to attend class No scheduled breaks

12 Logistics In each class we will learn different forms of mindfulness practice: Body Scan Sitting meditation Mindful Eating Yoga Walking meditation Train the muscle of mindfulness! In a variety of ways through our practices over the 8 weeks. Everything you know how to do, but we'll be doing it perhaps a bit differently, with mindfulness.

13 Logistics Our Journey: Cultivate the habit of mindfulness
Learn about stress, exploring our behavioral, physical, emotional and cognitive stress patterns/reactivity and more skillful responses to these reactive patterns Learn mindful ways to communicate Choose nourishing behaviors and activities

14 Logistics Some Important Details:
Wear comfortable clothing, avoid perfumed toiletries Respect confidentiality Materials to be handed out 1/13 Importance of Home Practice ( minutes/day)

15 Home Practice Will be sending a link right after first class

16 Benefits & Risks of MBSR
Self Care 8 weeks, invite you to join us on this journey, participate in practices. We ask each of you to be your own caretaker, to be mindful of any limits you may have and to dialogue w/us about any concerns.

17 Physical risks: practicing mindful yoga

18 Emotional Risks Feelings of sadness, anger, fear, could seem stronger at the beginning since you may be paying attention in a conscious way for the first time History of trauma, abuse or addiction may heighten these reactions. Please talk with Angie You may make discoveries about yourself that you may not like You may be challenged, and find yourself facing the unknown This is not therapy; it is a complement for therapy, does not take the place of working with a therapist We ask each student to be very attentive to any past trauma, psychosis or suicidal tendencies We don’t know if anyone here has had suicidal thoughts, but if they do, this might not be the right time for this class. Please see teachers outside of class if any such thoughts arise during the program. If you question issues with therapy please meet with your therapist to resolve.

19 Other People in Your Life
It may be a challenge to set aside the space and time to do this practice; important to request support from family, friends and/or co-workers Your patterns of reactivity, behavior and communication may change, and your family, friends and/or co-workers may be uncomfortable with the “new you” Your relationships with yourself and others may change

20 Establishing a Regular Time for Practice
Consistent time of day Create a space Put your “track shoes” on each day, even if for just a short period of time Use of timer may be helpful

21 Increased awareness and concentration
Benefits Increased awareness and concentration

22 Quieter mind, sense of balance and enhanced wellbeing
Benefits Quieter mind, sense of balance and enhanced wellbeing

23 Benefits New ways to cope more effectively with your own condition, difficulty, pain or suffering Inner resources

24 Learning to take better care of yourself
Benefits Learning to take better care of yourself

25 Completing Registration Forms
Making sure MBSR is suitable for YOU Sharing important information

26 Questions?

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