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Muscles of Meditation
Diaphragm O: Costal attachment Inner surface ribs 7-12
Lumbar attachment Upper 2-3 lumbar vertebrae Sternal attachment Inner xiphoid process I: Central tendon A: Draw down central tendon, increase volume at inspiration of thoracic cavity N: Phrenic C3-5
External & Internal Intercostals
O: Inferior border of rib above I: Superior border of rib below A: External : Drawing ribs superiorly to assist with inhalation (increase thoracic cavity space) Internal: Drawing ribs inferiorly to assist with exhalation (decrease thoracic cavity space) N: Thoracic Inspiration: SCM, Scalens, External Intercostals, Diagphragm Expiration: Internal Intercostals, Rectus abdominus, Tranverse abdominus, Internal & External Obliques
Inspiratory & Expiratory Muscles
Primary Inspiration Diaphragm Levator costarum External intercostals Interior intercostals, anterior Secondary Inspiration Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior Serratus posterior superior Latissimus dorsei Subclavicus Erector spinae, thoracic Primary Expiration External oblique Internal oblique Rectus abdominus Transversus abdomis Internal intercostals, posterior Transversus thoracis Secondary Expiration Latissimus dorsi Serratus posteriorinferior Quadratus lumborum
Inspiration 1). The thoracic cavity vacuum 2)
Inspiration 1). The thoracic cavity vacuum 2). diaphragm moves inferiorly 3). intercostal muscles contract 4). increases the volume 5). stretches the lungs and increases their volume. 6). Intrapulmonary pressure decreases relative to atmospheric pressure. 7). Air flows in
Expiration 1). The diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax. 2)
Expiration 1). The diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax. 2). Decreasing thoracic volume. 3). Elastic fibers allow the lungs to recoil. 4). Decreasing lung volume. 5). Air is forced out
Optimizing सिद्धासन Siddhasana >> dhyana (meditation) and pranayama (breath) exercises…Sukhasana (Sanskrit: सुखासन; IAST: Sukhāsana), Easy Pose[1][2][3][4], Decent Pose[5], or Pleasant Pose[6], is an asana practised in yoga, buddhism and hinduism, similar to sitting in a simple cross-legged position. While opening the hips and lengthening the spine, the posture's relative ease on the knees makes it easier than siddhasana or padmasana for people with physical difficulties.
Contract Psoas major and Quadratus lumborum to stabilize lumboscaral spine & ground pelvis.
Psoas major O: Bodies & tranverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
I: Lesser trochanter A: Fixed Origin: Flex, laterally rotate hip Fixed Insertion: Flex trunk toward thigh Anterior pelvic tilt Unilaterally: Assist to laterally flex lumbar spine N: Lumbar plexus L1-4
Quadratus lumborum O: Posterior iliac crest
I: Rib 12 & L1-4 transverse processes A: Unilaterally: Laterally tilt/elevate pelvis Laterally flex vertebral column to same side Assist to extend vertebral column Bilaterally: Fix rib 12 during forced inspiration & expiration N: Lumbar plexus T12, L1-3
Lumbosacral spine
Contract Erector Spinae to straighten spine & move energy upwards.
Erector Spinae Group O: Thoracolumbar aponeurosis that attaches to posterior surface of sacrum, iliac crest, spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae & last two thoracic vertebrae I: Various attachments at posterior ribs, spinous & transverse processes of thoracic & cervical vertebrae, mastoid process of temporal bone A: Unilaterally: Laterally flex vertebral column to same side Bilaterally: Extend vertebral column N: Spinal Spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
Draw scapulae towards midline by contracting Rhomboids
Draw scapulae towards midline by contracting Rhomboids. This action opens the chest. Balance this by closed-chain contraction of Pectoralis minor to lift rib cage.
Rhombiod major & R. minor
O: R.major T2-5 spinous processes R.minor C7 &T1 spinous processes I: R.major Medial border scapula between spine of scapula & inferior angle Upper portion of medial border scapula, across from scapular spine A: Adduct, downward rotation, elevate scapula N: Dorsal scapular C4-5
Pectoralis minor O: Ribs 3-5
I: Medial surface of coracoid process of scapula A:Depress, abduct, downward rotation scapula; if fixed scapula assists to elevatethorax during forced inhalation N: Medial pectoral C6- C8, T1
Contract Latissimus dorsi to further open the chest
Contract Latissimus dorsi to further open the chest. Lift spine by gently contracting Triceps brachii pressing hands into knees.
Latissimus dorsi O: Inferior angle of scapula, T6-12 spinous processes, ribs 9-12, thoracolumbar aponeuorsis, posterior iliac crest I: Intertubercular groove A: Extend, adduct, medially rotate shoulder N: Thoracodorsal C6-8
Triceps brachii O: Long head Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Lateral head Posterior surface of proximal ½ of humerus Medial head Posterior surface of distal ½ of humerus I: Olecranon process of ulna A: All heads Extend elbow Long head Extend & adduct shoulder N: Radial C6-8, T1
Complete & balance pose by adding Rectus abdominis to activate Uddiyana bandha.
Uddiyana bandha tones, massages and cleans the abdominal organs. It involves, after having exhaled all the air out, pulling the abdomen in and up under the rib cage by means of taking a false inhale while holding the breath (performing the same action of an inhale without actually pulling any air into the body) and then release the abdomen after a pause. Then, the whole cycle of false inhale, pause and release is repeated many times before letting the air into the lungs, resuming normal breath.
Rectus abdominus O: Pubic crest, pubic symphysis
I: Xiphoid process, cartilage of ribs 5-7 A: Flex vetebral column Posterior pelvic tilt N: T5-12, ventral rami
Prepared by: James E Strozier, LMBT 2012
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