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Unit: The Constitution Focus Question: Why is compromise necessary?

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1 Unit: The Constitution Focus Question: Why is compromise necessary?
MYP Unit Inquiry: How Much Power Should Government Have? Focus Question: Why is compromise necessary? Focus Activity: Take out Shays’ Rebellion HW Homework: LTA Rough Draft BP 2 due tomorrow; LTA Extra Help tomorrow morning Monday, January 7th, 2019 First Full Week of the Year  Reminders: LTA due Friday, 1/11 Test corrections due Wednesday, 1/9


3 Delegates Of The Constitutional Convention

4 John Dickinson (Delaware)

5 George Washington (Virginia)

6 George Mason (Virginia)

7 William Paterson (New Jersey)

8 Edmund Randolph (Virginia)

9 James Madison (Virginia)

10 Benjamin Franklin (Pennsylvania)

11 James Wilson (Pennsylvania)

12 Gouverneur Morris (Pennsylvania)

13 Elbridge Gerry (Massachusetts)

14 Roger Sherman (Connecticut)

15 Alexander Hamilton (New York)

16 Exit Card Pretend that you are one of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Write a Tweet that your delegate would have made about what he thinks should happen to the U.S. Government at the Convention.

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