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Social Workers Write (a lot)

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Presentation on theme: "Social Workers Write (a lot)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Workers Write (a lot)
A guide to writing papers in Social Welfare, using APA, and finding support as you write. (or how to succeed at writing without pulling your hair out) Sherry Warren, LMSW

2 Why is writing important in social welfare?
KU Writing Center Why is writing important in social welfare? Client Advocacy Learning about theories, contexts, other people, and ourselves Reflection and improved practice Sharing knowledge How many of you have some anxiety around writing? What do you fear? Let us help you. Writing is NOT an individual, solitary activity. It is, in practice and by nature, social! Don’t resist this aspect of it. 

3 Advocacy through Writing
KU Writing Center Advocacy through Writing Consider your audiences Clients? Clients’ families, friends, communities? Other professionals? Academics? Government or legal agencies? What will they value? How will you present information and connect with them? Convince or move them?

4 KU Writing Center Types of documents Daily practice: s, letters, newsletters, case records, and reports Professional context: Literature reviews, papers, and presentations Direct advocacy: funding applications, policy proposals, media releases

5 APA Style Provides Documentation guidelines
KU Writing Center APA Style Provides Documentation guidelines Expectations for writing style, tone and organization Rules of grammar Mechanics of style Concise (Economy of expression 3.08) Values standardization of papers so that research can be easily compared

6 KU Writing Center Why cite using APA? Acknowledge those you’ve learned from (see CU’s Academic Integrity policy) Build credibility for yourself and for the people you work with Guide readers to further information

7 In-text citation: Paraphrases
KU Writing Center In-text citation: Paraphrases If you mention the author in the sentence, place the publication year in parentheses directly after name: Walter (2000) found that the strengths perspective worked well with… If you do not mention the author’s name, save parenthetical reference for the end: Many researchers have studied the strengths perspective (Walter, 2000; Davis, 1998).

8 In-text citation: Quotations
KU Writing Center In-text citation: Quotations Author in sentence: Miele (1993) found that “the ‘placebo effect’ disappeared when [only the first group’s] behaviors were modified” (p. 276). Author not in sentence: She stated that “The ‘placebo effect’…disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner” (Miele, 1993, p. 276).

9 Reference List Alphabetized by author last name Different formats for
KU Writing Center Reference List Alphabetized by author last name Different formats for Books Chapters in edited volumes Periodicals Websites Print sources on the web Ask profs about title page, abstract, and first person. Their preferences vary.

10 Avoiding bias in language (aka, client-centered language)
KU Writing Center Avoiding bias in language (aka, client-centered language) Be descriptive and specific: Describe individuals and groups as they describe themselves, including them in the decision when possible. Find alternatives to the generic he and man. Singular they is used when people identify as they. APA recommends him or her or he or she, or to make it plural. Age: be specific and avoid pejorative terms (e.g. elderly) Person-first language: person with neurosis person who lives with bipolar disorder Racial & ethnic groups are capitalized Black rather than black; White rather than white etc. But as an adjective, use the lowercase = white person Sexual orientation rather than sexual preference

11 Checking Reading Level
Directions on how to check readability level in Word

12 Verbs Use past tense in literature review and to present your results:
KU Writing Center Verbs Use past tense in literature review and to present your results: Sanchez (2004) reported that… We found that 65% of the participants adopted more formal speech… Use present tense to discuss or synthesize: Overall analysis suggests that… The majority of researchers seem to support the hypothesis…

13 Verbs Passive and active voice
KU Writing Center Verbs Passive and active voice Verbs are vigorous, direct communicators! Link to directions for letting Word check for you Prefer the active voice The survey was conducted in a controlled setting. (passive) We conducted the survey in a controlled setting. (active) Use passive voice judiciously to focus the object or recipient of action rather than the actor The speakers were attached to either side of the chair.

14 Numbers: Expressed as numerals
KU Writing Center Numbers: Expressed as numerals Numbers 10 and above Numbers below 10 grouped for comparison with numbers 10 and above Numbers preceding a unit of measurement or statistical function, such as 25.6%. Numbers representing time, date, age, population size, etc. Numbers in series, such as Table 1, Chapter 7, etc.

15 Numbers: Expressed as words
KU Writing Center Numbers: Expressed as words Numbers below 10 Zero and one when words would be easier to comprehend than numerals Any number that begins a title, text heading, or sentence Common fractions (two-thirds) Numbers expressing approximate lengths of time (about three hours)

16 KU Writing Center Punctuation Use comma to set off the year in dates and in parenthetical reference citations, as in (Thompson, 2009). Use a semicolon to separate elements in a series already containing commas, as in (Thompson, 2009; Zander, 2010)

17 Use commas between all elements of a series (Oxford comma): A, B, and C.

18 KU Writing Center Punctuation Use a colon between a complete introductory clause and a final phrase or a complete sentence, as in These are the options: Introduce a single-payer system or create a government insurance pool. Hyphenate compound words used as adjectives, as in same-day appointment or two-time winner. Do not use dashes; instead, use parentheses, as in Studs Terkel (author of the classic Working) died recently.

19 Resources The Writing Center Online Writing Lab at Purdue
APA Style Blog Buy the book! <$20 SIXTH EDITION!!

20 Determining Bias in News
Fact Check Make Use Of Politifact All Sides

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