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Annual Tribal and EPA Conference October 31, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Tribal and EPA Conference October 31, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Tribal and EPA Conference October 31, 2018
California Air Resources Board Supplemental Environmental Project Case Study Annual Tribal and EPA Conference October 31, 2018

2 Overview Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
2/15/2019 Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network Placer County Community Based SEP Program SEP Application Process

3 SEP Program Overview SEP Proposal Submitted to CARB from CalEPA website CARB reviews and approves SEP according to CARB’s SEP Policy SEP placed on Cal EPA’s public SEP Eligibility list SEP is ready to be funded A CARB regulated violation occurs CARB works with responsible party to offset up to 50% of penalty with a SEP Violator and SEP recipient sign the SEP Agreement Project Reports are Submitted to CARB

4 SEP Program Process Phase 1: Application Phase 2: Selection
Submittal Review Approval Listing Phase 2: Selection SEP Agreement Funding Phase 3: Project Reporting Monthly Final

5 Project Categories To be Discussed
Community Monitoring Project/Transbondary Funds will be directed to continue an established air monitoring program located on the California Mexico Boarder Air Mitigation Installation of Air Filtration Systems in Schools

6 Overview Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
2/15/2019 Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network Placer County Community Based SEP Program SEP Application Process

7 San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
SEP Applicant: Casa Familiar, Inc. Community Partners: Cal State San Diego, University of Washington, and Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Pollutant Nexus: CO, GHG, NOx, PM Location Nexus: San Ysidro and the California Mexico Boarder Crossing Total Budget: $150, Summary: The information collected will be used to identify the sources and levels of air pollution with the goal of developing mitigation strategies that might reduce exposure in the community. Regular meetings between the project group and the community will ensure that community concerns are well understood and being addressed.

8 San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
Air Monitoring– Casa Familiar, Inc. Objective: continue funding to an existing air monitoring network that began operating in January 2017 12 monitors measure: PM2.5, CO, NO, NO2, and O3 Monitors are located at schools Data is available online to the community

9 San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network

10 San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network – Website Example Pollutant Measurements in Real Time

11 San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
Agreement and Project Funding Package SEP Agreement – Terms and Release Attachments Attachment A-2 SEP Payment Transmittal Form Attachment B SEP Agreement Exhibit 1 Project Details and Reporting Requirements Attachment C SEP Payment Acknowledgement Form Letter to SEP Recipient

12 San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
Reporting This project was just funded and no project reports have been received

13 Overview Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
2/15/2019 Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network Placer County Community Based SEP Program SEP Application Process

14 Placer County Community Based SEP Program
SEP Applicant: Placer County Air Pollution Control District Pollutant Nexus: Ultrafine Particles 1 ("UFP"), Black Carbon ("BC"), and Fine Particulate Matter ("PM 2.5") Location Nexus: Placer County Budget: $635, Summary: This SEP will install and maintain high-performance air filtration systems in schools within communities most impacted by toxic air contaminants within the jurisdiction of the Placer County APCD.

15 Placer County Community Based SEP Program
Installation of high-performance systems in 8 schools Collection of air flow and monitoring data Post installation reports Training of maintenance staff Five to ten year supply of filters

16 Placer County Community Based SEP Program-SEP Agreement and Project Funding Package

17 Placer County Community Based SEP Program-SEP Reporting
Monthly Reports Details Timeline Tasks Cost breakdown

18 Overview Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network
2/15/2019 Introduction San Ysidro Community Air Monitoring Network Placer County Community Based SEP Program SEP Application Process

19 SEP Application Process
Frequently Asked Questions

20 What makes a SEP stand apart from a Grant?
A SEP is not the same as a grant. A project that meets the policy will be listed by CARB on the CalEPA website for selection by violators SEPs can be for any dollar amount There is no time limit tied to the project completion. However, the budgets are fixed in the proposals and any updates or changes must be submitted and approved by CARB.

21 Is the approval of a project a guarantee of funding?
No SEP funding is an elective alternative to paying a penalty to the Air Pollution Control Fund, and The settling party get to choose (stay tuned…this process will change slightly with the addition of the third party administrator)

22 What should I keep in mind when designing a SEP?
Use the policy as a guide to develop the project concept. Think about the selection criteria CARB must consider when approving a SEP. Ask yourself these questions. Does my proposal fall into one or more of the SEP Categories? Does my proposal meet the Qualifying Criteria? Does my proposal contain elements of the Preference Criteria? Build your application around answering these questions in the CARB SEP application.

23 What is the process for submitting a SEP?
Go to CARB’s SEP webpage and complete the SEP application online Applications are screened by CalEPA and forwarded to CARB for review to ensure it meets CARB’s SEP Policy

24 What happens once my application is sent to CARB for review?
CARB staff will send an notification to all applicants indicating if the SEP: Application has been received and is under review The project has been approved and placed on the SEP eligibility list The application was denied with an explanation

25 If my SEP was denied can I revise my application and resubmit?
Yes, if a SEP application is denied, CARB will provide an explanation to the applicant for denial. Applicants can revise and resubmit their proposals based on CARB’s feedback. An applicant is encouraged to follow-up with CARB staff and ask questions.

26 Can I submit multiple SEPs or submit a SEP for an ongoing project?
Yes, an applicant can submit multiple SEPs and can also submit a proposal for an ongoing project that meets CARB’s qualifying criteria. The applicant should clearly describe the ongoing project, the status, milestones achieved, and future milestones that will be funded if approved for eligibility.

27 Can I submit my application at anytime during the year?
Yes, CARB’s SEP application process is ongoing and applications are reviewed as they are received.

28 For a List of Available SEPs…
The list of approved SEPs are located at

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