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Date Submitted: [Sept. 18, 2006 ]

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1 Date Submitted: [Sept. 18, 2006 ]
Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [The Difference on PHY layer between Chinese WPAN and IEEE ] Date Submitted: [Sept. 18, 2006 ] Source: [Liang Li ] Company: [, Vinno Technologies Inc. ] Address: [2 Xinxi St, Building D, Haidian District, Beijing, China ] Voice:[ ], ] Re: [ IEEE SG4c ] Abstract: [Description the major different on PHY Layer between IEEE802.15WG and Chinese WPAN WG] Purpose: [To encourage discussion.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

2 The Permitted Operation Frequency Bands of LR-WPAN in Chinese Markets
Radio Management Office of P.R.China (Supervised by Ministry of Info Industry) approved the following frequency bands and TX power limitation for the operation of WPAN equipment MHz, Pt <=10mw (e.i.r.p) MHz, MHz, BW<=400KHz, Pt <=10mw (e.i.r.p) Radio Management of P.R.China does not object the ISM frequency band for the operation of WPAN equipment MHz, Pt <=10mw (e.i.r.p) Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

3 The Promoted Communication Tech in LR-WPAN(1)
Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

4 The Promoted Communication Tech in LR-WPAN(2)
The MPSK tech is adopted as the basic modulation of communication in LR-WPAN at less 1Ghz bands. The Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) tech is applied Pre-processing are applied. Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

5 The Promoted Communication Tech in LR-WPAN(2)
Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

6 The Promoted Communication Tech in LR-WPAN(3)
The Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) tech is applied 16 orthogonal spreading sequences are designed to map 4 information bits. The base sequence is a 16 length chirp sequence and the other 15 sequences are its cyclic shifts. Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

7 The Promoted Communication Tech in LR-WPAN(4)
The Pre-Processing: The Chips in SFD are conjugated. All chips of each symbol in the head and load of PPDU should be modified by –1 or 1 based on the follow PN code serials. The PN code is generated from the following linear feedback shift register. The initial coefficient (r6, r5, r4, r3, r2, r1, r0,) = (0, 1, 0 ,0 ,1, 1, 1). As PN code= 1, the chips of each symbol is modified by –1; if PN code=0, the chips is modified by 1. Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

8 Promoted Communication Tech in LR-WPAN(2)
The Pulse Shaping Filter on I and Q path is designed as: The Transmit waveform and Spectrum are : Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

9 Promoted MAC Technologies in LR-WPAN
The MAC layer of Chinese LR-WPAN is still totally finished, The spec of MAC layer promoted by Chinese LR-WPAN standard may be compatible to the spec of MAC layer of IEEE b The packet frame of Chinese LR-WPAN is similar to ones of IEEE b The Chinese LR-WPAN may reuse the most primitives, their structure and description. The operation procedure of Chinese LR-WPAN is similar to ones of IEEE b Some major modification are added, such as Modifying the CSMA/CA operation Extending the SuperFrame structures Submission Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

10 The final solution is still not set up. Security Submission
Liang Li, Vinno Technologies Inc.

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